Young Lives
Breaking the Silence. Why do Young Women in Peru Marry or Cohabit at a Young Age, and What are the Consequences?
On the basis of qualitative data, the chapter shows how different factors lead young women to start cohabitation or marriage before adulthood. Through the experiences of three women who began cohabitation before the age of 18 in Peru, the authors show what life is like for them, the inequities in the power relations they face […]
Equating Cognitive Scores across Rounds and Cohorts for Young Lives in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam
For longitudinal studies such as Young Lives, getting comparable measures of children ́s cognitive abilities over time is essential for identifying individual, family, school or contextual variables that affect children ́s development. Few longitudinal studies that follow birth/age cohorts have comparable cognitive measures over time; of those that are available, most are from developed countries […]
Understanding teenage fertility in Peru: An analysis using longitudinal data
Reducing the prevalence of teenage pregnancy remains an elusive goal for public policy in Peru. Researchers use longitudinal data from the Young Lives Study in Peru to investigate on an extensive set of early circumstances and life changes that might be the risk factors for teenage childbearing—about one out of five girls in the sample […]
Experiencias de convivencia, matrimonio y maternidad/paternidad en adolescentes y jóvenes peruanos. Policy brief
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Experiencias de convivencia, matrimonio y maternidad/paternidad en adolescentes y jóvenes peruanos
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Analysis of factors associated with overweight and obesity and validation of the instrument of frequency and quantity of food consumption
The study has two objectives. The first objective is to carry out an analysis of nutritional trajectories throughout the life cycle, from childhood to youth, with the objective of knowing the factors that determine overweight and obesity in Peru. To do this, use will be made of longitudinal information collected by the Young Lives study. The […]
Venciendo la adversidad: trayectorias educativas de los estudiantes pobres en zonas rurales del Perú
The study on which this policy brief is based analyzes which factors are associated with the fact that girls and boys born in contexts of relative poverty in rural areas not only remain in school, but also register high educational performance in tests of mathematical and verbal knowledge at 15 years of age. For this, […]
Venciendo la adversidad: trayectorias educativas de estudiantes pobres en zonas rurales del Perú
The Peruvian education system is characterized by high levels of access, low levels of learning and high inequality. There are several reasons why some students access a high level of education and learning, while others do not. In general, it can be affirmed that there is a connection between socioeconomic characteristics and student performance, and […]
Medición de la prevalencia de la violencia física y psicológica hacia niñas, niños y adolescentes, y sus factores asociados en el Perú. Evidencia de Niños del Milenio
The prevalence of violence —in particular against children and adolescents— is one of the great pending challenges in Peru. This paper uses data from the Young Lives longitudinal study with two objectives: first, to document the prevalence of experiences of physical and psychological violence suffered by children and adolescents; and second, to analyze the life cycle factors […]
“Cualquier cosa nos puede pasar”. Cuando la violencia marca el ciclo de vida de las niñas en el Perú
This qualitative study aims to highlight the multiple and persistent forms of violence that Peruvian girls can experiment from childhood to adolescence, as well as the resources they have to respond to it. In addition, the purpose of this brief is to approach the complex relationship that exists between the individual, familiar and community spaces, as […]