Research Paper
Venciendo la adversidad: trayectorias educativas de estudiantes pobres en zonas rurales del Perú
The Peruvian education system is characterized by high levels of access, low levels of learning and high inequality. There are several reasons why some students access a high level of education and learning, while others do not. In general, it can be affirmed that there is a connection between socioeconomic characteristics and student performance, and […]
El conocimiento del contenido por parte de los docentes y su relación con el rendimiento de los estudiantes de sexto de primaria: una mirada a las tres regiones naturales del Perú
Literature has shown the importance of both the figure of the teacher and the variables associated with the educational context, since they directly affect learning and can be influenced by short-term policies. This study determines the knowledge of the content —level of knowledge regarding the disciplinary area taught— of the teachers of Mathematics of the […]
Contratos laborales en el Perú: dinámica y determinantes
Beyond the commonly explored formality / informality binomial, this study helps to understand the duality of the formal labor market in Peru, determined by the type of contract used. It is found that 70% of the formal work initiated between 2012 and 2016 involved a temporary contract; 19%, one for an indeterminate period; and the […]
“Cualquier cosa nos puede pasar”. Dos estudios de caso sobre experiencias de violencia contra niñas durante el cursos de sus vidas
This paper addresses the experiences of violence that marked the childhood and adolescence of two Peruvian girls, one from the urban and the other from the rural. To do so, it is based on qualitative information from the longitudinal study Young Lives Peru for 2007, 2008, 2011 and 2014, and additional information for 2018. Within a […]
Implementación de programas de inclusión social en territorios con población vulnerable. ¿Cómo está cambiando Beca 18 la vida de los y las jóvenes del valle de los ríos Apurímac, Ene y Mantaro (VRAEM)?
Beca 18 is the most important human capital development program in the country; however, little is known yet about its implementation and impact. This qualitative study conducted between 2015 and 2016 in the district of Pangoa (Junín), aims to analyze the implementation of Beca 18 in the VRAEM territory; and from thereon, young people´s opportunities […]
Capital social y logro ocupacional en contextos de segregación
This study explores the influence of socioeconomic segregation in neighborhoods of Metropolitan Lima on the occupational achievement of heads of households, as well as the relevance of social capital in this relationship. Using the databases of the Nopoor project, a direct, negative and statistically significant relationship is identified between segregation and occupational achievement. In addition, […]
¿Son los contratos temporales un peldaño hacia un contrato por tiempo indeterminado?
During the last decades, the use of fixed-term contracts has grown around the world, a phenomenon that has gone hand in hand with reductions in the probability of obtaining a contract for an indeterminate period of time. Fixed-term contracts could be used as a means to assess the skills of new workers before they are […]
Los efectos desprotectores de la protección del empleo. El impacto de la reforma del contrato laboral de 2001
Four out of every five labor relations in the formal sector of the Peruvian economy are covered by temporary contracts. This proportion is significantly higher than that of any country in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and higher than that of any Latin American country. This publication presents the results of a […]
Democracia y gobiernos locales. Efectos de la divergencia entre la voluntad popular y la distribución del poder en los gobiernos municipales
In Peru, mayors in a large number of municipalities are elected with a small electoral base. However, in the distribution of the number of seats in the municipal council, the “majority premium” rule is applied, which creates a divergence between the distribution of power and popular support: a mayor with little support in his election […]
Más allá de los nini. Los jóvenes urbano-vulnerables en el Perú
In recent decades, the term nini – referring to young people who neither study nor work – has become part of academic discussions and debates on what policies should be implemented to address the needs of young people who are vulnerable to social exclusion. However, in a context such as the Peruvian one, in which […]