Does the cradle set the opportunities and educative achievement? A look to the Peruvian case
En este documento se usan datos del estudio longitudinal Niños del Milenio para analizar si las oportunidades de aprendizaje (ODA) en matemática de los estudiantes se asocian al NSE y al rendimiento.
Does participatory budgeting have an effect on the quality of public services? The case of Peru’s water and sanitation sector
Since 2004 the government of Peru has implemented a process of participatory budgeting (PB), which is mandatory for every sub-national government. We analyze the link from PB to coverage and water service quality indicators. We find no statistically significant relationship between PB and our measures of coverage and service continuity, regardless of whether the outcome […]
Does participatory budgeting have an effect on the quality of public services? The case of Peru’s water and sanitation sector
Since 2004 the government of Peru has implemented a process of participatory budgeting (PB), which is mandatory for every sub-national government. We analyze the link from PB to coverage and water service quality indicators. We find no statistically significant relationship between PB and our measures of coverage and service continuity, regardless of whether the outcome […]
Equity in health and health care in Peru, 2004-2008
Este estudio evalúa si las recientes tendencias económicas positivas y las políticas de salud pro-pobres han logrado mayor equidad en la salud, y explora los factores claves que explican este cambio.
Latin America’s Institutional and Regulatory Innovations for Microfinance Growth
This Brief provides an overview to the Latin American experience in regulating MFIs, covering the history of microfinance regulation in the region and the positive effects it has had on the sector’s current performance.
Profit-based versus Production-based Tax Regimes: Latin America’s Experience
This Brief uses the examples of Peru and Chile to highlight Latin American experiences when migrating from production-based to profit-based tax regimes, in particular arguing that profit-based regimes seem to be the best choice in the current Latin American context of a mining boom.
Madres e hijas maltratadas: La transmisión intergeneracional de la violencia doméstica en el Perú
Se revisó empíricamente la persistencia intergeneracional de la violencia doméstica sobre un análisis de regresión de probabilidad controlado por variables asociadas a las características personales, culturales y del entorno de residencia de la encuestada.
Expanding microfinance in Latin America’s rural areas
This brief begins by discussing microfinance’s impacts in rural areas, presenting evidence on rural poverty as well as on microfinance’s positive effects on consumption and investment in education.
Effectiveness and Spillovers of online sex education: evidence from a randomized evaluation in Colombian public schools
En una evaluación aleatoria en Colombia, se encontró un curso en linea de salud sexual que conduce a impactos significativos en el conocimiento y actitudes de los adolescentes y, para aquellos sexualmente activos, menos ETS.
Latin America’s Rural Family Farmers: Evolutions in Access to Markets and Rural Income Structure
This Brief takes a closer look at these two key evolutions, assessing the impact on small farmers and some of the driving forces, in particular by analysing the liberalisation policies of the 1990s and 2000s that played a strong role in driving forward these changes.