The changing governance of education: a comparative political economy perspective on hybridity
This paper explores the changing governance of education in two distinct contexts: England and Peru. While there are major differences between these two cases, the paper argues that a common agenda can be identified where an increasing degree of organizational hybridity is patent—where the traditionally distinct goals and rationales of public and private sectors are […]
Medios de comunicación, contenidos y comportamiento: algunos énfasis sobre la inclusión financiera
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The relationship between socioeconomic status at age one, opportunities to learn and achievement in mathematics in fourth grade in Peru
Utilizando información longitudinal de Young Lives para Perú, se explora la relación entre el NSE medido desde el primer año de edad, las oportunidades de aprendizaje y los logros de aprendizaje en matemáticas 10 años después.
The incidence of social spending and taxes in Peru
Standard tax and benefit incidence analysis is used to estimate the effects of fiscal policy on poverty and inequality in Peru. Results suggest that the extent of inequality and poverty reduction induced by Peru’s fiscal policy is small. This result is associated with low social spending rather than with inefficient spending. Most social spending components […]
Places for Place-Based Policy
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Getting teachers back to the classroom: a systematic review on what works to improve teacher attendance in developing countries
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Impacto económico de la desnutrición crónica, aguda y global en el Perú
Se estimó el impacto económico de la desnutrición infantil en dos horizontes temporales (incidental retrospectiva y prospectiva) para 2011, considerando los costos asociados a la desnutrición en salud, educación y productividad para la economía peruana.