Natural Resources, Extractive Industries and Social Conflict
Promoting the environmentally and socially sustainable management of natural resources is one of the biggest challenges facing the countries of the Andean-Amazonian region—in particular, Peru. The high frequency of conflict that accompanies extractive activities, the growing deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, and recurring water scarcity due to climate change are just some examples of the multiplicity of challenges that the Andean-Amazonian region faces in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In light of these challenges, our research analyzes the existing social, economic, and political conditions that hinder the sustainable management of resources through a territorial and interdisciplinary approach. We then use these studies to propose public policy recommendations for the better governance of resources Our studies have contributed to the analysis of several specific topics such as territorial management policies, institutional changes linked to small and large-scale mining development, the relationship between land tenure systems and sustainable pasture management, and policies governing access to water in the context of extractive activities and climate change. We have also conducted evaluations of resource management projects and policies such as conservation initiatives and sustainable agriculture in the Amazon.
Senior Researchers
Gerardo Damonte Valencia (on leave)
PhD en Anthropology - Cornell University
Gerardo Damonte Valencia has an MA and PhD in Anthropology from Cornell University. He carries out research in the field of natural resources at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) (currently on leave) along with his teaching position in the Department of Political Sciences at the Pontifical Catholic University in Peru. Gerardo leads […]
Manuel Glave Testino
PhD en Economics - University of Illinois en Champaign
Manuel Glave has a PhD in Economics from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. He is a Senior Researcher at GRADE where he specialises in rural development, environmental economics and natural resources, and where he undertakes analysis of public policy relating to agriculture and the environment. He is a Senior Professor in the Department of […]
Eduardo Zegarra Méndez
PhD en Agricultural and Applied Economics - University of Wisconsin
Eduardo Zegarra is an economist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and has a PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics from the University of Wisconsin, specializing in rural development and natural resource management. His dissertation explores the workings and failures of the water market in Chile. He has researched and published on a wide […]
Associated Researchers
Juana Kuramoto Huamán (on leave)
PhD candidate en Innovation & Technology - Maastricht University
Juana Kuramoto received a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the University Carnegie Mellon in 1995. She is currently studying for a PhD in Policy Studies and Technological Change at the University of Maastricht and is an Associate Researcher at GRADE. Her fields of interest are technological innovation, scientific and technological policy, and mining. She […]
External Consultants
Álvaro Hopkins Barriga
Master en - Wageningen University & Research
Álvaro has a Master’s in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica and a degree in Economics from the same university. Also, he has a Master’s in Development Economics from Wageningen University & Research. He rejoins GRADE as a researcher for the project “Towards a Sustainable Infrastructure in the Peruvian Amazon”, led by Manuel Glave.
Lorenzo López Garnier
Master en - Imperial College London
Lorenzo holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Technology with a specialization in Environmental Resources Management from Imperial College London and a Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from King’s College London in UK. He rejoins GRADE as a Consultant in the ‘Transitions to Sustainability’ project led by Manuel Glave.
Carlos Monge Salgado
PhD en - University of Miami
Anthropologist by the Pontifical University Catholic of the Peru, Ph.d. in Latin American history from the University of Miami. Has been a Researcher at the Centro de Estudios Rurales Andinos Bartolomé de las Casas in Cuzco; researcher and Development Area Coordinator at the Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales in Lima, advisor to the Confederación Campesina […]
External Affiliated Researchers
Sonia Laszlo
PhD en - University of Toronto
Sonia Laszlo is Associate Professor of Economics and Director of the Institute for the Study of International Development. Her main research areas cover many aspects of applied microeconomic analysis in economic development: rural development, access to markets, and the relationship between income, health and education in economic development. In addition to using traditional analytic tools […]
Visiting Researchers
Ashley Manning
Student en -
Ashley is a student in Geography at Dartmouth College, United States. During her residency at GRADE she supported Javier Escobal as a research intern.
