En cancha ajena: la participación ciudadana a través de los Consejos Nacionales
The main objective of this research is to analyze their institutional models as well as to reflect on the role played by citizen participation as a factor of democratic governance through the National Councils.
Agricultura peruana: nuevas miradas desde el Censo Agropecuario
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Estudio Especializado sobre Población Afroperuana (EEPA)
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Hacia un sistema de formación continua de la fuerza laboral en el Perú
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¿Qué sabemos sobre los programas y políticas de primer empleo en América Latina?
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Urgency and possibility: first initiative of comparative data on child development in Latin America
For many children, the circumstances of their birth and earliest years have lifelong consequences. Where and to whom a child is born can predict her economic and social outcomes later in life. Children born to parents who invest emotional and economic resources in their development tend to become healthy and productive adults, passing on the […]
Agenda de investigación en temas socioambientales en el Perú: una aproximación desde las ciencias sociales
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América Latina hacia la inclusión social. Avances, aprendizajes y desafíos
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