
Young Lives

  • Review of Development Economics

    Psychosocial status and cognitive achievement in Peru

    2018 Ingo Outes, Alan Sanchez, Oswaldo Molina

    This paper assesses the importance of psychosocial status in the accumulation of cognitive skills during the transition from mid to late childhood. The authors use longitudinal data from a cohort of 700 Peruvian children drawn from a very rich dataset, the Young Lives Survey, to test the impact of children’s perception of respect at the […]

  • World Development

    Accessing Higher Education in Developing Countries: Panel Data Analysis from India, Peru, and Vietnam

    Alan Sanchez, Abhijeet Singh

    Researchers use unique individual-level panel data from India (Andhra Pradesh), Peru, and Vietnam on a cohort of individuals surveyed from the age of 8 years to 19 years to study factors affecting enrolment in higher education in these middle-income countries. We document (a) that similar to nationally representative data, the proportion having accessed higher education at this […]

  • Review of Development Economics

    Maternal group participation and child nutritional status in Peru

    2017 Marta Favara

    Using data from the Peruvian sample of the Young Lives study, this paper investigates the association between maternal group participation and child nutritional status at the ages of 1 and 5 years. This study finds that the relationship between child nutrition and maternal group participation depends on the level of maternal education. In fact, maternal […]

  • Journal of African Economies

    Do Dreams Come True? Aspirations and Educational Attainments of Ethiopian Boys and Girls

    2017 Marta Favara

    Authors use unique individual-level panel data from Ethiopia to investigate the role of aspirations for human-capital investments. More specifically, they investigate how parental and children’s aspirations form and document the relation between early aspirations and educational attainment at the age of 15 and 19. Researchers find that aspirations are predictive of the number of year of schooling completed upon controlling […]

  • Does Visual Acuity Have an Effect on Children’s Educational Achievement?

    2017 Santiago Cueto, Javier Escobal, Juan Leon, Mary Penny

    Inequity is an important issue for many international initiatives, including the current Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One aspect of inequity that has received little attention is the impact of disability on education. This working paper explores whether mild or moderate levels of visual impairment are associated with educational performance for 7 and 8-year-old children in […]

  • El género y las trayectorias hacia la adultez en el Perú: educación, trabajo y maternidad/paternidad

    2017 Vanessa Rojas, Gabriela Guerrero, Jimena Vargas

    En este documento examinamos cómo el género afecta las trayectorias educativas, laborales y de maternidad/ paternidad de una muestra de jóvenes que crecen en situación de pobreza en el Perú. Reportamos los resultados y las trayectorias de 26 miembros de la cohorte mayor que participaron en la investigación cualitativa del estudio longitudinal Niños del Milenio […]

  • Equating test scores for receptive vocabulary across rounds and cohorts in Ethiopia, India & Vietnam

    2017 Juan Leon, Abhijeet Singh

    In longitudinal studies such as Young Lives, getting comparable measures of children´s cognitive abilities over time is essential for identifying individual, household, and school-level factors that affect children´s development. Few longitudinal studies that follow birth/age cohorts include comparable cognitive measures across waves, and those studies that are available are mainly from developed countries. Young Lives […]

  • Trayectorias educativas en el Perú: desde la infancia hasta la adultez temprana

    2017 Santiago Cueto, Alejandra Miranda, Juan Leon, María Cristina Vásquez

    Aportes para el diseño de políticas orientadas a reducir la inequidad del sistema educativo peruano, para lo cual se compara las trayectorias de las dos cohortes del estudio Niños del Milenio —la mayor nacida en 1994; y la menor, en el 2001— estimando sus oportunidades educativas y logros. Se basa, principalmente, en las encuestas de hogares aplicadas […]

  • Young Lives Peru 2017-2018

    The longitudinal study Young Lives Peru has been carried out since 2001. Its purpose is to understand how poverty is linked and has implications for a number of development issues of two cohorts —born in 1994 and 2001— in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam. Since the fifth round of the 2016 household survey has been already completed, in 2017 […]

  • Supporting Young Lives Peru 2017 School Survey

    Young Lives Peru is a longitudinal study that follows two cohorts of children since 2002. Data gathering has been carried out mainly through household surveys, with five rounds completed to date. In a complementary way, in 2011 a study was carried out with a sample of schools. In 2017, Young Lives Peru plans to conduct a second School […]