Education and Learning
In the past several years, there have been improvements in Peruvian education. For example, enrollment rates have increased, and there is an observable trend toward improvement in standardized test scores. However, there is still much to be done in terms of the quality, equality, and relevance of education in Peru.
Therefore, all GRADE studies focus on identifying the existing challenges for the Peruvian educational system in achieving its intended impact on society. In these studies, GRADE researchers place significant emphasis on educational inequality. As such, our researchers have conducted studies on the effects of poverty, living in rural areas, race and ethnicity (with a focus on indigenous peoples and the Afro-Peruvian community), and disability on educational opportunities and success. GRADE researchers have likewise incorporated a gender component into many studies.
Informed by these studies as well as others, GRADE researchers have been directly involved in policy debates in numerous sectors of government, including those of the Ministry of Education and other institutions working on topics in education.
Senior Researchers
Vanessa Rojas Arangoitia
PhD en - Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Vanessa holds a PhD in Sociology from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. She has a degree in Anthropology and a Master’s degree in Political Science from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Her work has focused on the anthropology of education and childhood, addressing issues of educational transitions, child welfare, educational quality and power relations. During 2012, she […]
Lorena Alcázar Valdivia
PhD en Economics - Washington University
Lorena has a BA in Economics from the Pacific University in Peru, a Master’s Degree in Political and International Economy from the Kiel Institute of World Economics, and a PhD in Economics from Washington University. She is currently a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE). Previously, she served as Vice-President […]
María Balarin Bonazzi
PhD en Educational Policy - University of Bath
María is a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) where she has a broad portfolio of both applied and academic research. Her applied work focuses on the analysis and qualitative evaluation of educational and social policies, with a special focus on processes of policy implementation. Her academic work has mostly focused […]
Martín Benavides Abanto (on leave)
PhD en Sociology - Pennsylvania State University
Martín Benavides has a PhD in Sociology from Pennsylvania State University where he also attained a Master’s Degree in Education Policy. He has a degree in Sociology and a BA in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, and has been a visiting student on issues of social mobility and inequality at Nuffield College […]
Santiago Cueto Caballero
PhD en Educational Psychology - Indiana University
Santiago Cueto holds a degree in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and a PhD in the same field from Indiana University in the United States. He has been a Visiting Researcher at the University of California at Davis and the University of Oxford. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE, […]
Gabriela Guerrero Barnechea
PhD en Educational Sciences - KU Leuven
Gabriela Guerrero has a PhD in Educational Sciences from the KU Leuven in Belgium and a Master’s Degree in Development Studies with a major in Public Policy from the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, The Netherlands. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. She is currently a […]
Juan León Jara-Almonte
PhD en - Pennsylvania State University
Juan has a PhD in Educational Theory and Policy and Comparative & International Education from Pennsylvania State University. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences with mention in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Currently, he is a Senior Researcher at GRADE. His research interests are inequality in education, intercultural bilingual education, early […]
Patricia McLauchlan de Arregui
M.A. en Sociology - Johns Hopkins University
Patricia McLauchlan de Arregui graduated in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. She obtained her MA and concluded her doctoral studies in Sociology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. She has worked for GRADE as a Senior Researcher since 1985 and was Executive Director of the institution between 1988 and 1998. Her […]
Associated Researchers
Carmela Chávez Irigoyen
PhD en - Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Carmela Chávez Irigoyen holds a PhD in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, where she also obtained a Degree in Sociology and a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences. She has a Master’s Degree in Advanced Studies in Human Rights and a Master’s Degree in Fundamental Rights from the Carlos III University in Madrid. […]
Néstor Valdivia Vargas
PhD candidate en Sociology - El Colegio de México
Néstor Valdivia is studying for a PhD in Sociology at El Colegio de México and holds a degree in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He is currently an Associate Researcher at GRADE in the fields of poverty and equality, education, the labor market and human development. He has worked on development and […]
Adjunct Researchers
Antonio Campos Flores
PhD candidate en - University of San Andrés, Argentina
Antonio is a PhD Candidate in Economics from the University of San Andrés in Argentina. He holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from the University of San Andrés and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. He has been a coordinator of educational policy evaluations at the Ministry of […]
Liliana Miranda Molina
Master en - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Liliana has a master’s degree in Education Research from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and a degree in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). She worked at the Ministry of Education (MINEDU), first as Head of MINEDU’s Quality Measurement Unit and then as Vice-Minister of Pedagogical Management. Currently, Liliana is an Adjunct […]
María Fernanda Rodríguez García
Master en - Cambridge University
María Fernanda holds a master’s degree in Education, Globalization & International Development from Cambridge University in United Kingdom and a degree in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. She returns to GRADE as an Adjunct Researcher.
