Education and Learning
In the past several years, there have been improvements in Peruvian education. For example, enrollment rates have increased, and there is an observable trend toward improvement in standardized test scores. However, there is still much to be done in terms of the quality, equality, and relevance of education in Peru.
Therefore, all GRADE studies focus on identifying the existing challenges for the Peruvian educational system in achieving its intended impact on society. In these studies, GRADE researchers place significant emphasis on educational inequality. As such, our researchers have conducted studies on the effects of poverty, living in rural areas, race and ethnicity (with a focus on indigenous peoples and the Afro-Peruvian community), and disability on educational opportunities and success. GRADE researchers have likewise incorporated a gender component into many studies.
Informed by these studies as well as others, GRADE researchers have been directly involved in policy debates in numerous sectors of government, including those of the Ministry of Education and other institutions working on topics in education.
Senior Researchers
Vanessa Rojas Arangoitia
PhD en - Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Vanessa holds a PhD in Sociology from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. She has a degree in Anthropology and a Master’s degree in Political Science from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Her work has focused on the anthropology of education and childhood, addressing issues of educational transitions, child welfare, educational quality and power relations. During 2012, she […]
Lorena Alcázar Valdivia
PhD en Economics - Washington University
Lorena has a BA in Economics from the Pacific University in Peru, a Master’s Degree in Political and International Economy from the Kiel Institute of World Economics, and a PhD in Economics from Washington University. She is currently a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE). Previously, she served as Vice-President […]
María Balarin Bonazzi
PhD en Educational Policy - University of Bath
María is a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) where she has a broad portfolio of both applied and academic research. Her applied work focuses on the analysis and qualitative evaluation of educational and social policies, with a special focus on processes of policy implementation. Her academic work has mostly focused […]
Martín Benavides Abanto (on leave)
PhD en Sociology - Pennsylvania State University
Martín Benavides has a PhD in Sociology from Pennsylvania State University where he also attained a Master’s Degree in Education Policy. He has a degree in Sociology and a BA in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, and has been a visiting student on issues of social mobility and inequality at Nuffield College […]
Santiago Cueto Caballero
PhD en Educational Psychology - Indiana University
Santiago Cueto holds a degree in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and a PhD in the same field from Indiana University in the United States. He has been a Visiting Researcher at the University of California at Davis and the University of Oxford. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE, […]
Gabriela Guerrero Barnechea
PhD en Educational Sciences - KU Leuven
Gabriela Guerrero has a PhD in Educational Sciences from the KU Leuven in Belgium and a Master’s Degree in Development Studies with a major in Public Policy from the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, The Netherlands. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. She is currently a […]
Juan León Jara-Almonte
PhD en - Pennsylvania State University
Juan has a PhD in Educational Theory and Policy and Comparative & International Education from Pennsylvania State University. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences with mention in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Currently, he is a Senior Researcher at GRADE. His research interests are inequality in education, intercultural bilingual education, early […]
Patricia McLauchlan de Arregui
M.A. en Sociology - Johns Hopkins University
Patricia McLauchlan de Arregui graduated in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. She obtained her MA and concluded her doctoral studies in Sociology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. She has worked for GRADE as a Senior Researcher since 1985 and was Executive Director of the institution between 1988 and 1998. Her […]
Associated Researchers
Carmela Chávez Irigoyen
PhD en - Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Carmela Chávez Irigoyen holds a PhD in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, where she also obtained a Degree in Sociology and a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences. She has a Master’s Degree in Advanced Studies in Human Rights and a Master’s Degree in Fundamental Rights from the Carlos III University in Madrid. […]
Néstor Valdivia Vargas
PhD candidate en Sociology - El Colegio de México
Néstor Valdivia is studying for a PhD in Sociology at El Colegio de México and holds a degree in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He is currently an Associate Researcher at GRADE in the fields of poverty and equality, education, the labor market and human development. He has worked on development and […]
Adjunct Researchers
Antonio Campos Flores
PhD candidate en - University of San Andrés, Argentina
Antonio is a PhD Candidate in Economics from the University of San Andrés in Argentina. He holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from the University of San Andrés and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. He has been a coordinator of educational policy evaluations at the Ministry of […]
Liliana Miranda Molina
Master en - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Liliana has a master’s degree in Education Research from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and a degree in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). She worked at the Ministry of Education (MINEDU), first as Head of MINEDU’s Quality Measurement Unit and then as Vice-Minister of Pedagogical Management. Currently, Liliana is an Adjunct […]
María Fernanda Rodríguez García
Master en - Cambridge University
María Fernanda holds a master’s degree in Education, Globalization & International Development from Cambridge University in United Kingdom and a degree in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. She returns to GRADE as an Adjunct Researcher.
