Chapter in Book
Algunas reflexiones sobre los programas alimentarios y nutricionales: cambios y retos durante la última década
This article analyzes the state of nutritional and food social programs in Peru in light of what has been learned and observed over the past decade, and identifies the main challenges they still face. It follows from the study “Why do food and nutritional programs not work?” (Alcazar 2007), reviewing how these programs have changed […]
Diez años Juntos: un balance de la investigación del impacto del programa de transferencias condicionadas del Perú sobre el capital humano
Juntos is the Peruvian government’s conditional cash transfer program. In recent years, a number of impact evaluations have been carried out with the aim of measuring the effect of Juntos on its conditionalities (the use of health and education services), as well as on the human capital accumulated by the beneficiaries. This study seeks to […]
Atención y educación de la primera infancia en el Perú: avances y retos pendientes
The first years of a child’s life are fundamentally important. However, not all children are exposed to early experiences that enable them to reach their full potential. By the time children enter primary school, there are obvious gaps in the level of development between children of different socioeconomic statuses. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) […]
El efecto del nivel socioeconómico en el rendimiento de los estudiantes peruanos: un balance de los últimos 15 años
The current study examines a meta-analysis of the relationship between family socioeconomic status (SES) and student academic achievement in Peru between 2000 and 2014. In total, 28 primary studies containing a total of 132 effect sizes were analyzed. Effect sizes were calculated using Fisher’s z-statistic, obtained by transforming the partial correlation coefficient associated with each […]
Inequidades en educación
This study presents the current status of four groups—demarcated by gender, ethnicity, poverty, and disability—exploring educational inequalities based on laws and indicators of access, achievement, and learning opportunities. In addition, it analyzes the content of the Public Teaching Reform Act. The results show that although there are no large differences in educational indicators between men […]
El contexto importa: reflexiones acerca de cómo los contextos y la composición escolar afectan el rendimiento y la experiencia educativa de los estudiantes
The starting point for this assessment is the idea that in complex systems such as education, results are the product of dynamic interactions between actors, policies, and contexts—cultural, social, and institutional. Therefore, it is impossible to reduce results to a single, specific, replicable set of facts. The assessment seeks to delve into this idea by […]
Free market and higher education: the case of low-fee universities in Peru
The purpose of this chapter is to clarify the implications of practices and discourses surrounding the creation of a new institutional offer of higher education in low-fee private universities (LFU) in the city of Lima. This phenomenon is part of the process of the massification of higher education in the country and the expansion of […]
La construcción política e institucional de la reforma universitaria: los casos del Perú y Ecuador
Using secondary data and interviews, this comparative study shows how Peru and Ecuador have constructed their university education quality assurance policies (PAC para sus siglas en español) differently. The study documents the two types of PAC, while at the same time showing how in each country there was a different relationship between governments, civil society, […]
Política minera y conflicto en el Perú: el agotamiento de la política de autorregulación corporativa
Gerardo Damonte muestra que a pesar de la proliferación de conflictos relacionados con la expansión y consolidación de la minería, el modelo de autoregulación corporativa de las relaciones empresa-comunidades se mantiene en pie en el Perú. Este modelo obliga a empresas y comunidades locales y sus organizaciones a entablar negociaciones asimétricas en la esfera de […]