Proyecto Alianza Forestal: manejo de bosques comunales para la sostenibilidad socioeconómica y ambiental
2024 Manuel Glave, Marcela Cavassa, Oriana Heredia, Karla Vergara
Since 2019, the Forest Alliance Project has implemented a communal forest management model in seven native Amazonian communities of the Shipibo-Konibo and Kakataibo ethnic groups. To do so, it adopted an ecosystem approach to communal territory, which improves the livelihoods of indigenous families through sustainable enterprises. This book gathers the systematization of the project experience […]
Estrategias de diversificación de ingresos más allá del margen: una mirada a microcosmos rurales con gran minería en los andes rurales
Perspectivas sobre desarrollo y territorio en el nuevo contexto. Homenaje a Efraín Gonzales de Olarte2023 Manuel Glave
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Hacia una política de gestión integral de pasivos ambientales mineros en Chile
2023 Julieta Godfrid, Pamela Poo Cifuentes, Tomás Palmisano, Claudia Fuentes Pereira, Manuel Glave
En Chile existen 5422 faenas mineras abandonadas o inactivas (SERNAGEOMIN, 2019) que constituyen un riesgo potencial para la salud de las poblaciones y los ecosistemas. La infraestructura minera abandonada o cerrada inadecuadamente, así como sus remanentes –residuos o restos–, son pasivos ambientales mineros (PAM). Los PAM han sido generados por la minería del pasado; sin […]
Políticas de gobierno en territorios con extracción minera: cuestionamientos y oportunidades
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar2022 Gerardo Damonte
The latest extractive boom, which to a large extent has been the driving force behind the country’s economic growth, has brought with it serious governance complications that are manifested in recurring socio-environmental problems. The rejection of the central government’s mining policies in extractive territories is significant and exacerbates the disaffection of local populations with respect […]
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar
2022 Maria Balarin, Santiago Cueto, Ricardo Fort
The essays that make up this book have been written to commemorate the first 40 years of GRADE’s institutional life, which coincides not only with the Bicentennial of Peru’s Independence, but also with the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its profound economic, social and political consequences. From different conceptual and methodological perspectives, […]
La Evolución de los Regímenes de Tenencia Colectiva de Tierras en Sociedades Pastoriles: Lecciones desde Países Andinos
Mucho se ha dicho sobre la importancia de los medios de vida pastoriles en el uso efectivo y sostenible de las tierras áridas alrededor del mundo. Más aún, las presiones ejercidas actualmente sobre el modo de vida de las sociedades pastoriles no tienen precedente. Estas presiones y las tendencias cambiantes ponen en peligro los medios de […]
The Evolution of Collective Land Tenure Regimes in Pastoralist Societies: Lessons From Andean Countries
2016Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave, ,
Much has been said about the importance of pastoralist livelihoods for the effective and sustainable use of the world’s drylands which cover approximately 40% of total land surface. Globally, drylands provide livelihoods to some two billion people, 90% of whom live in developing countries (UN, 2011). Pastoralism is the principle production system exercised in drylands […]
Natural resources, redistribution and human capital formation
How do resource booms affect human capital accumulation? The authors exploit time and spatial variation generated by the commodity boom across local governments in Peru to measure the effect of natural resources on human capital formation. The authors explore the effect of both mining production and tax revenues on test scores, finding a substantial and […]
Análisis económico y socioambiental de los proyectos de interconexión Pucallpa-Cruzeiro do Sul
2015Manuel Glave,
Large transportation infrastructure projects play a strategic role in economic development, but many are implemented without clear evidence that they provide a net beneft to the economy. The magnitude of potential losses from such projects depends, to a large degree, where they are built. Specifcally, road projects in fragile tropical ecosystems tend to be associated […]
Collective land access rights for enhancing smallholder livelihoods
2015, , Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave,
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
JournalScience of The Total Environment
Water-related challenges in nexus governance for sustainable development: Insights from the city of Arequipa, Peru
Peru has one of the fastest-growing economies in Latin America, but there are concerns regarding how long this can be sustained. Negative environmental impacts are increasing due to the pressures of a growing urban population and competition for natural resources. This study explores stakeholder perceptions linked to nexus governance in the context of integrated management […]
