Chapter in Book
El uso de las tecnologías para la generación de aprendizajes: desafíos para la formación inicial y en servicio del profesorado
In this essay, the authors focus on a specific topic, namely the Technological, Pedagogical and Disciplinary Knowledge (TPACK) model. The adoption of this model – or others – could help guide the long-awaited and much-needed reform of initial teacher education and professional development, which should be part of a broader strategy aimed at further strengthening […]
Anotaciones sobre el derecho a la educación en el Perú, hoy: la urgencia por la indignación
The right to education recalls, first of all, the existence of international and national regulations that oblige the State to guarantee that all people have access to quality education, relevant to their personal development and that of society. The main actors linked to management during the last decades seem to have forgotten that education is […]
El principio de autonomía universitaria y la apuesta por la calidad educativa. Retos para el caso peruano en el proceso de reforma universitaria
This reflection approaches the phenomenon of university autonomy in a context such as the Peruvian one, which has undergone an unprecedented process of university reform that has allowed not only the organization of the system in terms of supply but also the configuration of a state institutionality that aims to guarantee conditions of quality and […]
Paradojas de la mejora educativa en los niveles subnacionales de gobierno: los casos de San Martín y Ayacucho
En Perú, María Balarin analiza dos casos muy disímiles. Por un lado, San Martín fue el único caso seleccionado en el que no hubo mejoras por encima del país, pero fue elegido ante la falta de casos de mejora porque los expertos consultados destacaron su planificación, articulación y calidad de gestión en un contexto muy […]
Treinta años de escuela en abstracto
A partir de los hallazgos reportados en el libro y otros estudios, Santiago Cueto argumenta que la meta principal de la educación peruana ha estado desconectada de los retos que la sociedad atravesaba entonces y atraviesa ahora.
Los caminos encontrados del financiamiento y la descentralización educativa en el Perú
In the early 2000s, Peru opted to establish a decentralized public management system. The Ley General de Educación of 2003 took up this commitment and established the guidelines for the decentralized management of education. In the 15 years that have followed, although there has been a process of transferring functions to decentralized management bodies, the processes […]
Las políticas y programas que no se diseñan explícitamente para promover equidad aumentan la inequidad. Una hipótesis para el Perú
About the book: This volume brings together 23 essays that address from different perspectives and in different textual registers (from the free essay to a format close to the academic article) central problems of contemporary Peruvian education with a common purpose: to suggest ways to introduce substantive modifications that allow, for on the one hand, […]
The slow development process of educational policies in Peru
This book synthesizes and analyzes the complex map of educational reforms in Latin America in the first two decades of the 21st century. The book offers insights into the agendas, processes and political economy of educational reforms in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. The chapters present systematic, critical and reflective accounts of an intense […]
Tensiones entre segregación escolar y desarrollo ciudadano
This essay proposes a well-founded reflection on the effect of school segregation by socioeconomic levels and the development of citizenship as an expression of democratic institutionality. Basically, it is about discussing the following question: Why should it be meaningful to be concerned about an educational model where the poor and the rich are educated in […]