Paola Sarmiento Huerta
Master in Arts en - University of British Columbia
Paola holds a MA on Educational Policy from University of British Columbia (UBC) and has a degree in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. She has been part of educational reform processes in Peru such as the Public Teaching Career and the University Reform. In addition, she has been a member of the […]
Claudia Sugimaru Arakaki
Máster en Educational Sciences - KU Leuven
Claudia holds a Master’s degree in Educational Sciences from KU Leuven in Belgium and a degree in Psychology with a major in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Currently, she is an Adjunct Researcher at GRADE.
Jessica Tapia Soriano
Master en - Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO)
Jessica holds a Master’s degree in Social Sciences with an orientation on Education from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) in Argentina. Currently she is an Adjunct Researcher at GRADE and the Pedagogical Coordinator of the Growing with Multigrade Rural Schools in Peru (CREER) Project.
Verónica Villarán Bedoya
Master en - Social Sciences with an orientation on Education
Verónica holds a Degree in Social Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and a Master’s degree in Social Sciences with an orientation on Education from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) in Argentina. Between 2011 and 2014 she worked at the Ministry of Education, first as Director of Educational Research and Documentation and […]
Project Support Staff
Mónica Lizama Egoavil
Degree en - National Agrarian University
Mónica studied Statistical and Computer Science Engineer at the National University Agrarian La Molina. Currently she is the Data Manager for Young Lives in Peru. Before joining Young Lives, Mónica worked as a statistics assistant at the Peruvian National Institute of Statistics (INEI) and the International Nutrition Institute (IIN).
External Affiliated Researchers
David Baker
PhD en - Johns Hopkins University
David P. Baker is Professor of Education and Sociology at the Pennsylvania State University. His research focuses on the impact of education on individuals and societies, international comparisons of school organization, academic outcomes, and educational policy. His most recent book is The Schooled Society: The Educational Transformation of Global Culture. Palo Alto CA: Stanford University […]
Jere R. Behrman
Ph.D. en - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professor Behrman is a leading international researcher in empirical microeconomics, with emphasis on developing economies. He is also a Research Associate at Penn’s Population Studies Center. His research interests include empirical microeconomics, labor economics, human resources (early childhood development, education, health, nutrition), project evaluation, economic demography, incentive systems and household behaviors. The unifying dimension of […]
Marjorie Chinen
PhD en - University of California
Marjorie is a Ph.D. in Education with emphasis on Advanced Quantitative Methods in Social Research Methodology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She has over 15 years of experience in project management, technical assistance, research and fieldwork in international development. She has led multiple projects in different areas of education, and designed and […]
Marta Favara
PhD en - University of Essex
Marta is a Senior Researcher at the Oxford Department of International Development at the University of Oxford where she is leading the quantitative research agenda of Young Lives since 2015. She is also a Research Fellow at the Oxford Martin School Programme on African Governance and an IZA Research Affiliate. Before joining Young Lives, she […]
Sonia Laszlo
PhD en - University of Toronto
Sonia Laszlo is Associate Professor of Economics and Director of the Institute for the Study of International Development. Her main research areas cover many aspects of applied microeconomic analysis in economic development: rural development, access to markets, and the relationship between income, health and education in economic development. In addition to using traditional analytic tools […]
Visiting Researchers
Claudia Galindo
PhD en - Pennsylvania State University
Claudia holds a Ph.D. in Educational Theory and Policy and Comparative & International Education from Pennsylvania State University, and a post-doctoral degree in Social Organization of Schools from Johns Hopkins University. She is an Associated Professor at University of Maryland, Baltimore County where she teaches in the fields of educational inequalities, inmigration and research methodologies.
Bienestar docente e impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en escuelas rurales multigrado. Un estudio cualitativo con docentes de tres regiones del Perú.
