Derechos humanos y gobernabilidad democrática: oportunidades para la cooperación canadiense en el Perú
This study has two central objectives. The first is to offer an overview of the human rights situation in the country, and of the public policies that protect and promote them. In particular, attention has been paid to the scenarios related to the transitional justice process (in terms of the guidelines of the Truth and […]
Desarrollo rural en la sierra: aportes para el debate
Una mirada amplia y plural acerca de la cuestión del desarrollo rural en la sierra peruana sobre la base del trabajo realizado en el marco de la Red de Investigación sobre Desarrollo Rural de la Sierra.
Reformas pendientes en la educación secundaria
Los estudios presentados fueron desarrollados en el marco de las actividades del tercer concurso del Fondo de Investigaciones Educativas gestionado por PREAL con apoyo del Banco Mundial por medio de GDN.
Public-private research, development, and innovation in Peru
This study examines institutional policies for innovation and research and development in Peru by assessing their effect on the performance of firms.
Psychometric characteristics of cognitive development and achievement instruments in Round 2 of Young Lives
Young Lives (YL) is a long-term international research project about childhood poverty based at the University of Oxford that integrates cutting edge research with local, national