Chávez I., C. (2022). Reforma Universitaria y aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación superior en el Perú. En M. V. Sordini  (Comp.), Hacer políticas sociales. Estudios sobre experiencias de implementación y gestión en América Latina (pp. 229-257). Buenos Aires: Estudios Sociológicos Editora.

The author presents the process of “university reform” in the Peruvian experience and delves into the creation of the National Superintendence of University Higher Education (SUNEDU). In particular, she discusses the institutional impact that this intervention had on the university system and on educational policy. The processes of institutional evaluation and supervision led to the (re)ordering of the system and a new model of institutional governance. This has been possible thanks to the enactment of the new university law, law 30220, in July 2014; which, among other things, allowed the creation of an autonomous and technical superintendence in the regulation of the educational service, as well as the generation of an institutional environment that generates specific public policies for the sector. In this journey, the author reconstructs the institutional processes, exploring evidence on university impact on some aspects of educational quality and describes the content of regulatory instruments and policies for university education in Peru. The final reflections outline the challenges that both SUNEDU and the higher education governance system will have to face in the coming years in the area of deepening and institutionalizing the achievements of the reform, with a view to the sustainability and efficiency of the system.