Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
Despite social progress and economic advancement in recent years, different forms of social exclusion persist in Peru, which limit the access to development resources for indigenous peoples and Peruvians of African descent. These communities’ ability to fully realize their social, economic, and civil rights is in turn severely diminished. Along with these forms of social exclusion, various mores and institutions of Peruvian society perpetuate other types of social inequalities based on gender and have resulted in unequal opportunities for men and women in our country.
Both forms of inequality have structural roots that not only manifest themselves in civic and economic life, but also find expression in daily acts of discrimination and violence (physical and symbolic).
In this context, GRADE has produced a corpus of studies that explores the multiple dimensions of these forms of social inequality. The studies seek, above all, to bring these problems to the fore by measuring the magnitude of their impact on society, and in turn, we have created a resource for data and analysis that responds to these inequalities.
Building on these studies, we have begun to explore both the causes and consequences of these forms of exclusion, discrimination, and violence. We additionally conduct advocy with the state to incorporate solutions to these issues into its public policy agenda, and we likewise consult on the design of these policy resolutions..
Senior Researchers
María Balarin Bonazzi
PhD en Educational Policy - University of Bath
María is a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) where she has a broad portfolio of both applied and academic research. Her applied work focuses on the analysis and qualitative evaluation of educational and social policies, with a special focus on processes of policy implementation. Her academic work has mostly focused […]
Martín Benavides Abanto (on leave)
PhD en Sociology - Pennsylvania State University
Martín Benavides has a PhD in Sociology from Pennsylvania State University where he also attained a Master’s Degree in Education Policy. He has a degree in Sociology and a BA in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, and has been a visiting student on issues of social mobility and inequality at Nuffield College […]
Juan León Jara-Almonte
PhD en - Pennsylvania State University
Juan has a PhD in Educational Theory and Policy and Comparative & International Education from Pennsylvania State University. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences with mention in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Currently, he is a Senior Researcher at GRADE. His research interests are inequality in education, intercultural bilingual education, early […]
Martín Valdivia Huaringa
PhD en Applied Economics - University of Minnesota
Martin Valdivia has a PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota. He has worked as a Senior Researcher at GRADE since 1993. His fields of interest include entrepreneurship, financial inclusion, rural development and more recently democratic governance, with publications in journals such as the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Journal of Development […]
Associated Researchers
Néstor Valdivia Vargas
PhD candidate en Sociology - El Colegio de México
Néstor Valdivia is studying for a PhD in Sociology at El Colegio de México and holds a degree in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He is currently an Associate Researcher at GRADE in the fields of poverty and equality, education, the labor market and human development. He has worked on development and […]
External Consultants
Paulo César Carrasco Fernández
Degree en - Pedro Ruíz Gallo National University
Paulo holds a Degree in Sociology from the National University Pedro Ruiz Gallo in Lambayeque and is a member of the Professional Board of Sociologists in Peru (Colegio de Sociólogos del Perú). Currently he is a Field Supervisor of the Childhood, Violence and Development Project funded by Bernard van Leer Foundation.
Andrea Ulloa del Castillo
Graduated en -
Andrea has completed her studies in Economics at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. At GRADE, she works as a Research Intern in the “Balancing work and care: towards a better understanding of gender norms in Peru”.
