Employment, Productivity and Innovation
The main objective of various projects carried out at GRADE in this area has been to assess the economic impacts of labor legislation and its effects on the hiring of temporary workers, on employment rotation and mobility, or non-salary labor costs and on the demand for formal employment. Additional issues include the insertion of youth in the labor market, self-employment rates, the role of micro and small-scale enterprises in employment generation, and policies for driving innovation in the country.
Senior Researchers
Juan José Díaz Noziglia
PhD en Economics - University of Maryland
Juan José Díaz has a PhD in Economics from the University of Maryland. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE. His interests include the labor economy and evaluating social, educational, health and development programs.
Miguel Jaramillo Baanante
PhD en History - University of California
Miguel Jaramillo has a degree in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He completed his graduate studies in Economics and History at the University of California, where he received a PhD in History. His areas of interests are labor economics, social policy and institutional analysis. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE. […]
Máximo Torero Cullen (de licencia)
PhD en Economics - University of California, Los Angeles
Maximo received a PhD from the University of California at Los Angeles, Department of Economics and held a postdoctoral fellow position at the UCLA Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR). Currently, he is the Chief Economist of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Prior to joining FAO, he was the World Bank Group Executive Director for […]
External Affiliated Researchers
Sonia Laszlo
PhD en - University of Toronto
Sonia Laszlo is Associate Professor of Economics and Director of the Institute for the Study of International Development. Her main research areas cover many aspects of applied microeconomic analysis in economic development: rural development, access to markets, and the relationship between income, health and education in economic development. In addition to using traditional analytic tools […]
Visiting Researchers
Alessandro Goglio
PhD en - Graduate Institute of International Studies
Alessandro is a senior international economist with extensive experience advising governments on long-term reforms, policies, and programs, particularly in the areas of social and labor market reforms. He currently teaches Public Economics at LIUC Università Cattaneo (Castellanza, Italy), School of Economics, following thirty years at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris. […]
Políticas de protección social y laboral en el Perú. Una espiral de buenas intenciones, malos resultados y peores respuestas
2021 Hugo Ñopo
The legislation stipulates that, with some exceptions, all workers and their family members are covered by a social safety net that is financed by contributions from employers and workers. This legislation, to a large extent, is violated and to another extent has exceptions. As a result, most workers do not enjoy contributory social protection. The […]
¿Reinserción y permanencia en el mercado laboral con equidad de género?: el Servicio Cuidado Diurno en madres jóvenes
2021 Gabriela Arrunategui, Micaela Giesecke
Durante las últimas dos décadas, las mujeres peruanas han ganado derechos en diferentes ámbitos de la vida social, política y económica (Benavente y Valdés, 2014; Sara-lafosse, 2009). La inserción de la fuerza laboral femenina representa para ellas un logro en su autonomía económica (Irigaray, 1992; Lupica, 2015). Aquellas que son madres, sin embargo, enfrentan penalizaciones […]
Savings Groups Reduce Vulnerability, but Have Mixed Effects on Financial Inclusion
2020 Verónica Frisancho, Martin Valdivia
This paper evaluates the impact of the introduction of savings groups on poverty, vulnerability, and financial inclusion outcomes in rural Peru. Using a cluster randomized control trial and relying on both survey and administrative records, researchers investigate the impact of savings groups after more than two years of exposure. The authors find that savings groups […]
Savings Groups Reduce Vulnerability, but have Mixed Effects on Financial Inclusion
2020 Verónica Frisancho, Martin Valdivia
This paper evaluates the impact of the introduction of savings groups on poverty, vulnerability, and financial inclusion outcomes in rural Peru. Using a cluster randomized control trial and relying on both survey and administrative records, researchers investigate the impact of savings groups over a two year period. The authors find that savings groups channel expensive […]
JournalJournal of Development Economics
The value of redistribution: Natural resources and the formation of human capital under weak institutions
2020 Jorge Aguero, Carlos Felipe Balcázar, Stanislao Maldonado, Hugo Ñopo
Researchers exploit time and spatial variation generated by the commodities boom to measure the effect of natural resources on human capital formation in Peru, a country with low governance indicators. Combining testscores from over two million students and district-level administrative data of mining taxes redistributed to localgovernments, they find sizable effects on student learning from […]
Heterogeneity of total factor productivity across Latin American countries: evidence from manufacturing firms
2012, Alan Sanchez,
We use a firm production function approach to generate estimates of total factor productivity (TFP) and labor productivity in the manufacturing sector for a group of Latin American countries.
