Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
Despite social progress and economic advancement in recent years, different forms of social exclusion persist in Peru, which limit the access to development resources for indigenous peoples and Peruvians of African descent. These communities’ ability to fully realize their social, economic, and civil rights is in turn severely diminished. Along with these forms of social exclusion, various mores and institutions of Peruvian society perpetuate other types of social inequalities based on gender and have resulted in unequal opportunities for men and women in our country.
Both forms of inequality have structural roots that not only manifest themselves in civic and economic life, but also find expression in daily acts of discrimination and violence (physical and symbolic).
In this context, GRADE has produced a corpus of studies that explores the multiple dimensions of these forms of social inequality. The studies seek, above all, to bring these problems to the fore by measuring the magnitude of their impact on society, and in turn, we have created a resource for data and analysis that responds to these inequalities.
Building on these studies, we have begun to explore both the causes and consequences of these forms of exclusion, discrimination, and violence. We additionally conduct advocy with the state to incorporate solutions to these issues into its public policy agenda, and we likewise consult on the design of these policy resolutions..
Senior Researchers
María Balarin Bonazzi
PhD en Educational Policy - University of Bath
María is a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) where she has a broad portfolio of both applied and academic research. Her applied work focuses on the analysis and qualitative evaluation of educational and social policies, with a special focus on processes of policy implementation. Her academic work has mostly focused […]
Martín Benavides Abanto (on leave)
PhD en Sociology - Pennsylvania State University
Martín Benavides has a PhD in Sociology from Pennsylvania State University where he also attained a Master’s Degree in Education Policy. He has a degree in Sociology and a BA in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, and has been a visiting student on issues of social mobility and inequality at Nuffield College […]
Juan León Jara-Almonte
PhD en - Pennsylvania State University
Juan has a PhD in Educational Theory and Policy and Comparative & International Education from Pennsylvania State University. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences with mention in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Currently, he is a Senior Researcher at GRADE. His research interests are inequality in education, intercultural bilingual education, early […]
Martín Valdivia Huaringa
PhD en Applied Economics - University of Minnesota
Martin Valdivia has a PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota. He has worked as a Senior Researcher at GRADE since 1993. His fields of interest include entrepreneurship, financial inclusion, rural development and more recently democratic governance, with publications in journals such as the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Journal of Development […]
Associated Researchers
Néstor Valdivia Vargas
PhD candidate en Sociology - El Colegio de México
Néstor Valdivia is studying for a PhD in Sociology at El Colegio de México and holds a degree in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He is currently an Associate Researcher at GRADE in the fields of poverty and equality, education, the labor market and human development. He has worked on development and […]
External Consultants
Paulo César Carrasco Fernández
Degree en - Pedro Ruíz Gallo National University
Paulo holds a Degree in Sociology from the National University Pedro Ruiz Gallo in Lambayeque and is a member of the Professional Board of Sociologists in Peru (Colegio de Sociólogos del Perú). Currently he is a Field Supervisor of the Childhood, Violence and Development Project funded by Bernard van Leer Foundation.
Andrea Ulloa del Castillo
Graduated en -
Andrea has completed her studies in Economics at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. At GRADE, she works as a Research Intern in the “Balancing work and care: towards a better understanding of gender norms in Peru”.
Políticas públicas e interculturalidad en el Perú: ¿cómo avanzar en la agenda de la identificación étnica desde el Estado?
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar2022 Nestor Valdivia
Valdivia’s essay offers some reflections on the progress and challenges of interculturality in Peru based on the use of the ethnic variable in the formulation of public policie
Avances y desafíos en la prevención de la violencia contra los niños, niñas y adolescentes en el hogar: una deuda al Bicentenario
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar2022 Gabriela Guerrero, Vanessa Rojas
This essay focuses on the analysis of violence against children and adolescents in the home, where they spend most of their time and which is not always a safe environment. The authors highlight the limited progress of policies against violence against children and adolescents in the home. They explain that this is mainly due to […]
Una mirada crítica a las políticas públicas en materia de violencia de género contra las mujeres
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar2022 Wilson Hernández
This essay critically analyzes public policies focused on intimate partner and intimate partner violence against women. The central argument is that the policies have privileged a top-down approach and in doing so have homogenized the target groups, relied on general statistics to describe them, and neglected the subnational context in charge of implementing such policies.