Redes sociales y ciberviolencia en las relaciones sexoafectivas entre adolescentes
2024 Katherine Sarmiento
The study on which this paper is based examines the role of social networks in the experiences of cyber-violence in sex-affective relationships among adolescents in an educational institution in San Juan de Lurigancho (Lima, Peru). The findings suggest that certain characteristics of these platforms favor the continuity of gender-based violence in digital environments. Adolescent discourses […]
Pantallazo a la violencia de género: Redes sociales y ciberviolencia en relaciones sexo-afectivas entre adolescentes
2024 Katherine Sarmiento
This document presents the main findings and policy recommendations of the study “Screenshot to gender-based violence: Social networks and cyber-violence in sex-affective relationships among adolescents”. The research was the winner of the Research Contest “Prevention of Gender Violence in Peru”, co-organized by the Consortium for Economic and Social Research (CIES) and the Gender Studies Research Group of […]
JournalThe B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy
Edutainment and dwelling-telated assets in poor rural areas of Peru
2024 Alberto Chong, Martin Valdivia
We exploit a field experiment by (Chong, A., and M. Valdivia. 2023. “Edutainment, Savings, and Generational Differences in Rural Areas of Peru.” In Working Paper. Department of Economics, Georgia State University) and test whether poor women from rural areas in developing countries that are able to save seek dwelling-related assets and find causal evidence that this […]
JournalReview of Development Economics
Violence in pandemic times: the dynamic relationship between COVID-19 and intimate partner violence
2024 Wilson Hernández, Angelo Cozzubo, Jose Carlos Aguilar, Jorge Aguero, José Mendoza
Intimate partner violence (IPV) increased during the COVID-19 lockdown, but few studies use national data and explore underlying mechanisms. To address this gap, we study the changes in IPV during the first ten months of the pandemic in Peru. We study the number of calls received by the national helpline for domestic violence victims, Línea […]
JournalViolence Against Women
Beyond the surface: intimate partner violence typology and recent depression
2024 Wilson Hernández, Jhon Ortega
Depression and intimate partner violence (IPV) are highly related. However, it is unclear what drives this relationship: the form of violence (psychological, physical, or sexual) or its severity. In this study, we first identify patterns of combined forms and severity of violence and then estimate the effects of IPV on depression. We use the DHS […]
Barreras para la integración laboral de migrantes venezolanos en el Perú: identificación y análisis de opciones de política
La población migrante venezolana presenta mayores niveles de desempleo y precariedad laboral (ej. informalidad laboral, menores ingresos) que sus pares nacionales. La literatura disponible y las entrevistas con expertos sugieren que existen múltiples factores o barreras a la base de esta problemática, las cuales se pueden clasificar en los siguientes grupos: barreras para la regularización […]
El impacto de la pandemia por la COVID-19 sobre la violencia familiar: diferenciando víctimas, tipos de violencia y niveles de riesgo en el Perú
Las medidas para mitigar los contagios por COVID-19 generaron condiciones para una mayor violencia familiar (confinamiento forzado, restricciones de movilidad, estrés económico, etc.). Tal fue el caso del Perú. Esta investigación evalúa el impacto de estas condiciones sobre la violencia familiar en el Perú durante las primeras 14 semanas de cuarenta. Empleamos los registros administrativos […]
Unpacking the Post-lockdown Employment Recovery of Young Women in the Global South
This paper analyses the difference in short-term employment recovery between young men and women in India, Peru and Vietnam following the national lockdowns imposed in all three countries during 2020. The authors employ a mediation model to establish whether – and to what extent – commonly suggested mechanisms are responsible for a relatively slower recovery among […]
Transversalización del enfoque de género en organizaciones y proyectos sociales: Definiciones y orientaciones básicas
This document is aimed especially at representatives of civil society organizations involved in the design and implementation of social projects in Peru. Its objectives are: Provide access to definitions and guidelines on the gender approach and its mainstreaming in social projects and organizations. To present fundamentals and tools for gender mainstreaming in the development of […]
El Coronavirus y los retos para el trabajo de las mujeres en América Latina
The Coronavirus pandemic has spread throughout the world and Latin America has not escaped its health, economic and social impacts. The economic strike resulting from a combination of astringent measures (self-quarantines, mandatory quarantines, limited capacity of people in commercial premises, factories and offices, border closures, etc.), is generating profound economic and social impacts. In the […]
JournalEconomic Development and Cultural Change
(Un)Conditional Love in the Time of Conditional Cash Transfers: The Effect of the Peruvian JUNTOS Program on Spousal Abuse
Cash transfer programs often target women as the recipient of the money. Unintentionally, this flow of unearned income may reduce spousal abuse. We investigate this possibility by assessing the Peruvian JUNTOS program. We exploit the staggered timing in the rollout of the program across municipalities along with its eligibility rule for determining participation to perform […]
JournalAnxiety and Stress
Fear of COVID-19 Scale: Adaptation and psychometric properties in Peruvian population
Current context caused by COVID-19 has changed social and day-to-day life worldwide. Mental health is no exception. The objective of this study was to adapt and analyze the psychometric properties of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) in a sample of Peruvian professionals.
