Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
Despite social progress and economic advancement in recent years, different forms of social exclusion persist in Peru, which limit the access to development resources for indigenous peoples and Peruvians of African descent. These communities’ ability to fully realize their social, economic, and civil rights is in turn severely diminished. Along with these forms of social exclusion, various mores and institutions of Peruvian society perpetuate other types of social inequalities based on gender and have resulted in unequal opportunities for men and women in our country.
Both forms of inequality have structural roots that not only manifest themselves in civic and economic life, but also find expression in daily acts of discrimination and violence (physical and symbolic).
In this context, GRADE has produced a corpus of studies that explores the multiple dimensions of these forms of social inequality. The studies seek, above all, to bring these problems to the fore by measuring the magnitude of their impact on society, and in turn, we have created a resource for data and analysis that responds to these inequalities.
Building on these studies, we have begun to explore both the causes and consequences of these forms of exclusion, discrimination, and violence. We additionally conduct advocy with the state to incorporate solutions to these issues into its public policy agenda, and we likewise consult on the design of these policy resolutions..
Senior Researchers
María Balarin Bonazzi
PhD en Educational Policy - University of Bath
María is a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) where she has a broad portfolio of both applied and academic research. Her applied work focuses on the analysis and qualitative evaluation of educational and social policies, with a special focus on processes of policy implementation. Her academic work has mostly focused […]
Martín Benavides Abanto (on leave)
PhD en Sociology - Pennsylvania State University
Martín Benavides has a PhD in Sociology from Pennsylvania State University where he also attained a Master’s Degree in Education Policy. He has a degree in Sociology and a BA in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, and has been a visiting student on issues of social mobility and inequality at Nuffield College […]
Juan León Jara-Almonte
PhD en - Pennsylvania State University
Juan has a PhD in Educational Theory and Policy and Comparative & International Education from Pennsylvania State University. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences with mention in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Currently, he is a Senior Researcher at GRADE. His research interests are inequality in education, intercultural bilingual education, early […]
Martín Valdivia Huaringa
PhD en Applied Economics - University of Minnesota
Martin Valdivia has a PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota. He has worked as a Senior Researcher at GRADE since 1993. His fields of interest include entrepreneurship, financial inclusion, rural development and more recently democratic governance, with publications in journals such as the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Journal of Development […]
Associated Researchers
Néstor Valdivia Vargas
PhD candidate en Sociology - El Colegio de México
Néstor Valdivia is studying for a PhD in Sociology at El Colegio de México and holds a degree in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He is currently an Associate Researcher at GRADE in the fields of poverty and equality, education, the labor market and human development. He has worked on development and […]
External Consultants
Paulo César Carrasco Fernández
Degree en - Pedro Ruíz Gallo National University
Paulo holds a Degree in Sociology from the National University Pedro Ruiz Gallo in Lambayeque and is a member of the Professional Board of Sociologists in Peru (Colegio de Sociólogos del Perú). Currently he is a Field Supervisor of the Childhood, Violence and Development Project funded by Bernard van Leer Foundation.
Andrea Ulloa del Castillo
Graduated en -
Andrea has completed her studies in Economics at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. At GRADE, she works as a Research Intern in the “Balancing work and care: towards a better understanding of gender norms in Peru”.