2021 Rafael Miranda, César Bazán, César R. Nureña
El objetivo del presente estudio, realizado por Rafael Miranda, César Bazán y César R. Nureña, por encargo del proyecto CREER, fue indagar el impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en el bienestar de los docentes de escuelas rurales multigrado del país, atendiendo en especial las dimensiones psicosocial, familiar y laboral. Este estudio cualitativo y exploratorio […]
Educación superior en pandemia: Una aproximación cualitativa desde Niños del Milenio
2021 Vanessa Rojas
When the national quarantine was set in March 2020, young people who were pursuing higher education were immersed in emergency virtual education. This document analyzes their perceptions of change, as well as the barriers they faced and the resources they had to continue studying. In addition, it describes how COVID-19 influenced the aspirations of young […]
Educación superior en tiempos de pandemia. Una aproximación cualitativa a las trayectorias educativas de las y los jóvenes de NdM en el Perú
2021 Vanessa Rojas
In recent years, university education has experienced a significant increase in Peru. Sánchez, Favara and Porter (2021b) point out that, according to the Educational Quality Statistics Unit (Escale) of the Ministry of Education (Minedu), the gross attendance rate in higher education went from 38% to 77% among the years 2001 and 2019 (for young people […]
Los caminos encontrados del financiamiento y la descentralización educativa en el Perú
La educación peruana más allá del Bicentenario: nuevos rumbos2021 Maria Balarin, Mauricio Saavedra
In the early 2000s, Peru opted to establish a decentralized public management system. The Ley General de Educación of 2003 took up this commitment and established the guidelines for the decentralized management of education. In the 15 years that have followed, although there has been a process of transferring functions to decentralized management bodies, the processes […]
Las políticas y programas que no se diseñan explícitamente para promover equidad aumentan la inequidad. Una hipótesis para el Perú
La educación peruana más allá del Bicentenario: nuevos rumbos2021 Santiago Cueto
About the book: This volume brings together 23 essays that address from different perspectives and in different textual registers (from the free essay to a format close to the academic article) central problems of contemporary Peruvian education with a common purpose: to suggest ways to introduce substantive modifications that allow, for on the one hand, […]
El gasto público en infancia y niñez en América Latina y el Caribe ¿Cuánto y cuán efectivo?
2016Lorena Alcazar, Alan Sanchez,
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Evaluación de diseño e implementación del Bono de Incentivo al Desempeño Escolar del Ministerio de Educación
El objetivo de este documento es realizar una apreciación sistemática y objetiva sobre el diseño y la implementación del Bono de Incentivo al Desempeño Escolar (BDE) otorgado en su primer año de implementación (2014). En base a este análisis se busca conocer si la estrategia propuesta y los procesos a través de los cuales se […]
Evaluación del diseño y proceso de implementación del modelo de Jornada Escolar Completa (JEC) para educación secundaria a nivel nacional
Presenta los hallazgos de la evaluación cualitativa del diseño y la implementación de la Jornada Escolar Completa-JEC. El objetivo del estudio es proporcionar información útil, identificando cuellos de botella y espacios de mejora para incrementar la eficiencia y eficacia de la intervención. El análisis fue realizado a partir de entrevistas realizadas a funcionarios del MINEDU, […]
Education Aspirations among Young People in Peru and their Perceptions of Barriers to Higher Education
2016Gabriela Guerrero, Claudia Sugimaru, , , Santiago Cueto,
Results from the Young Lives survey show the existence of a gap between young people’s aspirations for higher education and their actual chances of accessing this level of education. This paper uses qualitative information from Young Lives in order to gain a deeper understanding of young people’s aspirations as well as their perceptions of the […]
Evaluación del proceso de implementación de la intervención de soporte pedagógico del Ministerio de Educación del Perú
Este informe presenta los resultados de la evaluación del Proceso de implementación de la intervención de Soporte Pedagógico que el Ministerio de Educación del Perú viene desarrollando en las escuelas públicas polidocentes completas de educación primaria en áreas urbanas. La evaluación de procesos se llevó a cabo entre los meses de julio de 2015 y […]
JournalAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Postinfancy growth, schooling, and cognitive achievement: Young Lives
2013, , Santiago Cueto, ,
JournalHigher Education
What to do next: an exploratory study of the post-secondary decisions of American students
2013Juan Leon, ,
Research on college choices is the new tool used by Higher Educational Institutions to help them identify the influences and factors affecting potential student populations. To measure the growing rate of working students in higher education, we propose to examine the
JournalMaternal & Child Nutrition
What Difference Can Fathers Make?: Early Paternal Absence Compromises Peruvian Children’s Growth
2013, , , Santiago Cueto,
Impacto de la presencia del padre durante la infancia y la niñez en la talla para la edad (puntaje Z o HAZ por sus siglas en inglés) de niños a los 5 años de edad. Los datos provienen de una cohorte de Niños del Milenio de Perú.
