Development of an online food frequency questionnaire and estimation of misreporting of energy intake during the COVID-19 pandemic among young adults in Peru
This study aims to describe the multi-stage process used to adapt a previously validated face-to-face Food Frequency Questionnaries (FFQ) of an online self-administered FFQ for young adults in Peru during the pandemic, including the selection of the food items, portion sizes, and food frequency response options. Furthermore, it aims at validating the FFQ by estimating the […]
Microcredit Impacts: Evidence from a Large-Scale Observational Study in Brazil
This paper studies the impact of microcredit in Brazil. We use a propensity score matching on original primary data on business and personal outcomes to compare veteran clients of BNDES—Brazil’s largest government-owned development bank—to a matched sample of more recent clients. Based on administrative data as well as data from a survey of 2107 clients […]
Translation, adaptation, and validation of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory for the Peruvian version
The goal is to adapt and analyze the psychometric properties of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) in workers of the national domestic violence helpline (Peru). Two measure-ments were taken in the same population (n=160). Translation-back translation was applied. Internal consistency was assessed with Cronbach’s alpha, corrected Item-Total Correlation and omega coefficient. Test-retest was performed in […]
The evolution of young people’s mental health during COVID-19 and the role of food insecurity: Evidence from a four low-and-middle-income-country cohort study
Provide evidence on how young people’s mental health has evolved in Low-and-Middle-Income-Countries (LMICs) during the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic. Identify particularly vulnerable groups who report high and/or continuously high rates of mental health issues. Two consecutive phone-surveys (August–October and November–December 2020) in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam interviewed around 9000 participants of a 20-year […]
Energy saving behaviours of middle class households in Ghana, Peru and the Philippines
Demand-side management of energy seeks to foster energy efficiency investments and curtailment behaviour in households. The role of environmental concern and knowledge for both types of energy saving behaviour has hardly been investigated in middle income countries with growing middle classes and rising electricity demand. Drawing on unique household survey data from Ghana, Peru and […]
Materialities, discourses and governance: scallop culture in Sechura, Peru
This paper looks at the institutional emergence, particularly space rights, within the culture of the Peruvian bay scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) in Sechura Bay. The institutional system developed within a period of 20 years from an open-access, gold rush scenario to a rather structured, formal activity – however, still relies on a lot of informality. This […]
La apuesta por la infraestructura: inversión pública y la reproducción de la escasez hídrica en contextos de gran minería en Perú y Colombia
Las políticas públicas y privadas típicamente consideran la construcción de infraestructuras como la respuesta más apropiada a los problemas de escasez y disputas por el agua en contextos de minería a gran escala. Sin embargo, la infraestructura en sí misma no siempre trae soluciones. En este contexto, nos preguntamos: ¿Cuáles son las lógicas que gobiernan […]
Young Lives, interrupted: short-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescents in low- and middle-income countries
Researchers examine the situation of adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic in four low- and middle-income countries using data from a large-scale phone survey conducted in 2020. The survey was part of Young Lives, a 20-year longitudinal study of two cohorts of young people born in 1994 and 2001 in Ethiopia, India (Andhra Pradesh and Telangana), […]
Institutional Innovations in Mining Contexts: the Experience of Community Water Monitoring in Argentina and Peru
In the context of institutional transformations that resulted from the mining expansion in Latin America, this article explores the emergence of a social institutional innovation: community based water monitoring. From a qualitative perspective the emergence of a new community form of environmental control in Argentina and Peru is analyzed. The article contributes to the debate […]
A novel modelling toolkit for unpacking the Water-Energy-Food-Environment (WEFE) nexus of agricultural development
Increasing food demand has led to significant agricultural expansion globally with negative impacts on resources and the environment, a perfect manifestation of the Water-Energy-Food-Environment nexus. Whilst many tools have been developed to understand the complexity of the Water-Energy-Food-Environment nexus most have failed to explicitly consider biophysical and socio-economic aspects simultaneously. A novel Water-Energy-Food-Environment modelling toolkit […]