Paola Sarmiento Huerta
Master in Arts en - University of British Columbia
Paola holds a MA on Educational Policy from University of British Columbia (UBC) and has a degree in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. She has been part of educational reform processes in Peru such as the Public Teaching Career and the University Reform. In addition, she has been a member of the […]
Claudia Sugimaru Arakaki
Máster en Educational Sciences - KU Leuven
Claudia holds a Master’s degree in Educational Sciences from KU Leuven in Belgium and a degree in Psychology with a major in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Currently, she is an Adjunct Researcher at GRADE.
Jessica Tapia Soriano
Master en - Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO)
Jessica holds a Master’s degree in Social Sciences with an orientation on Education from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) in Argentina. Currently she is an Adjunct Researcher at GRADE and the Pedagogical Coordinator of the Growing with Multigrade Rural Schools in Peru (CREER) Project.
Verónica Villarán Bedoya
Master en - Social Sciences with an orientation on Education
Verónica holds a Degree in Social Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and a Master’s degree in Social Sciences with an orientation on Education from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) in Argentina. Between 2011 and 2014 she worked at the Ministry of Education, first as Director of Educational Research and Documentation and […]
Project Support Staff
Mónica Lizama Egoavil
Degree en - National Agrarian University
Mónica studied Statistical and Computer Science Engineer at the National University Agrarian La Molina. Currently she is the Data Manager for Young Lives in Peru. Before joining Young Lives, Mónica worked as a statistics assistant at the Peruvian National Institute of Statistics (INEI) and the International Nutrition Institute (IIN).
External Affiliated Researchers
David Baker
PhD en - Johns Hopkins University
David P. Baker is Professor of Education and Sociology at the Pennsylvania State University. His research focuses on the impact of education on individuals and societies, international comparisons of school organization, academic outcomes, and educational policy. His most recent book is The Schooled Society: The Educational Transformation of Global Culture. Palo Alto CA: Stanford University […]
Jere R. Behrman
Ph.D. en - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professor Behrman is a leading international researcher in empirical microeconomics, with emphasis on developing economies. He is also a Research Associate at Penn’s Population Studies Center. His research interests include empirical microeconomics, labor economics, human resources (early childhood development, education, health, nutrition), project evaluation, economic demography, incentive systems and household behaviors. The unifying dimension of […]
Marjorie Chinen
PhD en - University of California
Marjorie is a Ph.D. in Education with emphasis on Advanced Quantitative Methods in Social Research Methodology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She has over 15 years of experience in project management, technical assistance, research and fieldwork in international development. She has led multiple projects in different areas of education, and designed and […]
Marta Favara
PhD en - University of Essex
Marta is a Senior Researcher at the Oxford Department of International Development at the University of Oxford where she is leading the quantitative research agenda of Young Lives since 2015. She is also a Research Fellow at the Oxford Martin School Programme on African Governance and an IZA Research Affiliate. Before joining Young Lives, she […]
Sonia Laszlo
PhD en - University of Toronto
Sonia Laszlo is Associate Professor of Economics and Director of the Institute for the Study of International Development. Her main research areas cover many aspects of applied microeconomic analysis in economic development: rural development, access to markets, and the relationship between income, health and education in economic development. In addition to using traditional analytic tools […]
Visiting Researchers
Claudia Galindo
PhD en - Pennsylvania State University
Claudia holds a Ph.D. in Educational Theory and Policy and Comparative & International Education from Pennsylvania State University, and a post-doctoral degree in Social Organization of Schools from Johns Hopkins University. She is an Associated Professor at University of Maryland, Baltimore County where she teaches in the fields of educational inequalities, inmigration and research methodologies.