Trayectorias educativas a lo largo del ciclo de vida: el rol de la pobreza, el área de residencia y las brechas de género
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar2022 Alan Sanchez
The paper documents the evolution of educational gaps throughout the life cycle, analyzes the links between poverty and gender gaps, and attempts to identify the factors that mediate this relationship in order to propose policy recommendations for children, adolescents and youth.
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar
2022 Maria Balarin, Santiago Cueto, Ricardo Fort
The essays that make up this book have been written to commemorate the first 40 years of GRADE’s institutional life, which coincides not only with the Bicentennial of Peru’s Independence, but also with the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its profound economic, social and political consequences. From different conceptual and methodological perspectives, […]
International Human Rights Protection: institutions and instruments
The report is aimed at mapping out relevant institutions for the protection of human rights at the national, regional and international levels, including governmental as well as non-governmental organisations. It equally aims to present the instruments used at different levels, especially global and regional treaties as well as political agreements and non-binding instruments. Therefore, the report […]
Madres e hijas maltratadas: La transmisión intergeneracional de la violencia doméstica en el Perú
Se revisó empíricamente la persistencia intergeneracional de la violencia doméstica sobre un análisis de regresión de probabilidad controlado por variables asociadas a las características personales, culturales y del entorno de residencia de la encuestada.
Mujer y movilidad social
En el documento se presenta un conjunto de recomendaciones de política para generar una efectiva igualdad de oportunidades para hombres y mujeres y, de esta forma, mejorar las dinámicas de movilidad social en Colombia. Para esto, inicialmente se explora la evidencia existente sobre la situación de la mujer en la sociedad colombiana y se hace […]
Propuesta de fortalecimiento del Proyecto Educativo Regional de Ayacucho y Huánuco
This document is a road map to facilitate understanding and implementation of the Regional Education Project (PER) in the regions of Ayacucho and Huánuco. In this sense, the document seeks first to point out some problems or inadequacies detected in the PER. Secondly, the document proposes a new order or structure for the PER which, […]
Gender Earnings Gaps in the World
The paper documents gender disparities in labor earnings for sixty-four countries around the world. Disparities are partially attributed to gender differences in observable socio-demographic and job characteristics. These characteristics are used to match males and females such that gender earnings disparities are computed only among individuals with the same characteristics, as in Ñopo (2008). After […]
JournalJournal of African Economies
Do Dreams Come True? Aspirations and Educational Attainments of Ethiopian Boys and Girls
Authors use unique individual-level panel data from Ethiopia to investigate the role of aspirations for human-capital investments. More specifically, they investigate how parental and children’s aspirations form and document the relation between early aspirations and educational attainment at the age of 15 and 19. Researchers find that aspirations are predictive of the number of year of schooling completed upon controlling […]
JournalAssessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice
Classroom composition and its association with students’ achievement and socioemotional characteristics in Peru
2016Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon,
School composition is a topic that has gained increasing attention from researchers over the past few years, as it has been found that the socio-economic characteristics of students are associated with their achievement. However, most research has been cross-sectional and carried out in industrialised countries. In the study, the authors use parental education as a […]
JournalPolicy in Focus
Impacts of the Peruvian Conditional Cash Transfer Programme on women’s empowerment: a quantitative and qualitative approach
2015Lorena Alcazar,
The authors present the early findings from an ongoing evaluation that seeks to identify the impact of Peru’s Juntos programme on women’s empowerment. The study focuses on three empowerment dimensions: decision-making on household resources; freedom of movement; and gender roles and ideology (including perceptions of rights, rejection of male domination, and domestic violence).
