Working paper
The Impact of the Juntos Conditional Cash Transfer Programme in Peru on Nutritional and Cognitive Outcomes: Does the Age of Exposure Matter?
In this study we revisit the impact of conditional cash transfers (CCTs) on child development, with an emphasis on the role of the age of exposure. We use longitudinal data from a unique paired-siblings sample of Peruvian children (the Young Lives study) to evaluate whether Juntos, a large-scale CCT implemented in Peru since 2005, has […]
Accessing Higher Education in Developing Countries: Panel Data Analysis from India, Peru, and Vietnam
We use unique individual-level panel data from India (Andhra Pradesh), Peru, and Vietnam on a cohort of individuals surveyed from the age of 8 years to 19 years to study factors affecting enrolment in higher-education in these middle-income countries. We document (a) that similar to nationally representative data, the proportion having accessed higher-education at this […]
Impacto de Educación Inicial Sobre Desempeño Académico
El Ministerio de Educación del Perú (MINEDU) lleva implementando en los últimos 5 años una ambiciosa campaña de expansión de la educación inicial, con el propósito de cerrar brechas en acceso a educación temprana. El objetivo de incrementar el acceso a educación inicial es mejorar la preparación de los estudiantes al ingresar a primaria a […]
Impacts of the Peruvian conditional cash transfer program on women empowerment: a quantitative and qualitative approach
This study aims to identify the effects of the conditional cash transfer program of Peru, Juntos, on women’s empowerment. Although the program does not envisage women’s welfare as an objective per se, women play a key role as they are the main recipients of the cash transfer and are responsible for compliance with the program’s conditions and thus […]
Impact Evaluation of the Job Youth Training Program Projoven
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El gasto público en infancia y niñez en América Latina y el Caribe ¿Cuánto y cuán efectivo?
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Natural resources, redistribution and human capital formation
How do resource booms affect human capital accumulation? The authors exploit time and spatial variation generated by the commodity boom across local governments in Peru to measure the effect of natural resources on human capital formation. The authors explore the effect of both mining production and tax revenues on test scores, finding a substantial and […]
Evaluación de diseño e implementación del Bono de Incentivo al Desempeño Escolar del Ministerio de Educación
El objetivo de este documento es realizar una apreciación sistemática y objetiva sobre el diseño y la implementación del Bono de Incentivo al Desempeño Escolar (BDE) otorgado en su primer año de implementación (2014). En base a este análisis se busca conocer si la estrategia propuesta y los procesos a través de los cuales se […]
Evaluación del diseño y proceso de implementación del modelo de Jornada Escolar Completa (JEC) para educación secundaria a nivel nacional
Presenta los hallazgos de la evaluación cualitativa del diseño y la implementación de la Jornada Escolar Completa-JEC. El objetivo del estudio es proporcionar información útil, identificando cuellos de botella y espacios de mejora para incrementar la eficiencia y eficacia de la intervención. El análisis fue realizado a partir de entrevistas realizadas a funcionarios del MINEDU, […]
Education Aspirations among Young People in Peru and their Perceptions of Barriers to Higher Education
Results from the Young Lives survey show the existence of a gap between young people’s aspirations for higher education and their actual chances of accessing this level of education. This paper uses qualitative information from Young Lives in order to gain a deeper understanding of young people’s aspirations as well as their perceptions of the […]