Employment, Productivity and Innovation
The main objective of various projects carried out at GRADE in this area has been to assess the economic impacts of labor legislation and its effects on the hiring of temporary workers, on employment rotation and mobility, or non-salary labor costs and on the demand for formal employment. Additional issues include the insertion of youth in the labor market, self-employment rates, the role of micro and small-scale enterprises in employment generation, and policies for driving innovation in the country.
Senior Researchers
Juan José Díaz Noziglia
PhD en Economics - University of Maryland
Juan José Díaz has a PhD in Economics from the University of Maryland. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE. His interests include the labor economy and evaluating social, educational, health and development programs.
Miguel Jaramillo Baanante
PhD en History - University of California
Miguel Jaramillo has a degree in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He completed his graduate studies in Economics and History at the University of California, where he received a PhD in History. His areas of interests are labor economics, social policy and institutional analysis. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE. […]
Máximo Torero Cullen (de licencia)
PhD en Economics - University of California, Los Angeles
Maximo received a PhD from the University of California at Los Angeles, Department of Economics and held a postdoctoral fellow position at the UCLA Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR). Currently, he is the Chief Economist of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Prior to joining FAO, he was the World Bank Group Executive Director for […]
External Affiliated Researchers
Sonia Laszlo
PhD en - University of Toronto
Sonia Laszlo is Associate Professor of Economics and Director of the Institute for the Study of International Development. Her main research areas cover many aspects of applied microeconomic analysis in economic development: rural development, access to markets, and the relationship between income, health and education in economic development. In addition to using traditional analytic tools […]
Visiting Researchers
Alessandro Goglio
PhD en - Graduate Institute of International Studies
Alessandro is a senior international economist with extensive experience advising governments on long-term reforms, policies, and programs, particularly in the areas of social and labor market reforms. He currently teaches Public Economics at LIUC Università Cattaneo (Castellanza, Italy), School of Economics, following thirty years at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris. […]
Hacia un sistema de formación continua de la fuerza laboral en el Perú
2015 Juan Chacaltana, Juan Jose Diaz, David Rosas-Shady
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¿Qué sabemos sobre los programas y políticas de primer empleo en América Latina?
2015 Guillermo Dema, Juan Jose Diaz, Juan Chacaltana
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Apego al terruño: La geografía de los mercados laborales de docentes
2015 Miguel Jaramillo
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El proceso de certificación del pisco peruano: una propuesta de medición de sus principales efectos
Midiendo el impacto de la infraestructura de la calidad en América Latina: experiencias, alcances y limitaciones2014 Ricardo Fort, Mauricio Espinoza
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JournalJournal of Development Economics
Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru
2015 Martin Valdivia
With millions of women around the developing world thrown into self-employment but with low productivity, increasing the profitability of their businesses is highly relevant for poverty reduction and gender equity. This study evaluates the impacts of a BDS program serving female microentrepreneurs in Lima using an experimental design, that included two treatment groups: One received […]
Mujer, empleo y pobreza: la experiencia reciente de los países andinos
1999, ,
La contribución del efecto empleo y efecto ingresos al crecimiento del ingreso familiar en los países andinos y la contribución relativa de la mujer a dicho crecimiento, especialmente en los hogares pobres.
El turismo en el Perú: perspectivas de crecimiento y generación de empleo
El presente trabajo analiza el desempeño del sector turismo en el Perú en 1990-1998, con especial atención en su creciente importancia para la creación de nuevos empleos y la generación de divisas.
¿Crisis real o crisis de expectativas? el empleo en el Perú antes y después de las reformas estructurales
En esta investigación se analizan los mecanismos de ajuste del mercado de trabajo entre 1986 y 1997.
Empleo, productividad e ingresos: Perú (1990-1996)
1998Juan Jose Diaz,
El presente trabajo analiza las tendencias que en materia de empleo, productividad e ingresos, se registraron en el Perú de 1990-1996.
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Hugo Ñopo in RPP Noticias: “There are no individual funds in the ONP”
August 29, 2020 Employment, productivity and innovation
“A root reform requires understanding that part of the dysfunctionality of the pension system is a reflection of the dysfunctionality of the labor market. 70% of workers have informal jobs and 30% that have formal jobs are part of the wealthiest segment of workers. So, besides being a few (affiliates), they are not poor, not […]
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Pandemic and rural employment, by Hugo Ñopo and Daniel Pajita
August 28, 2020 Employment, productivity and innovation
“To what is already worrying about the drop in employment that has recently spread, it must be added that paid employment has fallen even more. People are shifting to forms of subsistence employment, helping family members in their farms or businesses. the rural economy should be one of the issues to prioritize on the medium-term agenda.” […]
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Miguel Jaramillo’s opinion in Al Jazeera. Peru economy: COVID-19 puts millions of people out of work
August 22, 2020 Employment, productivity and innovation
“It is the worst recession since the 19th century. The economy shut down completely. In 12 out of 24 regions, there was not a single case of COVID-19. Instead of isolating, the quarantine was also imposed on them, revealing the lack of understanding of the effects of this measure. […] The long-term consequences are enormous: […]
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Miguel Jaramillo in Bloomberg: Peru’s GDP Quarterly Drop
August 21, 2020 Employment, productivity and innovation
“It’s not so easy for economic activity to return when you’ve had such a brutal drop. Many companies have folded, and they’re going to keep folding. It’s naive to think we’ve touched bottom.” Miguel Jaramillo, senior researcher at GRADE, talked with Bloomberg on Peru’s GDP drop during the second quater due to the pandemic.
Employment: the three dogmas of the old formality, by Hugo Ñopo
July 26, 2020 Employment, productivity and innovation
“In Peru, with limited access to capital and poorly developed financial markets, work is even more important. Labor incomes cover three-quarters of the budgets of Peruvian households. Therefore, there is no better welfare policy than promoting a better job market”. Read the new op-ed by Hugo Ñopo, senior researcher at GRADE, in El Comercio.
Estudios de GRADE en reunión de LACEA-LAMES 2007
04/10/2007 → 06/10/2007 Employment, productivity and innovation
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Taller NIP – GRADE
22/11/2004 → 23/11/2004 Universidad del Pacífico (Av. Salaverry 2020, Jesús María) Employment, productivity and innovation
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- Education and Learning
- Employment, Productivity and Innovation
- Rural Development and Agriculture
- Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
- Methodologies for Research and Evaluation of Policy and Programmes
- Poverty and Equity
- Natural Resources, Extractive Industries and Social Conflict
- State Reform and Public Institutions
- Health and Nutrition
- Urbanization and Sustainable Cities