JournalJournal of Biosocial Science
Understanding the association between maternal education and use of health services in Ghana: exploring the role of health knowledge
2012Juan Leon,
This paper examines the role of health knowledge in the association between mothers' education and use of maternal and child health services in Ghana.
JournalRevista Peruana de Investigación Educativa
Descentralización funcional y presupuestal de la educación pública en el Perú: un balance de avances y desafíos
2011Lorena Alcazar, Nestor Valdivia,
Un diagnóstico de la gestión presupuestal de la educación pública en un contexto de descentralización política que ha implicado la transferencia de competencias y funciones educativas a los gobiernos subnacionales.
Desarrollo infantil y rendimiento escolar en el Perú
Investigación, políticas y desarrollo en el Perú2007Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon,
Lejos (aún) de la equidad: la persistencia de las desigualdades educativas en el Perú
Investigación, políticas y desarrollo en el Perú2007Martín Benavides,
Las evaluaciones nacionales e internacionales de rendimiento escolar en el Perú: balance y perspectivas
Investigación, políticas y desarrollo en el Perú2007Santiago Cueto,
Paisaje, territorio y recursos
Imágenes de la Tierra, Archivo Pintura Campesina2006Manuel Glave,
Autonomía y regulación externa: tensiones en la profesionalización docente
El oficio de docente: vocación, trabajo y profesión en el siglo XXI
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Education and Learning en la categoría Policy brief
Educación, procesos pedagógicos y equidad: cuatro informes de investigación
2004Martín Benavides,
Los artículos que forman parte de este libro tienen como preocupación común el investigar la manera cómo los procesos educativos en el Perú se relacionan con distintas formas de desigualdad.
¿Es posible mejorar la educación peruana?: evidencias y posibilidades
2004Patricia McLauchlan de Arregui, Martín Benavides, Santiago Cueto,
Cinco estudios acerca de diversos aspectos de la educación peruana, que han sido realizados sobre la base de investigaciones y evidencias empíricas para contribuir al diseño de políticas públicas.
Las pérdidas en el camino, fugas en el gasto público: transferencias municipales, vaso de leche y sector educación
2003Lorena Alcazar, , ,
Ante los deplorables indicadores sociales del Perú, surge la pregunta si el estado gasta poco en educación, salud y nutrición o si se debe a servicios ineficientes. ¿Gastamos poco o mal? La respuesta es: ambos.
Participación comunitaria en el monitoreo de las actividades mineras: los casos de Vicos y de San Mateo de Huanchor
2002Juana Kuramoto,
Este libro resume las actividades y conclusiones a las que se llegaron en la investigación "Participación Comunitaria en el Monitoreo de Actividades Mineras: Los Casos de Vicos y de San Mateo de Huanchor".
Una mirada a la educación en el Perú: balance de 20 años del Proyecto Principal de la UNESCO para América Latina y el Caribe 1979-1999
2001Patricia McLauchlan de Arregui,
Balance evolutivo de los programas educativos peruanos que, en las dos décadas pasadas, apuntaron hacia los objetivos del Proyecto Principal de la UNESCO para esta región, insumo para la evaluación global del PPE.
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Education and Learning en la categoría Mimeo
- Technical support for a benchmarking Project of the national educational evaluation systems.May 2010 - May 2011
- Design of a differentiated graduation strategy for beneficiary homes of the Juntos ProgramMay 2010 - July 2010
- Development of instruments for measurement of child development in Latin America (PRIDI)March 2010 - December 2012
- Transmissions in education and non-skilled labor. Is there an inter-generation trap?January 2010 - July 2010
- Working Group on Standards and Assessment (Fase VII)September 2009 - February 2011
- Impact evaluation of OLPC program in PeruJuly 2009 - March 2010
- Peruvian education progress reportJune 2009
- Study case for 2010 UNESCO Education for All reportMarch 2009 - April 2009
- Study on pedagogical practices at pre-school in urban and rural areasNovember 2008 - July 2009
- Explaining the educational effect and the risk demography: comparing school-attending and non-attending population in behaviors and decision makingOctober 2008 - September 2011
Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19, Reference
Hugo Ñopo in Cuarto Poder: Education in times of pandemic
April 19, 2020 Education and learning
“What it is about is to do the best we can given the existing conditions. Clearly this is not a replacement for face-to-face. It is a temporary solution that we can have while our children cannot leave the houses.” Hugo Ñopo, senior researcher at GRADE, participated in this Cuarto Poder reportage on education in times of […]
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
CREER Project in La Mula: What does the strategy “Aprendo en Casa” asks to us Peruvian families?