El trabajo de sesiones de aprendizaje en aulas rurales multigrado: la experiencia del proyecto CREER
2024 Jessica Tapia
In our country’s multigrade classrooms, teaching and learning are woven differently than in conventional classrooms, which implies adapting educational practices to effectively meet the diverse needs and learning levels of students. In this article, Jessica Tapia, CREER’s pedagogical coordinator, discusses the project’s pedagogical proposal and shares reflections on the lessons learned in its implementation.
Balance y pespectivas de nuestro trabajo con escuelas rurales multigrado
2024 Veronica Villaran, Santiago Cueto
The authors share perspectives and scopes of the CREER Project. They address the work carried out with rural multigrade schools, highlighting the adaptations of the project in the return to face-to-face teaching, the strategies implemented for the recovery of learning and well-being, and the new collaborations to contribute to teacher training and rural education in […]
JournalEconomics & Human Biology
Long-term effects of early life rainfall shocks on foundational cognitive skills: Evidence from Peru
2024 Nicolás Pazos, Marta Favara, Alan Sanchez, Douglas Scott, Jere Behrman
Global warming is changing precipitation patterns, particularly harming communities in low-and-middle income countries (LMICs). Whilst the long-term effects of being exposed to rainfall shocks early in life on school-achievement tests are well-established, there is little population-based evidence from LMICs on the mechanisms through which these shocks operate. Executive functions (EFs) are key for children’s learning […]
Late-childhood foundational cognitive skills predict educational outcomes through adolescence and into young adulthood: evidence from Ethiopia and Peru
2024 Jennifer López, Jere R. Behrman, Santiago Cueto, Marta Favara, Alan Sanchez
We estimate associations between foundational cognitive skills (inhibitory control, working memory, long-term memory, and implicit learning) measured at age 12 and educational outcomes measured at ages 15 and 19–20 in Ethiopia and Peru, using the Young Lives data. The estimates adjust for rich sets of controls and include measurements of children’s baseline abilities. For a […]
Streaking to success: the effects of highlighting streaks on student effort and achievement
2024 Raphaëlle Aulagnon, Julian Cristia, Santiago Cueto, Ofer Malamud
We examine whether highlighting streaks encourages 4th to 6th grade students in Peru to increase their use of an online math platform and improve learning. Sixty thousand students were randomly assigned to receive messages that i) highlighted streaks, ii) provided personalized reminders with positive reinforcement, or iii) provided generic reminders, while others were assigned to […]
La retroalimentación dialógica: Algunos hallazgos en escuelas multigrado
Sobre la base de un estudio cualitativo realizado el año 2019, en el presente documento se describen los hallazgos más relevantes encontrados en 12 instituciones educativas rurales multigrado de Cajamarca, Loreto y Piura sobre prácticas pedagógicas de retroalimentación oral en sesiones de clase. Considerando las características más importantes de la retroalimentación formativa y de las […]
Prácticas pedagógicas en aulas rurales multigrado: hallazgos y recomendaciones para la formación docente
Sobre la base de un estudio cualitativo realizado el año 2019, en el presente documento se incluyen algunos resultados obtenidos en 12 instituciones educativas rurales multigrado de Cajamarca, Loreto y Piura. Los resultados se agrupan alrededor de seis aspectos centrales de las prácticas pedagógicas: planificación, actividades de enseñanza, interacciones y retroalimentación, estrategias de atención indirecta, […]
El derecho a estudiar: Inclusión de niñas, niños y adolescentes migrantes venezolanos al sistema educativo peruano
Perú es, después de Colombia, el país a donde más familias venezolanas han emigrado en búsqueda de nuevas oportunidades. Al ingresar al país, las niñas, niños y adolescentes venezolanos y sus familias se enfrentan a situaciones de vulnerabilidad social debido a su condición de personas migrantes. Si bien el Estado peruano ha hecho importantes esfuerzos […]
Young lives, interrupted: Short‑term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescents in low- and middleincome countries