Violencias contra las Mujeres: La necesidad de un doble plural
2019 Wilson Hernández, César Nureña, Cecilia Caparachín, Jhon Ortega, Rosa Luz Durán, Erika Janos Uribe, Agustín Espinosa, Marieliv Flores, Claudia Serna, Rosa Cueto, Carolina Arrunátegui, Lilian Kanashiro, Lucía Yap, Cecilia Núñez, Manuel Martín, Sydney Silverstein, Rosario Rodríguez, Willy Guevara, Andrea Cabel García, Luis Bustamante Otero, Maribel Arrelucea, Paloma Rodríguez
Peru is among the countries with the greatest violence against women in the world. According to official figures, seven out of ten women in our country have suffered psychological, physical and / or sexual violence from their partner at some time in their life. This proportion conceals a complex reality that needs to be revealed: […]
Brechas que perduran: una radiografía de la exclusión social en Perú
2019 Lorena Alcazar
Peru achieved many of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) before the 2015 deadline, a sign of the great economic and social advances of recent decades. However, the high levels of heterogeneity that persist in the development indicators show the high inequalities in the country, particularly in relation to traditionally excluded groups such as women, indigenous […]
Experiencias de convivencia, matrimonio y maternidad/paternidad en adolescentes y jóvenes peruanos. Policy brief
2019 Vanessa Rojas,
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Experiencias de convivencia, matrimonio y maternidad/paternidad en adolescentes y jóvenes peruanos
2019 Vanessa Rojas,
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Criminal Legalities in the Global South. Cultural Dynamics, Political Tensions, and Institutional Practices
Criminal Legalities in the Global South: Cultural dynamics, political tensions and institutional practices2019 Wilson Hernández
In Peru, corruption is widespread. Under the intention of addressing the problem of corruption, the justice system reacted by creating a specialized sub judicial system, which accompanied the introduction of a new Criminal Procedure Code that allowed less bureaucratic oral criminal proceedings. While these changes promised justice and efficiency, in this chapter it is argued […]
Entrenamiento ocupacional para reducir la segregación de género: El impacto de Projoven
El trabajo trata la evaluación de ProJoven, el programa de capacitación para el trabajo de jóvenes en de Perú y muestra las diferencias considerables que hay en sus efectos entre hombres y mujeres. Dieciocho meses después de haber participado en el programa, el empleo entre las mujeres mejoró aproximadamente en 15% (en el caso de […]
Discrimination in Latin America: An Elephant in the Room?
Este trabajo investiga la evidencia de discriminación en América Latina y muestra que hay una percepción generalizada de discriminación, especialmente en contra del pobre, el no instruído y aquellos que carecen de conecciones. Los canales a través de los cuales la discriminación ocurre se construyen en base a factores económicos. Sin embargo, mientras las encuestas […]
Brechas salariales por género y etnicidad en Guatemala desde una perspectiva de comparaciones emparejadas
Los autores analizan las brechas salariales atribuibles al sexo y la etnicidad en Guatemala entre 2000 y 2006. Se hallan brechas salariales pronunciadas a lo largo tanto de dimensiones sexuales como étnicas. Las brechas salariales en Guatemala obedecen parcialmente a diferencias de características del capital humano, especialmente educación, entre grupos indígenas y no indígenas, y […]
Ethnic and Gender Wage Gaps in Ecuador
Returns to labor for workers with similar endowments of productive characteristics in Ecuador are influenced by two characteristics that, arguably, should play no role on the determination of wages: gender and ethnicity. The authors analyzes wage gaps due to both characteristics in Ecuador for the period 2003-2007, applying a matching comparisons technique developed in Ñopo […]
Traditional Excluding Forces: A Review of the Quantitative Literature on the Economic Situation of Indigenous Peoples, Afro-Descendants, and People Living with Disability
Unequal income distribution in Latin America and the Caribbean is linked to unequal distributions of (human and physical) assets and differential access to markets and services. These circumstances, and the accompanying social tensions, need to be understood in terms of traditional fragmenting forces; the sectors of the population who experience unfavorable outcomes are also recognized […]
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Group Sofia’s fifth anniversary: a systematization of its outcomes, achievements, challenges and lessons
April 8, 2019 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Group Sofía celebrates its fifth anniversary with a systematization document of its creation process, more tangible outcomes, more outstanding achievements and challenges, and lessons learned. The group aims to share their experience to contribute to the formation of similar networks in different specialties, as well as to motivate other researchers to contribute to counteracting gender […]
Preliminary findings of Young Marriage and Parenthood Study (YMAPS) in Peru
February 6, 2019 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Vanessa Rojas, Adjunct Researcher at GRADE and Coordinator of the Qualitative Component of Young Lives in Peru, shared in Radio Nacional the preliminary findings of the Young Marriage and Parenthood (YMAPS) qualitative studies, show the perceptions of young women and men about their experiences in cohabitation, pregnancy, maternity/paternity to an early age. Qualitative evidence of […]
Bangkok: Members of GRADE joined the Think Tank Initiative 2018 as panelists and workshop participants
November 26, 2018 Rural development and agriculture, Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition, Urbanization and sustainable cities
After almost a decade of organizational support, the Think Tank Initiative brought together representatives of think tanks, policymakers, donors and other research-to-policy actors for a final Think Tank Initiative Exchange to mark the last year of the program. This Exchange built on a decade of TTI lessons, experiences and insights on the challenges of building […]
Is the solution at home?, by Hugo Ñopo
September 25, 2018 Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“The excess of female responsibilities in homes has huge impacts on the lower possibility of professional development for women”, says Hugo Ñopo, senior researcher at GRADE, in an article published in G de Gestión gathering proposals to set game rules that promote gender equity in the business community.