April 16, 2020 Education and learning
With the strategy “Aprendo en Casa”, a new bond could be forming both within homes and between families and schools. Read the new article written by the team of our Creciendo con las Escuelas Rurales Multigrado del Perú (CREER) / Project Growing with the Rural Multigrade Schools of Peru via La Mula.
El Comercio highlights research findings by Hugo Ñopo and Ana Paula Franco on the situation of young people in Peru
January 16, 2020 Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation
“Younger people take longer to complete their studies and enter the labor market; or they are in the NEET (Not in Education, Employement or Training) segment”. El Comercio highlights the research findings of Hugo Ñopo and Ana Paula Franco, “Ser joven en el Perú: educación y trabajo” (Being young in Peru: education and work), published […]
About PISA and other indicators, by Santiago Cueto
January 14, 2020 Education and learning
“More relevant to analyze are some results linked to this assessment, which go beyond means and relative positions. […] among the countries evaluated, Peru is one that is mainly characterized by the inequity in its results”. Santiago Cueto, executive director at GRADE, reflects on the challenges of PISA and other indicators to increase the national mean […]
Innovation in education? Of course, whenever convenient, by Santiago Cueto
October 21, 2019 Education and learning
According to Santiago Cueto, although educational innovation is important, it is a means and not an end. Furthermore, creativity can always be fueled by existing information, in particular that which comes from research, and about which there are multiple sources to consult. Read the new article by our Executive Director for Fundación Telefónica Perú.
GRADE’s researchers at the 31st CIES Annual Research Seminar 2020
15/12/2020 → 17/12/2020 Zoom CIES Education and learning, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
Del 15 al 17 de diciembre, se llevará a cabo el XXXI Seminario Anual de Investigación 2020 del Consorcio de Investigación Económica y Social (CIES), cuyo tema será “Perú 2021-2026: retos y oportunidades en el nuevo contexto mundial”. Como cada año, varios de nuestros investigadores e investigadoras participarán como expositores, comentaristas y conductores de las […]
Gabriela Guerrero will share findings on surveys to measure the impact of the pandemic on child development in the region
09/12/2020 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Zoom Diálogo Interamericano Education and learning
The pandemic has created difficulties in measuring the development of children in Latin America and the Caribbean. Traditional methods for measuring the growth of minors are not feasible since it is not possible to visit homes in person. Due to these obstacles, many countries in the region have sought new ways of evaluating development from […]
Santiago Cueto will be a speaker at CONADIS 1st National Research Meeting on Disability
04/12/2020 5:40 pm Facebook CONADIS Education and learning, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Santiago Cueto will be one of the speakers at the 1st National Research Meeting on Disability, organized by the National Council for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities (CONADIS). Our executive director and senior researcher will present “Coverage, opportunities, factors associated with access and perceptions about special education and educational inclusion in Peru”. LIVE BROADCAST Join the […]
3rd CREER virtual dialogue: Strategies to apply the multigrade methodology in mathematics
25/11/2020 7:00 pm Facebook CREER Education and learning
Este miércoles 25, the Project Growing with the Multigrade Rural Schools of Peru (CREER) will organize its third virtual dialogue “How many pictures fit ?: Strategies to apply the multigrade methodology in mathematics”. SPEAKERS Elsie Rockwell (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, México). Tatiana Mendoza (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, México). Chair: Patricia Arregui […]
Santiago Cueto discussed the purpose of inclusion and equity of the PEN to 2036 in a Municipality of Lima event
20/11/2020 6:00 pm Facebook Lima Educación Education and learning
Our Executive Director Santiago Cueto discussed the purpose of inclusion and equity of the National Educational Project PEN to 2036 in a virtual discussion held by the Municipality of Lima’s Office of Education and Sports.
- Education and Learning
- Employment, Productivity and Innovation
- Rural Development and Agriculture
- Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
- Methodologies for Research and Evaluation of Policy and Programmes
- Poverty and Equity
- Natural Resources, Extractive Industries and Social Conflict
- State Reform and Public Institutions
- Health and Nutrition
- Urbanization and Sustainable Cities