Teachers’ Salaries in Latin America: How Much Are They (Under or Over) Paid?
The paper documents the extent to which teachers are underpaid vis-à-vis workers in other professional and technical occupations in Latin America circa 2007. These labor earnings differences, attributed to observable socio-demographic and job characteristics, are assessed using a matching methodology (Ñopo, 2008). Teachers’ underpayment is found to be stronger than what has been previously reported […]
Gender Earnings Gaps in the World
The paper documents gender disparities in labor earnings for sixty-four countries around the world. Disparities are partially attributed to gender differences in observable socio-demographic and job characteristics. These characteristics are used to match males and females such that gender earnings disparities are computed only among individuals with the same characteristics, as in Ñopo (2008). After […]
Evolution of Gender Gaps in Latin America at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: An Addendum to “New Century, Old Disparities”
The paper complements the findings of Atal, Ñopo and Winder (2009) on gender and ethnic wage gaps for 18 Latin American countries circa 2005 by analyzing gender wage gaps for the same countries between circa 1992 and circa 2007. During this span the overall gender earnings gaps dropped about 7 percentage points, while the unexplained […]
Evolution of Gender Wage Gaps in Latin America at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: An Addendum to “New Century, Old Disparities”
The authors complements the findings of Atal, Ñopo and Winder (2010) on gender and ethnic wage gaps for 18 Latin American countries circa 2005 by analyzing gender wage gaps for the same countries between circa 1992 and circa 2007. During this span the overall gender earnings gaps dropped about 7 percentage points, while the unexplained […]
JournalThe Review of Economics and Statistics
Matching as a Tool to Decompose Wage Gaps
The paper presents a methodology that uses matching comparisons to explain gender wage differences. The approach emphasizes gender differences in the supports of the distributions of observable characteristics and provides insights into the distribution of unexplained gender pay differences. This nonparametric alternative to the Blinder-Oaxaca (BO) decomposition does not require the estimation of earnings equations […]
JournalRevista Economía
Occupational training to reduce gender segregation: The impacts of ProJoven
The paper illustrates the process of program evaluation for ProJoven, the Peruvian youth labor training program. The program provides beneficiaries with basic three-month training in lowskill occupations and with internship opportunities. ProJoven’s design promotes gender equality by encouraging female participation in training for traditionally male-dominated occupations and by providing subsidies so mothers with children can […]
JournalEconomic Development and Cultural Change
Ethnicity and Earnings in a Mixed-Race Labor Market
2007, Maximo Torero,
The study examines the relationship between earnings and racial differences in a context in which various races have coexisted and mixed during several centuries, as is true in many parts of the postcolonial world and specifically urban Peru. Coarse indicators of racial differences do not suffice in capturing this relationship; therefore, the authors introduce a score-based […]
JournalAfrican Development Review
Selection and Reporting Bias in Household Surveys of Child Labor: Evidence from Tanzania
JournalUnodiverso: ciencia, tecnología y sociedad
Retos del Plan Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Humano
2006Juana Kuramoto,
El Plan Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Humano fue aprobado vía decreto supremo que lo convierte en un documento vinculante para el sector público y referencial para el privado.