Hugo Ñopo’s findings on gender disparities in Peru are highlighted in Gestión
August 31, 2018 Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
A recent research study conducted by Hugo Ñopo, senior researcher at GRADE, reveals that at the time of the birth of the first son or daughter, women’s wages fall close to 10% and over time they do not recover. This and other findings on gender disparities in Peru are highlighted in the newspaper Gestión.
Bolivia: Hugo Ñopo will join “An agenda for development in the Andean countries: productivity, social advances and institutionality” Conference
05/07/2018 La Paz, Bolivia Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Our senior researcher, Hugo Ñopo, will be part of “An agenda for development in the Andean countries: productivity, social advances and institutionality” Conference, on July 5 at the Bolivian Catholic University of San Pablo in La Paz. The conference aims to address the role of natural resources and the challenges towards a structural change. Also, to […]
GRADE’s International Conference ‘Territories and Development in Peru’
05/06/2018 → 06/06/2018 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Auditorio de GRADE (Av. Almirante Grau 915, Barranco) Rural development and agriculture, Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition
GRADE’s International Conference on Territories and Development in Peru was held on 5-6 June, 2018. In this event we shared the findings of a research program that we have carried out over the last three years, due to the agreement between GRADE and the Think Tank Initiative managed by Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC). Through this research program, […]
Book launch: Grupo Sofía presents “Inequality in academia: women in the Peruvian social sciences”
08/05/2018 8:30 am - 12:00 pm Auditorio de GRADE (Av. Almirante Grau 915, Barranco) Education and learning, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Grupo Sofía held the launch of its book “Inequality in academia: women in the Peruvian social sciences”, edited by Lorena Alcázar and María Balarin. The book includes chapters of researchers Patricia Ames, Norma Correa, Erika Busse, Roxana Barrantes, Patricia Ruiz-Bravo, Yamilé Guibert, Andrea Román, Aurora Escudero, Karen Espinoza and María Fernanda Rodríguez. They present rigorous evidence, until […]
Néstor Valdivia discussed the advances and challenges in intercultural citizenship and public policies, at the International Culture Forum
27/10/2017 11:15 am - 12:25 pm Ministerio de Cultura (Avenida Javier Prado Este 2479, San Borja) Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“Culture as an engine of development” is the theme of the International Culture Forum, held by the Ministry of Culture of Peru, on October 26 and 27. During the second day of the event, our associate researcher, Néstor Valdivia, discussed the advances and challenges in intercultural citizenship and public policies, together with Mirna Cunningham, President […]
Hugo Ñopo will join ESAN University Forum: Education and preparation for the future
04/10/2017 8:00 am - 12:45 pm Hotel Hilton (Av. la Paz 1099, Miraflores) Education and learning, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Our senior researcher, Hugo Ñopo, will be part of the ESAN University forum “Education and preparation for the future” (check out the agenda), to be held on Wednesday, October 4, at the Hilton Hotel. Hugo will be a speaker at the first panel that will address a gender equity approach. Admission is free, previous registration here. From the Forum […]
- Education and Learning
- Employment, Productivity and Innovation
- Rural Development and Agriculture
- Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
- Methodologies for Research and Evaluation of Policy and Programmes
- Poverty and Equity
- Natural Resources, Extractive Industries and Social Conflict
- State Reform and Public Institutions
- Health and Nutrition
- Urbanization and Sustainable Cities