Working paper
Laptops in the long-run: evidence from the One Laptop per Child Program in rural Peru
This paper examines a large-scale randomized evaluation of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program in 531 rural primary schools, as implemented by the Peruvian government starting in 2009. We use administrative and survey data on academic achievement and grade progression through 2019 to estimate the long-run effects of educational technology on i) academic performance […]
The effects of the covid-19 pandemic on the subjective well-being of rural and urban young people in Peru
This report is a summary of a longer report published in Spanish and available on the Niños del Milenio website here. Niños del Milenio/Young Lives has followed children through to young adulthood in Peru, including understanding how their perceptions of their well-being have changed over time. Using qualitative data from 2 birth cohorts, aged 21- 22 […]
CLARISSA Cash Plus Social Protection Intervention: an evaluation
This paper presents the results of the multi-method evaluation of the CLARISSA Cash Plus pilot, which was an innovative social protection scheme for tackling social ills, including the worst forms of child labour. A universal and unconditional ‘cash plus’ programme, it combined community mobilisation, case work, and cash transfers, and was implemented across a high-density, […]
Streaking to success: the effects of highlighting streaks on student effort and achievement
We examine whether highlighting streaks encourages 4th to 6th grade students in Peru to increase their use of an online math platform and improve learning. Sixty thousand students were randomly assigned to receive messages that i) highlighted streaks, ii) provided personalized reminders with positive reinforcement, or iii) provided generic reminders, while others were assigned to […]
Data matching: construction of COVID-19 – related variables for Young Lives Peru
This Technical Note outlines the COVID-19 matched dataset from the Young Lives cohorts in Peru created by the Young Lives team. The matched dataset combines COVID-19 administrative data with the extensive longitudinal data set from the Young Lives study in Peru. The authors document the steps taken to create a set of variables that measure […]
Unveiling barriers to women’s access to decent work in Peru.
Peru suffers from a serious gender inequality problem in the labor market that cannot be understood by considering employment rates alone. Rather, it is also necessary to analyze the conditions under which women participate in the labor market. This study seeks to identify economic, legal, and socio-cultural barriers that women face in accessing decent employment. […]
La agricultura familiar en el Perú: retos y posibilidades para su transformación en el contexto de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS)
The main objective of the research is to identify and quantify structural factors that affect the performance of family farming in Peru and limit its transformation, so that farming families can achieve adequate and sustainable incomes over time. The specific objectives include estimating the causal relationships between structural factors and production and family income variables […]
Género y educación superior: una mirada al sistema universitario desde las trayectorias estudiantiles
This study, which explores gender gaps in the Peruvian university system based on a detailed analysis of statistical information produced by the National Superintendence of Higher Education (SUNEDU) and the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), reveals new trends in the Peruvian university system in terms of gender, such as a prevalence of female […]
Ed-tech in the Global South: research gaps and opportunities
This study explores the evolving landscape of educational technology (ed-tech) in the context of increased global and national attention about the topic, with the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the drive to incorporate technology in education to mitigate issues with access, quality and systems management. Focused on challenges and opportunities in primary and secondary schools in low- […]
Edutainment, savings, and generational differences in rural areas of Peru
We wrote, produced, and implemented a randomized five-episode soap opera on financial inclusion targeted to women from poor, rural areas ravaged by terrorism in Peru. We go beyond measuring attitudes and perceptions but observe actual savings accounts using bank data. Older women, those who directly suffered from terrorist violence, respond very well and save more […]