JournalJournal of Family Violence
The Co-Occurrence of Domestic and Child Violence in Urban Peru: Evidence from Three Regions
2015Martín Benavides, Juan Leon,
Using a unique dataset collected from three regions in Peru (Huancavelica, Lima and Loreto), this study explores the co-occurrence of domestic and child violence within households; that is, the situation where a victim of domestic violence (mother) becomes a perpetrator towards other family members (children) in the same household. Secondly, the study seeks to analyze […]
JournalDebates en sociología
“Negra soy, color bonito”: el papel de la “raza” en la identidad de los afrodescendientes en el Perú
2014Nestor Valdivia,
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Labor markets during 1990s
After the Washington Consensus: restarting growth and reform in Latin America2003
A case study of Manthoc, the movement of working children in Peru
Old enough to work, old enough to have a say1998,
Principios de autonomía de Manthoc como organización, su afán por la representación de los niños, su orientación hacia el conjunto de niños parte de los movimientos de NATs e implementación de una metodología.
Grandes unidades escolares y violencia: modelo para desarmar
Análisis de políticas: documentos sobre problemas educacionales en América Latina1997Martín Benavides,
Comando sur: la metáfora de la familia y el poder de la tradición
Fútbol, identidad, violencia y racionalidad1994Martín Benavides,
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship en la categoría Policy brief
Outsiders?: The Changing Patterns of Exclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean
This report raises a number of fundamental questions about the multidimensional and interrelated nature of social exclusion and moves beyond the traditional emphasis on outcomes and groups to view exclusion as a process that results from societal traits that limit the functionings of the excluded. Using the tools of experimental economics, the report shows the […]
Más alla de los promedios: afro descendientes en América Latina: pobreza, discriminación social e identidad el caso de la población afrodescendiente en Perú
2006Martín Benavides, Maximo Torero, Nestor Valdivia,
Se busca responder preguntas cruciales en torno a 3 temas: las percepciones de esta población sobre la discriminación y exclusión social; las características de su cultura y su identidad étnica; y su situación de pobreza.
Imaginemos un Perú mejor
Artículos periodísticos escritos por el autor entre 1985 y 1988 para promover la diseminación de un enfoque de largo plazo en el pensamiento de quienes diseñan o ejecutan políticas de desarrollo.
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship en la categoría Mimeo
- Ethnic-racial discrimination in health services in Guatemala: an audit study to evaluate the impacts of an intervention based on health rightsApril 2012 - March 2015
- Study about Afro-descendant children in PeruApril 2012 - October 2012
- Abused mothers and daughters: Inter-generational transmission of domestic violence in PeruNovember 2011
- Innovations in the race and ethnicity modules in the PRIDI (Regional Child Development Indicators Project): Paraguay, Ecuador and PeruJanuary 2011 - April 2011
- Health, violence and early years’ education demandJanuary 2011 - August 2011
- Situation of Afro-descendant childhood and adolescence in PeruJuly 2010 - December 2010
- Rethinking national history in the margins of the state: local narratives in times of conflicts and transformationFebruary 2010 - January 2011
- Study on the status of children and indigenous children in PeruMarch 2009 - November 2009
- Design of the impact assessment of the gender and microfinances projectMay 2008 - June 2008
- Court decentralization and domestic violence against womenApril 2008 - April 2009
Military Service for NEETs: Policy Based on Prejudice or Evidence ?, by María Fernanda Rodríguez and Cristina Glave
August 12, 2021 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“The reasons that lead the vast majority of these young people to this situation are linked to structural problems such as job insecurity, poverty and gender inequalities.” Our Adjunct Researcher Maria Fernanda Rodríguez and Cristina Glave, associated at APOYO Consultoría, write in OjoPúblico about the fact that President Pedro Castillo announced in his inaugural speech that NEETs […]
Hugo Ñopo’s opinion in The Washington Post on the announcement of compulsory military service for NEETs
August 11, 2021 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
In regard of President Castillo’s proposal to make military service compulsory for young people who are neither working nor studying, Hugo Ñopo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, warns that two thirds of those likely to be eligible for military service would actually be women, and that a draft could lead to the abuse of indigenous and […]