Diferencias en el acceso de las mujeres al microcrédito en el Perú e impacto de la tenencia del título de propiedad
Mercado y gestión del microcrédito en el Perú2004Maximo Torero, ,
El presente estudio pretende medir el acceso de las mujeres al microcrédito en el Perú. Asimismo, busca examinar el vínculo entre la distribución por género de los derechos de propiedad y las limitaciones en el acceso de las mujeres peruanas al crédito.
Labor market reforms and their impacts over formal labor demand and job market turnover: the case of Peru
Law and employment: lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean2000Maximo Torero,
El futuro de la evaluación en el Perú
Foro Educativo y REDUC. Congreso Internacional Reformas y Escuelas para el Nuevo Siglo2004Santiago Cueto,
Small farmers economic organizations: producer associations and agricultural development in Peru
Economic liberalization and evolution of rural agricultural sector in Peru2003Manuel Glave, Ricardo Fort,
The main objective of this study is to identify which factors increase (or decrease) the competitiveness of small farmers in the Peruvian Agriculture.
Labor markets during 1990s
After the Washington Consensus: restarting growth and reform in Latin America2003
Implementing CCTs: Lessons from Latin America
2012Miguel Jaramillo,
This brief presents four main steps in implementing a successful CCT programme, and in each, draws on the Latin American experience to highlight key issues policymakers should consider when creating an implementation strategy in other contexts.
Improving Health and Education Through CCTs
2012Miguel Jaramillo,
This brief describes how Latin American countries have used CCTs to improve health and education, the results achieved, and lessons learned for improving health and education in other settings.
Menos desiguales: la distribución del ingreso luego de las reformas estructurales
Menos desiguales: la distribución del ingreso luego de las reformas estructurales.
Designing an Effective CCT
2011Miguel Jaramillo,
This brief analyses the most important CCT design elements from the Latin American experience: the target population, incentives and conditionalities, and entry and exit rules to help other countries as they make design decisions to adapt CCTs to their own contexts.
CCT Programmes: An Overview of the Latin American Experience
2011Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave,
This guide provides an overview to CCT programmes in Latin America, including their history, objectives and use, evidence of their impact, and finally, the main lessons coming out of Latin America that can be useful for policymakers considering implementing CCTs in their own countries.
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Employment, Productivity and Innovation en la categoría Book
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Employment, Productivity and Innovation en la categoría Mimeo
- Evaluation of Innovation Support Policies in Peru: Elements for the AnalysisApril 2010 - June 2010
- Study of synthesis on Innovation Works of the FINCYT ContestFebruary 2010 - April 2011
- Qualitative study on formalization barriers between micro businesses in El Cercado de Lima.January 2010 - January 2010
- Design of the Strategic Program on Child LaborJanuary 2010 - April 2010
- Research agenda for FINCyT – CIES call for proposalsAugust 2008
- Analyzing the logistic chains of mineral and fish productsJuly 2008
- Design of the impact assessment of the gender and microfinances projectMay 2008 - June 2008
- La unión hace la fuerza: Integrando a los pequeños productores de trucha con mercados externosJuly 2007
- Apoyo al seguimiento del programa de ciencia y tecnología Perú-BIDJuly 2007
- Estudio de diseño de sistema de monitoreo y evaluación de resultados del programa de capacitación a inspectores laborales del MTPEJuly 2007
The improbable transition to formality, by Miguel Jaramillo
September 8, 2022 Employment, productivity and innovation
“Two traits are key to characterizing workers who transition from informality to formality: education and age. Greater education increases the probability of entering salaried formality from all labor segments, and more pronounced for the increase in education. high school to high school.” Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, shares recent evidence on mobility between the […]
Building safer and more sustainable food systems in Peru, by Karine Gatellier (IDS) and Ricardo Fort
July 22, 2022 Employment, productivity and innovation, Poverty and equality
The pandemic has aggravated the food insecurity situation of people. In Peru, the most vulnerable are facing great difficulties in accessing food, while food market vendors are also struggling to keep their businesses afloat. Read this Covid-19 Responses for Equity (CORE) story of change to know how the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) […]