This study contributes to the understanding of how severely a cohort of adolescents have been impacted by the crisis, using comparable longitudinal data from four Low- and Middle- Income countries (LMICs) that have been very differently affected by the health crisis: Ethiopia, India (states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana), Peru and Vietnam. In particular, Peru […]
Measuring the impact of covid-19 on children under the age of six in Latin America
Although in medical terms children are not considered a high-risk group for Covid-19, the impact of the pandemic on them is significant, especially among those who were already vulnerable before the crisis. Because of this, in different regions of the world – including Latin America and the Caribbean – the need was identified to implement […]
JournalWorld Development
Does early nutrition predict cognitive skills during later childhood? Evidence from two developing countries
The existing evidence linking early undernutrition to educational outcomes in developing countries is largely focused on assessing its impacts on grade attainment and achievement test scores, with limited evidence on the foundational cognitive skills required to perform well at school. We use unique data collected in Ethiopia and Peru as part of the Young Lives […]
JournalHigher Education Quarterly
‘Marketization’ of higher education in Peru: Who attends private institutions and what are the perceived advantages (disadvantages)?
Debate continues on the effects of the global proliferation of private higher-educational institutions, especially for-profit institutions. The authors examine two related questions for Peru using mixed methods: Who attends private institutions and what are their perceived advantages/disadvantages? Longitudinal quantitative data suggest higher-educational segmentation starting early in life, whereby young people from wealthier households attended private […]
JournalInternational Journal of Obesity
School environments and obesity: a systematic review of interventions and policies among school-age students in Latin America and the Caribbean
The rapid rise in obesity rates among school children in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) could have a direct impact on the region’s physical and mental health, disability, and mortality. This review presents the available interventions likely to reduce, mitigate and/or prevent obesity among school children in LAC by modifying the food and built […]
JournalChildren & Society
The relationship between maternal sensitivity and play during early childhood with the development of cognitive skills and socio-emotional competencies: Longitudinal evidence from Peru
Maternal sensitivity and opportunities for play and exploration are key elements of early childhood development. There is limited evidence of its association with skills development during late childhood and adolescence in developing countries. This study uses longitudinal data from the Young Lives study, which has tracked the livelihoods of approximately 2000 Peruvian children since 2002. […]
JournalRevista Peruana de Investigación Educativa
Segregación socioeconómica en las escuelas de Lima Metropolitana
Este estudio busca profundizar en el conocimiento de la segregación escolar por nivel socioeconómico (NSE) en Lima Metropolitana. Para ello, se estimó la magnitud de la segregación socioeconómica en las escuelas de este ámbito considerando el nivel educativo (primaria / secundaria), tipo de gestión (pública / privada), costo de pensiones (escuelas privadas) y zonificación geográfica. […]
Paradojas de la mejora educativa en los niveles subnacionales de gobierno: los casos de San Martín y Ayacucho
La mejora sistémica de la educación2021
En Perú, María Balarin analiza dos casos muy disímiles. Por un lado, San Martín fue el único caso seleccionado en el que no hubo mejoras por encima del país, pero fue elegido ante la falta de casos de mejora porque los expertos consultados destacaron su planificación, articulación y calidad de gestión en un contexto muy […]
Treinta años de escuela en abstracto
El Perú desde la escuela2021
A partir de los hallazgos reportados en el libro y otros estudios, Santiago Cueto argumenta que la meta principal de la educación peruana ha estado desconectada de los retos que la sociedad atravesaba entonces y atraviesa ahora.