JournalWorld Development
Intra-seasonal climate variability and crop diversification strategies in the Peruvian Andes: A word of caution on the sustainability of adaptation to climate change
Agricultural systems are highly sensitive to climate change. Most studies focus on the effect of heat and water availability on crop yields, but little is known about the impact of changes in intra-seasonal climate variability (particularly challenging in mountain regions). Also, beyond the effect on crop yields –mostly focused on single cropping systems and major […]
JournalEstudios Atacameños
Presentation: new capitalisms and territorial transformations in the Andean region
This presentation introduces a special issue that analyzes the new territorial configurations taking shape in the Andean region under the developmentalist governments of the 21st century. The new territorial projects seek to increase the extraction of resources, the transference of crucial products on local level, and economic development. This remodeling transforms the techno-natural, cultural and […]
JournalEcology and Society
The constitution of hydrosocial power: agribusiness and water scarcity in Ica, Peru
During the 2000s, the Ica region, located on the Peruvian coast, gained notoriety as the main stage of what the media and politicians called the “agricultural export miracle.” The exponential growth of nontraditional exports that ensued, along with the rising importance of the agroindustry in generating foreign currency, led to the emergence of an agribusiness […]
JournalWater International
Hydrosocial territories, agro-export and water scarcity: capitalist territorial transformations and water governance in Peru’s coastal valleys
In recent decades, an agro-export boom has deeply transformed Peru’s coastal valleys, resulting in dramatic territorial changes and social inequality in the Ica Valley. This article explains how politico-economic and socio-institutional forces have triggered the emergence of a new ‘hydrosocial territory’, transforming the Ica Valley into a virtual-water extraction zone that produces luxury export crops […]
Los límites de la implementación de la Ley de Consulta Previa en los Andes peruanos
Épicas del neoliberalismo: subjetividades emprendedoras y ciudadanías precarias en el Perú2020
The authors discuss the impact of prior consultation policies in Peru, implemented in 2012 in response to the social conflicts that occurred in Bagua in 2009 and based on the conclusions of Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
En los margenes del boom agroexportador: artículación de los pequeños productores a las cadenas de valor globales
Sepia XVII. Perú: el problema agrario en debate2018
Los importantes cambios en los sistemas agroalimentarios mundiales, en las últimas dos décadas, han planteado una serie de retos, conceptuales y empíricos, para la formulación de una mirada integral a las cadenas de valor agrícolas globales (CVA) y, en particular, respecto a las condiciones de entrada de pequeños productores y los impactos económicos que genera […]
Políticas públicas, relaciones de poder y conflicto de intereses en la gestión de aguas subterráneas en Ica
Aguas en disputa: Ica y Huancavelica, entre el entrampamiento y el diálogo2018
¿Cuáles son los principales instrumentos de política pública generadas por el Estado para palear o resolver el problema de escasez hídrica en Ica? ¿En qué medida su implementación se ha visto influida por los distintos poderes locales y nacionales? Y, ¿qué nos dice esto sobre el rol del Estado y el poder hídrico? Estas son […]
Escasez de agua en la cuenca del río Ica y el Alto Pampas en Huancavelica: un intento de mirada interdisciplinaria
Aguas en disputa: Ica y Huancavelica, entre el entrampamiento y el diálogo2018
El presente artículo intenta realizar una mirada interdisciplinaria sobre la problemática de la escasez de agua en la cuenca del río Ica y del Alto Pampas, en las regiones de Ica y Huancavelica, respectivamente.
Cambio global, alta montaña y adaptación: una aproximación social y geográfica
Investigación para el desarrollo en el Perú: once balances2016
The present study documents main advances in three areas: institutional, scientific knowledge production, and adaptation projects for confronting climate change in Peru. The analysis of a case study in the Cordillera Blanca brings to light the problems and constraints that can be faced by adaptation projects implemented under a sectorial viewpoint lacking sufficient scientific and […]
Perú | Propuestas para mejorar los mecanismos de evaluación ambiental minera
Based on research on mining and water resources in Andean countries, this document provides public policy recommendations to help improve environmental monitoring of mining. In Argentina, the Veladero project located in San Juan was studied, and in Peru, the Antapaccay – Tintaya Expansion project, located in Espinar. The cases analyzed show that it is necessary […]