JournalCriminology & Criminal Justice
Does context matter? Examining robbery reporting in a high crime country
Most empirical studies that examine why individuals report property crimes to the police have focused on Global North countries where crime rates are low. This study is situated in the most violent area of the world, Latin America, and examines Peru, which has the highest robbery victimization rate in the Americas. This article examines the […]
JournalJournal of Interpersonal Violence
Bullying victimization among peruvian children: the predictive role of parental maltreatment
Bullying among schoolchildren is increasingly being recognized as a major problem. Although previous studies have examined parental maltreatment as a risk factor for bullying, the evidence on this topic remains limited in Latin America. The aim of this study was then to measure the prevalence of bullying victimization among a nationally representative sample of Peruvian […]
JournalAustralian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology
Fear of crime examined through diversity of crime, social inequalities, and social capital: An empirical evaluation in Peru
Latin America is a violent region where fear of crime is well spread but still not fully understood. Using multilevel methods for a large and subnational representative household survey, researchers assess the determinants of fear of crime in Peru, the country with the highest fear of crime and crime victimization in the region. Results show […]
Breaking the Silence. Why do Young Women in Peru Marry or Cohabit at a Young Age, and What are the Consequences?
Dreaming of a Better Life Child Marriage Through Adolescent Eyes2020
On the basis of qualitative data, the chapter shows how different factors lead young women to start cohabitation or marriage before adulthood. Through the experiences of three women who began cohabitation before the age of 18 in Peru, the authors show what life is like for them, the inequities in the power relations they face […]
Criminal Legalities in the Global South. Cultural Dynamics, Political Tensions, and Institutional Practices
Criminal Legalities in the Global South: Cultural dynamics, political tensions and institutional practices2019
In Peru, corruption is widespread. Under the intention of addressing the problem of corruption, the justice system reacted by creating a specialized sub judicial system, which accompanied the introduction of a new Criminal Procedure Code that allowed less bureaucratic oral criminal proceedings. While these changes promised justice and efficiency, in this chapter it is argued […]
Oportunidades y barreras en la trayectoria de las científicas sociales peruanas
Desigualdad en la academia: mujeres en las ciencias sociales2018
El presente capítulo se enmarca en estos esfuerzos y es resultado de esa agenda del Grupo Sofía, que pretende profundizar en el análisis de las disparidades entre las experiencias de mujeres y hombres en el mundo laboral académico de las ciencias sociales. Específicamente, analizamos las oportunidades y barreras a las que se enfrentan las científicas sociales peruanas durante su […]
El entorno de la investigación social en el Perú
Desigualdad en la academia: mujeres en las ciencias sociales2018
En el Perú existen coincidencias importantes con los hallazgos de esta literatura, hay también particularidades que se explicarían por lo que podemos describir como el entorno precario en el que se desarrolla la investigación académica en el país, entorno que profundiza algunas desigualdades de género que también se plantean en el presente libro.
¿Cómo abordar el estudio de las inequidades de género en el mundo académico?
Desigualdad en la academia: mujeres en las ciencias sociales2018
Este primer capítulo busca situar a las personas que lean este libro en ese abordaje conceptual compartido sobre el problema de las inequidades de género en el mundo académico. Para ello, presentamos una breve discusión sobre cómo nos aproximamos a los regímenes de inequidad en el campo académico y de la investigación, y sobre los principales aportes […]
Do More School Resources Increase Learning Outcomes? Evidence from an Extended School-Day Reform
Sigue siendo un debate abierto si la asignación de más recursos mejora los resultados de aprendizaje de los alumnos de las escuelas públicas de bajo rendimiento. Nos centramos en el efecto del aumento del tiempo de instrucción, que es teóricamente ambiguo debido a posibles cambios compensatorios en el esfuerzo de los estudiantes, los profesores o […]
La situación educativa de las niñas, niños y adolescentes afroperuanos: una mirada al acceso, resultados y entornos educativos
One of the main barriers in our country (and in others countries) to portraying the socioeconomic situation of the Afro-descendant population is the lack of information disaggregated by ethnic group. This article presents the educational situation of Afro-Peruvian girls, boys, and adolescents and provides recommendations to continue developing studies that allow information to be disaggregated […]
Las aspiraciones de las mujeres rurales de Cajamarca en la educación de sus hijas e hijos
En este artículo, Gabriela Arrunátegui analiza las aspiraciones de las mujeres de zonas rurales de Cajamarca en la educación de sus hijas e hijos. Para ello, empleó la información cualitativa recogida en el año 2019 por el equipo del proyecto CREER, sobre prácticas pedagógicas y de género en 12 instituciones educativas multigrado de primaria en […]
