Agricultura familiar en tiempos de crisis en Perú: diagnósticos y recomendaciones
The purpose of this study is to assess the impacts of the global agrifood crisis on Peruvian family farming, as well as the policy responses and possible alternatives to address it, from the view of agrarian organizations and from a fiscal justice, food and climate perspective. This document presents a comprehensive, quantitative and qualitative assessment […]
Resilience in the time of a pandemic: developing public policies for ollas comunes in Peru
The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has created economic, social, and food security crises in many countries throughout the world. Faced with growing hunger in Peru, and the government’s delayed and inadequate reaction, the most important response came from the citizens themselves, particularly the women, in the form of thousands of social care initiatives known as ollas […]
Pantallazo a la violencia de género: redes sociales y ciber violencia en relaciones sexo-afectivas entre adolescentes
Este estudio busca explicar el rol de las redes sociales en la ciberviolencia de género en relaciones sexo-afectivas entre adolescentes de una institución educativa en San Juan de Lurigancho (Lima). Se realiza un estudio de caso cualitativo, utilizando un cuestionario descriptivo, grupos de discusión y entrevistas con estudiantes de cuarto de secundaria. El estudio concluye […]
Nudging microentrepreneurs under fire: Experimental evidence from favelas in Rio de Janeiro
Do behavioral biases and the distortions generated by the presence of organized crime limit microentrepreneurs’ adoption of growth-oriented business practices? We explore this question in a field experiment with informal microentrepreneurs in which we provide informational visits and text messages about the advantages and convenience of a formalization program. All microentrepreneurs operated in Complexo Maré, […]
Soap operas and pro-savings attitudes in poor rural areas of Peru.
We wrote, produced, and implemented a randomized intervention of a five-episode soap opera focusing on attitudes related to trust and savings. It was shown to females living in poor and violence-scarred rural areas and who received the national conditional cash transfer. We find that one year after the intervention treated females significantly improve their attitudes […]
Edutainment, savings and dwelling-related assets in poor rural areas of Peru
We exploit a field experiment by Chong and Valdivia (2023) and test whether por women from rural areas in developing countries that are able to save seek dwellingrelated assets and find causal evidence that this is indeed the case. Furthermore, we also find that the older cohort of women, those aged forty and higher, also […]
Las habilidades cognitivas medidas durante la adolescencia predicen los resultados educativos: evidencia de Etiopia y Perú
Utilizando datos de Niños del Milenio (NdM), se investiga la asociación entre las habilidades cognitivas medidas a los 12 años y los resultados educativos medidos a los 15 y 20 años. Los y las jóvenes con mayores puntajes en memoria de largo plazo y memoria de trabajo mostraron mejores resultados en las pruebas de vocabulario, […]
Revisiting the stepping-stone hypothesis: Transitions from temporary to permanent contracts in Peru
This study seeks to gauge the extent to which temporary contracts function as stepping stones to permanent contracts and to distinguish intrafirm from interfirm contract conversions. Using 2012–2016 data from a Peruvian matched employer–employee database, the authors propose several measures of contract conversion and estimate duration models. Their findings show that only 7 per cent […]
Barreras para la integración laboral de migrantes venezolanos en el Perú: identificación y análisis de opciones de política
La población migrante venezolana presenta mayores niveles de desempleo y precariedad laboral (ej. informalidad laboral, menores ingresos) que sus pares nacionales. La literatura disponible y las entrevistas con expertos sugieren que existen múltiples factores o barreras a la base de esta problemática, las cuales se pueden clasificar en los siguientes grupos: barreras para la regularización […]
Do Political Preferences Affect Policy Learning and Uptake? Evidence from a Field Experiment with Informal Entrepreneurs
We examine whether political preferences affect uptake and learning about government programs in the context of Brazil’s Individual Microentrepreneur Program, which offers subsidized access to social security coverage and business-related incentives. We fielded a randomized intervention that provided one-on-one consultancy and assistance to informal entrepreneurs. Treatment increased formalization rates, but we found only weak evidence […]