Young Lives
El impacto del COVID-19 sobre la salud mental de jóvenes en el Perú
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Educational Pathways: Young Peruvians in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Young people have suffered most from the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America. The the pandemic constituted a highly complex scenario in which emergency remote and virtual education emerged as a useful, though not perfect, tool. This paper presents findings from the second instalment of a telephone follow-up study conducted […]
How early nutrition and foundational cognitive skills interconnect? Evidence from two developing countries
We use unique data collected in Ethiopia and Peru as part of the Young Lives Study to investigate the relationship between early undernutrition and four foundational cognitive skills, the first two of which measure executive functioning: working memory, inhibitory control, long-term memory, and implicit learning. We exploit the rich longitudinal data available to control for […]
How Early Nutrition and Foundational Cognitive Skills Interconnect? Evidence from Two Developing Countries
While the long-term consequences of early stunting on educational attainment and on school achievement tests are well-known, there is scarce evidence about the specific mechanisms through which early stunting leads to poorer educational outcomes, especially in LMIC contexts. We use unique data collected in Ethiopia and Peru as part of the Young Lives to investigate […]
School environments and obesity: a systematic review of interventions and policies among school-age students in Latin America and the Caribbean
The rapid rise in obesity rates among school children in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) could have a direct impact on the region’s physical and mental health, disability, and mortality. This review presents the available interventions likely to reduce, mitigate and/or prevent obesity among school children in LAC by modifying the food and built […]
The impact of the JUNTOS conditional cash transfer programme on foundational cognitive skills: Does age of enrollment matter?
This paper studies the relationship between the age of enrolment in Peru’s conditional cash transfer programme, JUNTOS, and the foundational cognitive skills of a sample of children aged between 5 and 12 years old. Using a difference-in-differences approach and exploiting within- household variation, the authors show that younger siblings in recipient households display significantly higher […]
Late-childhood foundational cognitive skills predict educational outcomes through adolescence and into young adulthood: evidence from Ethiopia and Peru
The authors estimate the associations between a set of foundational cognitive skills (inhibitory control, working memory, long-term memory, and implicit learning) measured at age 12 and educational outcomes measured at ages 15 and 19-20 in Ethiopia and Peru (the Young Lives study). The estimates adjust for a rich set of lagged controls and include measurements […]
The relationship between maternal sensitivity and play during early childhood with the development of cognitive skills and socio-emotional competencies: Longitudinal evidence from Peru
Maternal sensitivity and opportunities for play and exploration are key elements of early childhood development. There is limited evidence of its association with skills development during late childhood and adolescence in developing countries. This study uses longitudinal data from the Young Lives study, which has tracked the livelihoods of approximately 2000 Peruvian children since 2002. […]
Madres jóvenes en pandemia: una aproximación cualitativa a los retos del cuidado infantil
Este documento presenta las percepciones de mujeres que fueron madres en su juventud, y que forman parte de la muestra longitudinal del estudio cualitativo Niños del Milenio (NdM). Para ellas, la labor de cuidado se complejizó al asumir el acompañamiento educativo de sus hijos durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Las mujeres que fueron madres en […]
Trayectorias educativas: seguimiento a jóvenes peruanos en pandemia
Este documento explora las trayectorias educativas seguidas, durante la pandemia -2020 y 2021-, por jóvenes integrantes del estudio cualitativo Niños del Milenio. La investigación muestra sus percepciones acerca de los retos que enfrentaron respecto a la educación virtual de emergencia, así como a la continuidad de sus estudios superiores o el acceso a estos en […]