Los caminos encontrados del financiamiento y la descentralización educativa en el Perú
La educación peruana más allá del Bicentenario: nuevos rumbos2021
In the early 2000s, Peru opted to establish a decentralized public management system. The Ley General de Educación of 2003 took up this commitment and established the guidelines for the decentralized management of education. In the 15 years that have followed, although there has been a process of transferring functions to decentralized management bodies, the processes […]
Las políticas y programas que no se diseñan explícitamente para promover equidad aumentan la inequidad. Una hipótesis para el Perú
La educación peruana más allá del Bicentenario: nuevos rumbos2021
About the book: This volume brings together 23 essays that address from different perspectives and in different textual registers (from the free essay to a format close to the academic article) central problems of contemporary Peruvian education with a common purpose: to suggest ways to introduce substantive modifications that allow, for on the one hand, […]
The slow development process of educational policies in Peru
Examining educational policy in Latin America: comprehensive insights into contemporary reform2021
This book synthesizes and analyzes the complex map of educational reforms in Latin America in the first two decades of the 21st century. The book offers insights into the agendas, processes and political economy of educational reforms in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. The chapters present systematic, critical and reflective accounts of an intense […]
Educación superior en pandemia: Una aproximación cualitativa desde Niños del Milenio
When the national quarantine was set in March 2020, young people who were pursuing higher education were immersed in emergency virtual education. This document analyzes their perceptions of change, as well as the barriers they faced and the resources they had to continue studying. In addition, it describes how COVID-19 influenced the aspirations of young […]
¿Qué diferencia hacen las escuelas? Un estudio de métodos mixtos en colegios secundarios del Perú
The study on which this policy document is based analyzes which factors are associated with good results of students in public secondary educational institutions (IE), despite their adverse socioeconomic condition. For this purpose, a mixed methods design is used that follows a sequential explanatory model, which allows us to explore the effect of different types […]
Do More School Resources Increase Learning Outcomes? Evidence from an Extended School-Day Reform
Sigue siendo un debate abierto si la asignación de más recursos mejora los resultados de aprendizaje de los alumnos de las escuelas públicas de bajo rendimiento. Nos centramos en el efecto del aumento del tiempo de instrucción, que es teóricamente ambiguo debido a posibles cambios compensatorios en el esfuerzo de los estudiantes, los profesores o […]
Nuevos formatos pedagógicos para una escuela sin grados
Los sistemas educativos necesitan construir nuevos modos de organizar las actividades escolares y el aprendizaje, con el fin de desarrollar la capacidad de niñas y niños para concebir y desarrollar proyectos; es decir, la capacidad proyectiva. Al respecto, las escuelas multigrado cuentan con una importante ventaja que es necesario aprovechar: el trabajo conjunto de estudiantes […]
Los cuadernos de autoaprendizaje, los manuales docentes y otros materiales de ayuda para aprender y enseñar en el medio rural
En el contexto actual de pandemia, que amplifica las dificultades previas de la educación rural, se torna necesaria en el Perú – como en otros países del mundo – una reflexión acerca del rol de los cuadernos de autoaprendizaje, de los manuales docentes y de los materiales didácticos en general, así como su evaluación continua […]
¿Qué hemos aprendido del estudio longitudinal Niños del Milenio? Síntesis de hallazgos
The Young Lives Peru Country Report presents a summary of the main findings that emerge from analysing the Young Lives data from Peru across a longitudinal study following two cohorts of children in various situations from remote rural areas to urban communities, as a component of a larger multicountry project. The study relates conditions early […]