Miguel Jaramillo: “Clear processes are needed for any regulatory reform and a public discussion based more on evidence than on ideological principles”
June 27, 2022 Employment, productivity and innovation
“A first point is that the Ministry establishes a clear position regarding the generation of formal employment. […] A second point is the need to have a stable regulatory framework. Norms cannot be approved without following a minimum public discussion procedure. Another point is what the Ministry can do to make life in formality easier. […]
Labor market and poverty, by Miguel Jaramillo Baanante
June 12, 2022 Employment, productivity and innovation
“The number of people with a formal job was the lowest in almost a decade, 3.78 million people. The combination of low growth in formal employment, growing informality and meager recovery of income in the informal sector condemns us to greater poverty”. Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, analyzes the panorama of the labor market and poverty […]
Miguel Jaramillo: “The policies of this government serve a very specific political clientele”
May 16, 2022 Employment, productivity and innovation
Formal workers —especially unionized ones— are the ones who have been prioritized in recent labor measures, according to Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE. The dialogue also addressed issues such as the minimum wage, productivity, the release of the AFP, poverty, among others. Read the full interview in El Comercio. Subscribe for access.
GRADE celebrates 40 years of foundation on the sidelines of Peru’s bicentennial
01/06/2020 → 30/06/2021 Rural development and agriculture, Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition, Urbanization and sustainable cities
When GRADE turned 35 in 2015, we researchers produced a set of research reports on key issues for the country’s development. These works, gathered in the book Research for development in Peru, sought to satisfy the demand for knowledge aimed at fostering a more informed debate on public policy in Peru. In the foreword of the publication, Javier […]
Lorena Alcázar will be a panelist at CIES-UNDP Peru dialogue on youth action against the pandemic
29/09/2020 4:00 pm Evento virtual Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Youth has been one of the hardest hit not only by the direct impact of COVID-19 on the lives of young people, their families or their communities, but also by a reduction of spaces, funding and opportunities to play an active role in the response and recovery process. To discuss this issue, the Consortium for […]
Miguel Jaramillo and other experts will discuss the current economic recession in Ojo Público Ask
27/08/2020 6:30 pm Evento virtual Employment, productivity and innovation
The country is in a technical recession, that is, one step away from the economic crisis. How to reactivate the economy when you have a 70% labor informality? What social programs are a priority at this juncture? These issues will be discussed in a new edition of Ojo Público Ask, organized by Ojo Público. DISCUSSANTS […]
Hugo Ñopo discussed the challenges of human development in the face of the pandemic at a KAS Peru event
20/08/2020 5:00 pm Evento virtual Employment, productivity and innovation, Poverty and equality, State reform and public institutions
“The world has applauded that we have good financial backs, which have been built on the basis of a very well done macroeconomy. Unfortunately, we have forgotten to invest in the most important thing: people. In health and education” (El Comercio, April 30 2020). Hugo Ñopo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, discussed the challenges of human […]
GRADE joins Ojo Público and UPCH Health Innovation Lab as partners of the #MITCOVID19Challenge Latin America vs. COVID-19
19/06/2020 → 21/06/2020 Evento virtual Employment, productivity and innovation, Health and nutrition, Urbanization and sustainable cities
GRADE joins Ojo Público and the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia’s Health Innovation Lab as partners of the MIT COVID19 Challenge: Latin America vs. COVID-19. This 48-hour virtual hackathon will be focused on developing solutions that have a relevant impact in the short term in Latin America. In our role, we will be helping to define the challenge. The […]
- Education and Learning
- Employment, Productivity and Innovation
- Rural Development and Agriculture
- Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
- Methodologies for Research and Evaluation of Policy and Programmes
- Poverty and Equity
- Natural Resources, Extractive Industries and Social Conflict
- State Reform and Public Institutions
- Health and Nutrition
- Urbanization and Sustainable Cities