Working paper
Gender and Racial Wage Gaps in Brazil 1996-2006: Evidence Using a Matching Comparisons Approach
The authors explores the evolution of Brazilian wage gaps by gender and skin color over a decade (1996-2006), using the matching comparison methodology developed by Ñopo (2008). In Brazil, racial wage gaps are more pronounced than those found along the gender divide, although both noticeably decreased over the course of the last decade. The decomposition […]
Do Welfare Programs Damage Interpersonal Trust? Experimental Evidence from Representative Samples for Four Latin American Cities
The authors argues that welfare programs are linked with the destruction of social capital, as measured by interpersonal trust in laboratory games. The paper employs experimental data for representative samples of individuals in four Latin American capital cities (Bogota, Lima, Montevideo, and San Jose), finding that participation in welfare programs damage trust. The result is […]
The Gender Wage Gap in Peru 1986-2000: Evidence from a Matching Comparisons Approach
Applying the methodology developed in Ñopo (2004), the paper analyzes the evolution of the gender wage gap in Peru from 1986 to 2000. This methodology has two advantages. First, it recognizes that the supports of observable characteristics distributions differ substantially. Second, it provides deeper insights regarding the distribution of the unexplained gender differences in earnings. […]
Quality of life in urban neighborhoods in Metropolitan Lima, Peru
This paper presents the results of the estimations of a quality of life (QoL) index focusing on three dimensions: individual factors, urban factors, and civil society.
Titling, credit constraints, and rental markets in rural Peru: exploring channels and conditioned impacts
This paper constructs a baseline and pursues an overall impact evaluation of the PETT (Programa Especial de Titulación de Tierras), an ambitious rural titling program created in Peru in 1992.
Asistencia docente y rendimiento escolar: el caso del Programa META
Impacto y efecto del programa de incentivos META implementado por el Ministerio de Educación para incrementar la asistencia diaria y la permanencia en clase de los docentes en algunas zonas rurales del Perú.
Business training for microfinance clients: how it matters and for whom?
We mesure the impact of a business training program for female microentrepreneur clients of a group banking program in Peru. Using the credit with education model, we assigned clients randomly to either treatment or control groups.
Las evaluaciones educativas que América Latina necesita
El punto de vista de los miembros del actual Comité Gestor del GTEE sobre los propósitos y usos de las evaluaciones estandarizadas de aprendizajes y/o logros educativos en gran escala, en América Latina y el Caribe.
Young Lives: Peru Round 2 Survey
The initial findings from the second round of data collection in Peru between late 2006 and early 2007. It provides a broad outline of key child poverty indicators, as well as changes that have taken place since the first round of research in 2002.
An Assessment of the Young Lives Sampling Approach in Peru
The objectives of this report are to describe the first round sample and the sampling design of Young Lives in Peru, and to derive appropriate sampling weights needed to use the data.