Educación privada de ‘bajo coste’ en el Perú: un enfoque desde la calidad
This research aims to advance in the description and characterization of the so-called low-cost private schools in relation to different dimensions of educational quality and in a context of a poorly regulated educational market. The specific objectives set by the research are the following: 1. Identify the contextual factors (political, social, economic), actors and mechanisms […]
Estudio sobre factores asociados al uso de cuadernos de trabajo en EIB: el caso de los materiales en Awajún, Ashaninka, Aimara y Quechua Chanka
El presente estudio establece como objetivo principal describir y analizar los factores que determinan el uso y las formas de uso de los cuadernos de trabajo de cuarto grado de primaria en las lenguas originarias awajún, ashaninka, aimara y quechua chanka, en instituciones educativas (II.EE.) de educación intercultural bilingüe (EIB) de gestión pública directa de […]
Aprendizajes de los estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales asociadas a discapacidad sensorial
Desde hace más de diez años, el Ministerio de Educación, a través de la Oficina de Medición de la Calidad de los Aprendizajes (UMC), implementa evaluaciones estandarizadas en algunos grados y áreas curriculares a fin de conocer en qué medida los estudiantes desarrollan los aprendizajes esperados según los documentos curriculares vigentes. En este marco, la […]
Reducción de la deserción escolar en la secundaria rural en la Amazonía peruana
El presente documento es el informe final de una consultoría solicitada por el proyecto Fortalecimiento de la Gestión de la Educación en el Perú (FORGE), realizada con la finalidad de afinar y precisar las causas de la deserción escolar en la secundaria rural en la región amazónica peruana. Este documento incluye información sobre los lugares […]
Investigación Iberoamericana sobre Eficacia Escolar
2007Santiago Cueto,
La Investigación Iberoamericana sobre Eficacia Escolar culmina un proceso para determinar cuáles son los factores asociados a una educación de calidad a fin de contribuir a la toma de decisiones para la mejora de la educación.
Políticas de educación básica 2006-2011
2006Martín Benavides, ,
Políticas de educación básica para el periodo 2006-2011: equidad e igualdad de oportunidades;capacitación,remuneraciones e incentivos al rendimiento docente; procesos pedagógicos y metas de aprendizaje; e infraestructura.
Información empírica y desarrollo de políticas educativas en América Latina
2005Santiago Cueto,
El desarrollo y evaluación de programa y políticas educativas que cumplan con criterios mínimos de eficiencia y eficacia es un reto importante para los países en América Latina, que en casi todos los casos tienen presupuestos muy limitados para invertir en educación.
- Survey on educational policy decisions of senior officials in the framework of the CGD international projectJune 2022
- Supporting the European Union’s external actions – Demonstrating the impact of effectiveness – Research, learning and dissemination componentDecember 2021
- Impact of COVID-19 on the education of children with disabilities in PeruDecember 2020
- Design of an evidence-based Early Childhood Development program for Porticus in PeruOctober 2020
- Just Education JustEdNovember 2020
- Potential pedagogical strategies to prevent and mitigate school “dropouts” due to COVID-19September 2020
- Potenciales estrategias pedagógicas para prevenir y mitigar el “abandono” escolar por efecto del COVID-19September 2020
- Adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean. Situation and challenges in the face of the pandemicSeptember 2020
- Political economy of educational reforms in PeruSeptember 2020
- Implementation of the ConectaIdeas program remotely in public schoolsJuly 2020
Miguel Jaramillo discusses on the regulation that allows the entry of retired interim teachers into the teaching profession
April 10, 2024 Education and learning
For Miguel Jaramillo, the regulation that allows the entry of interim teachers retired from the teaching service would be unconstitutional because it does not respect the concept of not submitting spending initiatives. The opinion of our senior researcher was reported by El Comercio.