Santiago Cueto is a member of the driving group of the National Network for Research on Disability
June 16, 2021 Education and learning, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Our Executive Director and Senior Researcher, Santiago Cueto, is part of the driving group of the National Network for Research on Disability (RENID), promoted by the National Council for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities (Conadis) of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP). The aim of RENID is to promote the generation, discussion, dissemination and […]
GRADE and Southern Voice join the CORE Initiative COVID-19 Responses for Equity
June 10, 2021 Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
GRADE join CORE COVID-19 Responses for Equity, an initiative gathering 21 projects from 42 countries that seeks to understand the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic, improve existing responses, and generate better policy options for recovery. Together with Southern Voice, our centre takes part with a project that focuses on how to achieve sustainable and gender inclusive improvements in food […]
Ojo Público highlights Hugo Ñopo’s opinion on the disparities of unpaid work
May 9, 2021 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“If there is a space that is unequal par excellence, it is home. The National Survey on the Use of Time reveals that 80% of unpaid domestic tasks are done by women. Men and women go out to work and education with an inequality of gigantic opportunities, which for them is equivalent to two days […]
GRADE’s researchers join the CIES Research Seminar on social policies
16/06/2021 → 17/06/2021 10:30 am Zoom CIES Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
On Thursday 17th, our adjunct researcher Wilson Hernández will present “Impact of Line 100 of the MIMP”, as part of the research seminar on social policies of the Consortium for Economic and Social Research (CIES). Hugo Ñopo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, will join the discussion panel. On Wednesday 16, Gabriela Arrunátegui, former GRADE’s research assistant, and Micaela Giesecke […]
Vanessa Rojas will be a speaker at a dialogue for adolescence free of marriage
28/05/2021 4:00 pm Facebook del Grupo Interdisciplinario de Familias Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Vanessa Rojas, associated researcher at GRADE, will be a speaker at the dialogue on Adolescence free of marriage: Let’s eradicate adolescent marriage and / or early unions from the age of 14, organized by the PUCP Interdisciplinary Family Group, International Plan, UNFPA, Academic Forum, WILA, Learning Together and the UNMSM Human Rights Circle. Vanessa will present […]
GRADE researchers at LASA 2021, Global crisis, inequalities and the centrality of life
25/05/2021 → 29/05/2021 Web de LASA Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Our researchers Vanessa Rojas and Wilson Hernández will be speakers at the international virtual congress of the Latin American Studies Association LASA 2021, organized from May 26 to 29. According to the Congress website, under the theme Global crisis, inequalities and the centrality of life, the event will be a meeting for reflection and exchange […]
Vanessa Rojas will be speaker at a MIMP dialogue on violence-free parenting practices for healthy family functioning
20/05/2021 9:00 am Zoom del MIMP Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Vanessa Rojas, associated researcher at GRADE, will share the study “Experiences of violence throughout the life cycle. Evidence from the longitudinal study Young Lives Peru”, as part of a Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP) dialogue on violence-free parenting practices for healthy family functioning. The aim of the event is to sensitize both women and men regarding […]
Wilson Hernández and Walter Noel will share their studies on criminality and citizen insecurity at a CIES meeting
20/05/2021 10:00 am Facebook CIES Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Our adjunct researcher, Wilson Hernández, will share his study (together with Lucía Dammert and Lilian Kanashiro from the University of Lima) “The perception of citizen insecurity: determinants and narratives”, as part of the Thursday of Researchers of the Consortium for the Economic and Social Research (CIES). Walter Noel, assistant researcher at GRADE, will share his study […]
- Education and Learning
- Employment, Productivity and Innovation
- Rural Development and Agriculture
- Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
- Methodologies for Research and Evaluation of Policy and Programmes
- Poverty and Equity
- Natural Resources, Extractive Industries and Social Conflict
- State Reform and Public Institutions
- Health and Nutrition
- Urbanization and Sustainable Cities