Descentralización, organismos intermedios y equidad educativa: un estudio de casos de las Unidades de Gestión Educativa Local – UGEL
La obra contiene un diagnóstico del estado actual del sistema educativo de Perú, análisis realizado a través de una evaluación de su marco normativo y de los procesos de descentralización.
Enhancing income opportunities for the rural poor: the benefits of rural roads
Key rural infrastructure investments can have a long lasting impact on the poor if they are able to open and sustain new market opportunities.
The constitution of political actors: peasant communities, mining and mobilization in Bolivian and Peruvian Andes
The processes through which Andean communities have constituted themselves as political actors in the last decade: how they have appropriated and created spaces for mobilization while gaining unexpected political agency in t
Young Lives: Peru Round 2 Survey
The initial findings from the second round of data collection in Peru between late 2006 and early 2007. It provides a broad outline of key child poverty indicators, as well as changes that have taken place since the first round of research in 2002.