Experiencias de convivencia, matrimonio y maternidad/paternidad en adolescentes y jóvenes peruanos. Policy brief
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“Cualquier cosa nos puede pasar”. Cuando la violencia marca el ciclo de vida de las niñas en el Perú
This qualitative study aims to highlight the multiple and persistent forms of violence that Peruvian girls can experiment from childhood to adolescence, as well as the resources they have to respond to it. In addition, the purpose of this brief is to approach the complex relationship that exists between the individual, familiar and community spaces, as […]
Towards an inclusive and sustainable development in Latin America: dialogue between research and public policies
Esta publicación es resultado del seminario internacional Hacia un Desarrollo Inclusivo y Sostenible en América Latina: Diálogos entre Investigación y Políticas Públicas, organizado por el Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE) y el Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP), el 25 y 26 de junio de 2014. Representa un esfuerzo de recopilación de lo más relevante y valioso […]
Measuring the sustainable development agenda in Peru
In 2012, the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development pledged that governments will propose a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the post-2015 period. The SDGs – agreed to in September 2015 – replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which expire in the same year. The SDGs take into consideration positive experiences from the MDGs and […]
En cancha ajena: la participación ciudadana a través de los Consejos Nacionales
The main objective of this research is to analyze their institutional models as well as to reflect on the role played by citizen participation as a factor of democratic governance through the National Councils.
Estudio Especializado sobre Población Afroperuana (EEPA)
2015Martín Benavides, Juan Leon,
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América Latina hacia la inclusión social. Avances, aprendizajes y desafíos
2014, , , , , Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave, , , ,
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
(Un)Conditional Love in the Time of Conditional Cash Transfers: The Effect of the Peruvian JUNTOS Program on Spousal Abuse
Cash Transfer programs often target women as the recipient of the money. Unintentionally, this flow of unearned income may reduce spousal abuse. Researchers investigate this possibility by assessing the Peruvian JUNTOS program. They exploit the staggered timing in the rollout of the program across municipalities along with its eligibility rule for determining participation to perform a difference-in-differences […]
Prevalencia de delitos en la población penal peruana: desorganización social versus aprendizaje social
The aim of the study is to identify the main factors that influence a person commits a type of crime. We will focus on two theories: social learning and social disorganization, comparing each other to determine which one is more important. A second objective is to study how crime’s main drivers and gender relate to […]
Derechos humanos y gobernabilidad democrática: oportunidades para la cooperación canadiense en el Perú
This study has two central objectives. The first is to offer an overview of the human rights situation in the country, and of the public policies that protect and promote them. In particular, attention has been paid to the scenarios related to the transitional justice process (in terms of the guidelines of the Truth and […]
Procesos y productos de justicia transicional: los aportes de la Comisión de la Verdad y la Reconciliación a la transición peruana
This paper attempts, in the first place, to situate itself within an emerging theoretical perspective, derived from legal sociology, the so-called sociology of human rights. Its main characteristic is to approach human rights as social phenomena, analyzing their genesis, formation and positioning in the public agenda as moral, legal and political demands. Specifically, we will […]
- Community participation in the prevention of gender-based violence: The case of the Red de Lideresas Justa of the Justa Project, Villa El Salvador for Justice and Equality of the UNDPNovember 2020
- SMS against violence during the pandemicNovember 2020
- Social protection and indigenous peoplesSeptember 2020
- Analysis of the PNUD gender salary gapSeptember 2020
- The coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the economic autonomy of womenApril 2020
- Access to the educational system: Factors that facilitate or limit access to migrant children and adolescentsDecember 2019
- Indicators for the Results-Oriented Budget Program on violence against womenDecember 2019
- Mainstreaming information gathering on ethnicity to improve minority access to education: the case of Afro-descendant girlsSeptember 2019
- Factors associated with partner violence against women: a departmental approach based on patterns of victimizationJune 2019
- Evaluation of the police intervention against complaints of violence against women: Experimental evaluation of the Home Visitation Program of the National Police of PeruJune 2019
Wilson Hernandez shares his thoughts on the new state of emergency declared by the government
September 30, 2024 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Once the emergency measure ends, “crime returns to normal”, according to Wilson Hernandez, Adjunct Researcher at GRADE, regarding the new state of emergency declared by the government to address citizen insecurity. Wilson is one of the authors of the study ¿A costa de qué?: Impacto de corto y mediano plazo de los estados de emergencia […]