Colombia | Minería y conflictos en torno a la contaminación del agua: la experiencia de monitoreos hídricos comunitarios en La Guajira, Colombia
Large-scale mining produces socio-environmental conflicts related to water pollution, in relation to quality, both States, companies and communities have promoted monitoring. Businesses and states focus on expert knowledge that devalues community water monitoring (MHC), which is based on local knowledge, day-to-day practices, and technical knowledge of networking with various social actors, evidencing contamination and hoarding […]
Colombia | Gobernanzas plurales del agua: Derechos al agua en contextos mineros en Perú y Colombia
En contextos de extracción minera a gran escala, la competencia por el acceso al agua produce desigualdades entre poblaciones locales, empresas y estados. Cada uno de estos actores promueve formas diversas de gobernanza vinculadas a distintas maneras de relacionarse con el territorio. Avanzar en el reconocimiento de la diversidad de gobernanzas y, por lo tanto, […]
Perú | Gobernanzas plurales del agua: Derechos al agua en contextos mineros en Perú y Colombia
En contextos de extracción minera a gran escala, la competencia por el acceso al agua produce desigualdades entre poblaciones locales, empresas y estados. Cada uno de estos actores promueve formas diversas de gobernanza vinculadas a distintas maneras de relacionarse con el territorio. Avanzar en el reconocimiento de la diversidad de gobernanzas y, por lo tanto, […]
Perú | La planificación colaborativa como solución a la escasez hídrica en contextos de minería a gran escala
This policy brief addresses the issues surrounding governance in water scarcity scenarios and provides recommendations for public policies to improve access to water for human consumption in high Andean territories with large-scale mining. Based on the evidence collected in the cases of San Juan in Argentina and Espinar in Peru, it is argued that the […]
Sepia XVII. Perú: el problema agrario en debate
TEMA I. CADENAS DE VALOR Y SUS CONSECUENCIAS PARA EL DESARROLLO RURAL PONENCIA DE BALANCE En los márgenes del boom agroexportador: articulación de los pequeños productores a las cadenas de valor globales Héctor Paredes y Ricardo Fort ARTÍCULOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN Cadenas de valor agrícolas y su impacto sobre los ingresos de medianos y pequeños productores: evidencia […]
Investigación para el desarrollo en el Perú: once balances
Este libro recoge los once balances de investigación presentados en la conferencia Avances Recientes en la Investigación y Políticas para el Desarrollo, organizada en el marco del 35 aniversario del Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE). Los textos de esta publicación buscan continuar satisfaciendo la demanda de conocimiento dirigida a sostener un debate más […]
¿Agroindustria en la Amazonía? Posibilidades para el desarrollo inclusivo y sostenible de la palma aceitera en el Perú
2016Ricardo Fort, Elena Borasino,
En la discusión sobre las posibilidades de desarrollo del cultivo agroindustrial de la palma aceitera en la Amazonía peruana se plasman varios de los principales debates modernos sobre modelos de desarrollo rural ambientalmente sostenibles y socioeconómicamente inclusivos. La historia de la expansión de este sector y los diversos problemas que hoy enfrenta reflejan, además, muchas […]
Towards an inclusive and sustainable development in Latin America: dialogue between research and public policies
Esta publicación es resultado del seminario internacional Hacia un Desarrollo Inclusivo y Sostenible en América Latina: Diálogos entre Investigación y Políticas Públicas, organizado por el Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE) y el Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP), el 25 y 26 de junio de 2014. Representa un esfuerzo de recopilación de lo más relevante y valioso […]
Industrias extractivas y desarrollo rural territorial en los Andes peruanos. Los dilemas de la representación política y la capacidad de gestión para la descentralización
2016Manuel Glave, Gerardo Damonte,
Durante las últimas décadas, en el Perú se han producido cambios significativos en las formas de organización y representación local. Estos cambios han afectado el desarrollo de las políticas territoriales en el contexto de proyectos mineros a gran escala. El país ha hecho esfuerzos para contribuir a la gestión del territorio, para lo cual ha […]
The effect of an additional alternative on measured risk preferences in a laboratory experiment in Peru
2006, Javier Escobal, Sonia Laszlo,
We experimentally test for the effect of an additional alternative on the measured risk preferences of farmers in rural Peru.
The determinants of nonfarm income diversification in rural Peru
2001Javier Escobal,
This paper shows that in Peruvian rural areas, the has been substancial growth over the past decade in household employment outside of own-farming.