Foundational cognitive skills: publications from the new episode of GRADE Conversa
April 5, 2024 Education and learning
Cognitive skills are fundamental to human development from early childhood. Today we know that their influence extends well beyond those early years. A study by Young Lives delved into the association between these skills and educational outcomes in adolescence and young adulthood, early nutrition, and climate variations. Access the publications discussed by Santiago Cueto, Alan […]
[Call] 2024 Methodological Workshop on the use of data from the Young Lives Longitudinal Study
January 18, 2024 Education and learning, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality, Health and nutrition
El taller anual de Niños del Milenio busca brindar las herramientas necesarias para que profesionales, que estén cursando sus maestrías o doctorados, aprendan a usar, descargar y analizar los datos que recolecta el estudio. El principal objetivo es aumentar el interés en la producción de trabajos de investigación con aquellos que desean utilizar los datos de […]
Santiago Cueto via Ojo Público: The results of the latest PISA test confirm the inequality among students, especially in terms of socioeconomic level
December 18, 2023 Education and learning
“If we are going to do some kind of prioritization or work, I would focus on rural students, extreme poor, indigenous, but especially those who entered school during the pandemic. They are the ones who have suffered the most because it was a key time to learn to read.” According to Santiago Cueto, the impact […]
María Balarin in Perú 21: “We found many students and teachers who are not used to the exercise of critical thinking”
December 7, 2023 Education and learning
“We found many students and teachers who are not used to the exercise of critical thinking. This means having an idea that knowledge has to be grounded. They are also not used to the exercise of deepening: we found students who could hold two contradictory ideas without this generating any noise”. Our Senior Researcher María Balarin talked […]
Santiago Cueto will be a speaker at the Inaugural Lecture 2024 of the PUCP Faculty of Psychology
04/04/2024 12:15 pm Auditorio de Humanidades PUCP Education and learning
Santiago Cueto will be a speaker at the Inaugural Lecture 2024 of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Faculty of Psychology. Our senior researcher will present “The right to education in Peru today: a look from Psychology”. The event will take place on April 4th at the PUCP Humanities Auditorium.
María Balarin and María Fernanda Rodríguez will be speakers at the Comparative and International Education Society Conference 2024
12/03/2024 → 13/03/2024 Miami Education and learning
Our researchers María Balarin and María Fernanda Rodríguez will be speakers at the Comparative and International Education Society Conference 2024. This year the event will address the theme The Power of Protest. On Tuesday, March 12, María Fernanda will present “Localising and historicising privatization: understanding education privatization’s links to enclosure, othering and urban spaces”, as part […]
Jessica Tapia (GRADE) and Liriama Velasco (CREER) will be speakers in a webinar on large-scale evaluation experiences in Latin American countries
14/12/2023 1:00 pm (hora Perú) YouTube de RELIEVA Education and learning
Jessica Tapia, Adjunct Researcher at GRADE, and Liriama Velasco, consultant of the Growing with Multigrade Rural Schools in Peru (CREER) Project, will be speakers in a webinar on large-scale evaluation experiences in Latin American countries. The event is organized by the Latin American Evaluation Research Network (RELIEVA). Together with experts from Chile, Mexico, Uruguay and […]
Investigadoras e investigadores de GRADE participan en el XXXIV Seminario Anual de Investigación CIES 2023
05/12/2023 → 06/12/2023 9:00 am - 5:00 pm NOS PUCP Education and learning, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality
Del 5 al 7 de diciembre, investigadoras e investigadores de GRADE serán expositores, moderadores y comentaristas en el XXXIV Seminario Anual de Investigación CIES 2023. El evento, organizado por el Consorcio de Investigación Económica y Social (CIES) de manera presencial, abordará el tema Cambios en la globalización y los retos del desarrollo sostenible en el Perú. A continuación, […]
Education as and for Justice: Launch of the JustEd Project
22/11/2023 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Auditorio de GRADE Education and learning
El Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE) organizó la presentación de JustEd, un proyecto de investigación colaborativa e internacional que busca entender de qué forma los sistemas educativos de países del Sur Global vienen contribuyendo con las agendas de justicia y sostenibilidad vinculadas con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. JustEd se desarrolló entre el […]
- Education and Learning
- Employment, Productivity and Innovation
- Rural Development and Agriculture
- Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
- Methodologies for Research and Evaluation of Policy and Programmes
- Poverty and Equity
- Natural Resources, Extractive Industries and Social Conflict
- State Reform and Public Institutions
- Health and Nutrition
- Urbanization and Sustainable Cities