It is with enthusiasm that we announce our membership in the Global Alliance for Care, the first global multi-stakeholder community that facilitates and promotes spaces for dialogue, analysis, exchange of experiences and learning about care, recognizing it as a necessity, a job and a right. “We take this opportunity to recognize and congratulate the work that GRADE […]
[RESULTS] CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Care Economy Public Policy Innovations Collaborative Action-Research Fund Latin America and the Caribbean
July 4, 2023 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
The Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE), in collaboration with United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) and the Global Alliance for Care, and supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), launch the call for proposals for the: Care Economy Public Policy Innovations Collaborative Action-Research Fund Latin America and the Caribbean […]
“Venezuelan migration is an important labor force that could contribute a lot to productivity in the country.” An interview with Fernando Távara, coauthor of a GRADE’s research
April 20, 2023 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“The national survey of Venezuelans that was conducted last year shows that, on average, the Venezuelan migrant is better educated even than Peruvians. It is an important labor force that could contribute a lot to productivity in the country.” Fernando Távara, co-author of GRADE’s research study, “Barriers to the socio-economic integration of migrants in Peru: […]
Wilson Hernández is winner of the SVRI Knowledge for Action to End Violence Against Women and Violence Against Children Research Grant 2023
April 13, 2023 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
We congratulate our Adjunct Researcher Wilson Hernández, whose research proposal “Playing Safely: Football as a means to transform harmful gender norms and address violence against children and adolescents” (together with Daniel Orrego of Futbol Más Perú) was the winner for Peru in the Violence Research Initiative Knowledge for Action to End Violence Against Women and Violence Against Children […]
GRADE, PEP and WIEGO held the Decent Work for Women in Peru: Barriers and Policy Options Seminar
01/12/2023 9:00 am - 10:30 am Auditorio de GRADE Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE), Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) and Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) organize the Decent Work for Women in Peru: Barriers and Policy Options Seminar, as part of a research project led by our Senior Researcher Lorena Alcázar on December 1st at 09:00 a.m., in GRADE’s headquarters. REGISTRATION […]
Lorena Alcázar will be a panelist at trAndeS’ International Seminar on Social Policies, Gender and Inequalities in the Andean Region
09/11/2023 Campus de la PUCP Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Our senior researcher Lorena Alcázar will be a panelist at the International Seminar “Social Policies, Gender and Inequalities in the Andean Region: Perspectives, Expectations and Dilemmas”, organized by trAndeS Graduate Program in Sustainable Development and Social Inequalities in the Andean Region and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. The two-day seminar will address issues related […]
Santiago Cueto and Lorena Alcázar joined the Southern Voice network conference
24/10/2023 → 25/10/2023 Nairobi, Kenya Education and learning, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Our senior researchers Santiago Cueto and Lorena Alcázar joined the flagship conference of Southern Voice, a network of Global South think tanks. The event was held on October 24-25 in Nairobi, Kenya. During the first day, Santiago was a panelist in the session “Ed-tech: Rethinking our Terms for Equity and Sustainability”. On the next day, […]
La Noche de las Ideas: Lorena Alcázar will join a discussion on outstanding Peruvian women scientists
19/05/2023 7:00 pm Zoom Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
As part of the La Noche de las Ideas festival, the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) Peru is organizing the discussion “Por más peruanas en la ciencia” (For more Peruvian women in science). The event will feature four video portraits of outstanding Peruvian women scientists whose research has had an impact on public […]
Vanessa Rojas was a panelist at UNICEF Peru’s Dialogues “Towards the construction of a Social Protection System in Peru”
12/04/2023 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“In Peru, we are still moving from a medical approach to a biopsychosocial one. We still see disability from its individual limitations and do not consider the issue of limits in the social environment, which are key when we talk about social protection in general”. Vanessa Rojas, Associated Researcher at GRADE, joined the UNICEF Peru’s Dialogues “Towards the construction […]
- Education and Learning
- Employment, Productivity and Innovation
- Rural Development and Agriculture
- Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
- Methodologies for Research and Evaluation of Policy and Programmes
- Poverty and Equity
- Natural Resources, Extractive Industries and Social Conflict
- State Reform and Public Institutions
- Health and Nutrition
- Urbanization and Sustainable Cities