- Completion of the strategic social and environmental assessment adjusted to REDD + actions and an environmental and social management framework adjusted to the current national contextJuly 2020
- Towards a sustainable infrastructure in the Peruvian AmazonJuly 2020
- Social-Ecological Tipping Points of the Northern Humboldt Current Upwelling System: Economic Repercussions and Governance StrategiesMarch 2019
- Nexus approach for the sustainable use of water, food, energy and the environment / NEXT-AGJuly 2018
- How to improve the availability and equity in water access?March 2018
- Forest governance and sustainability in the Amazon: progress and policy challenges in PeruOctober 2017
- Ex ante economic evaluation of the Bolivia Resilient in the face of Climate Risk ProgramsMay 2017
- Evaluación externa del Proyecto de Adaptación al Cambio Climático (PACC)June 2016
- Peru Bosques Project performance evaluationJune 2016
- Propuesta de Investigación sobre Energías RenovablesFebruary 2016
Transitions to sustainability in mining territories in Colombia, Chile and Peru: project closure infographic
January 30, 2024 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
For two years, we sought to identify and analyze transitions for sustainable and inclusive socioeconomic and institutional transformation in territories with a large-scale mining presence in Peru, Chile and Colombia. Learn about all the stages of the project in this infographic. This project was executed by GRADE, with the support of the Ford Foundation. INTERNATIONAL […]
Planificando Infraestructura Sostenible en el Perú: documentos de política
November 13, 2023 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
Estos documentos presentan los resultados más importantes de más de dos años de investigaciones y reflexiones sobre la planificación en infraestructura, cómo se aborda la sostenibilidad ambiental en la planificación en infraestructura y cómo se aborda el enfoque territorial en la planificación en infraestructura en el Perú, con el fin de contribuir al debate en […]
Manuel Glave talks about the living conditions of the communities and the conservation of species in Manu
October 18, 2023 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
“There is a tension or contradiction between the park’s conservation objectives and the development objectives of living conditions.” Our senior researcher Manuel Glave talked to Radio Madre de Dios about the policies in favor of the communities and the conservation of natural species in Manu National Park.
Urban extractivism in Peru, by Manuel Glave
September 27, 2023 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
“Extractivism as a way of operating, as a way of extracting income, as a way of investing without taking into consideration the impacts generated by a large-scale investment, also reaches the big cities”. Taking the case of the Santa Rosa expressway in Callao, our senior researcher Manuel Glave reflects on urban extractivism in the country. […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his thoughts in a Spanish TV channel laSexta reportage on the jam in Panama Canal
August 28, 2023 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
“Panama is a country where rainfall is very intense, it is tropical climate country and they are going through a rain scarcity, a drought that has been going on for two or three years”. Eduardo Zegarra, Senior Researcher at GRADE, joined a Spanish news channel laSexta reportage about the ship traffic jam in Panama Canal.
Eduardo Zegarra at APRODEH colloquium: “In the next decade, the probability that the country’s most important aquifer will collapse is high”
17/09/2024 5:30 pm Auditorio Casa José de Cluny Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
“In the next decade, the probability that the most important aquifer in the country will collapse is high. The amount of water that is being extracted is leading to the fact that the water from this aquifer cannot be used due to salinization or collapse”. Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, participated in the III […]
GRADE’s researchers are speakers at the international seminar for the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Social Sciences at PUCP
20/08/2024 → 23/08/2024 Campus de la PUCP Ethnicity, gender and citizenship, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
Our researchers are participating as speakers at the international seminar “60 years of dialogues and development with Peru”, organized by the School of Social Sciences of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru in the framework of its 60 anniversary. On the first day, during the opening of the event, Juan León, senior researcher at GRADE, […]
Eduardo Zegarra commented on the study on the water emergency in Ica
05/08/2024 4:00 pm Auditorio Raúl Porras Barrenechea-UNICA Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
“There is a serious issue of overexploitation of Peru’s main aquifer. Eighty percent of the country’s groundwater is in this aquifer” Last August, 5, our senior researcher Eduardo Zegarra discussed on the presentation of a study on the role of fresh fruit and vegetables production for export in the water emergency in Ica. Watch his participation […]
Eduardo Zegarra will be joining an INTE-PUCP’s discussion on the water crisis in Chile
06/06/2024 12:00 pm Aula N104 (Edificio Mc Gregor de la PUCP) Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
Our senior researcher Eduardo Zegarra will be joining the dialogue “The Chilean case of water management, current crisis and challenges for sustainability”, organized by the Institute of Nature, Land and Energy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (INTE-PUCP). This discussion seeks to analyze the different aspects that explain the water crisis situation in Chile, from […]
Iquitos: TNC-WCS-GRADE event exchanged perspectives on the new National Sustainable Infrastructure Plan for Competitiveness
13/12/2023 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Iquitos Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
Together with WCS Peru and TNC Latin America, yesterday we organized an exchange of perspectives and recommendations on the changes and progress of the new National Sustainable Infrastructure Plan for Competitiveness (PNISC) and its roadmap, focusing on sustainability and territoriality approaches. POLICY PAPERS At the event, we shared the recently published policy papers that bring […]
- Education and Learning
- Employment, Productivity and Innovation
- Rural Development and Agriculture
- Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
- Methodologies for Research and Evaluation of Policy and Programmes
- Poverty and Equity
- Natural Resources, Extractive Industries and Social Conflict
- State Reform and Public Institutions
- Health and Nutrition
- Urbanization and Sustainable Cities