Más que una guardería. El tránsito de Wawa Wasi a Cuna Más en Jicamarca
El estudio buscó comprender problemas de gestión de recursos humanos del Programa Nacional Cuna Más –sucesor del Programa Nacional Wawa Wasi– para implementar su propuesta de aprendizaje infantil temprano a las/os niños que acudían, en 2014, al servicio de cuidado diurno de Cuna Más en la comunidad campesina de Jicamarca, zona pobre periurbana (provincia de […]
Teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and mathematics achievement of students in Peru
After improving enrolment rates significantly, many developing countries such as Peru are facing the challenge to increase learning levels among students. Over the past few years, many researchers have turned to teacher-related variables as a way to better understand classroom processes that may help increase learning levels among students. In this study, we analyze one […]
Psychosocial competencies and risky behaviours in Peru
The authors use a unique longitudinal dataset from Peru to investigate the relationship between psychosocial competencies related to the concepts of self-esteem, self-efficacy, and aspirations, and a number of risky behaviours at a crucial transition period between adolescence and early adulthood. First of all, they document a high prevalence of risky behaviours with 1 out of […]
Del plan al proyecto urbano. Reestructurar la ciudad o las políticas públicas
Reflexión sobre la relación entre el contexto histórico, socio económico y político de la ciudad y las herramientas de planificación con que se opera. El capítulo busca advertir las especificidades del contexto peruano y, sobre la base de la experiencia de los proyectos urbanos integral (PUI), pensar el qué y el cómo de las herramientas […]
Determinantes de la fragmentación de la inversión pública urbana: evidencia empírica en los barrios populares de Lima
El artículo presenta una investigación empírica que analiza los factores sociales, políticos y administrativos que disminuyen la eficiencia y eficacia del Sistema Nacional de Inversión Pública (SNIP), lo cual tiene como consecuencia el alcance limitado y la inadecuada priorización de las obras públicas en los asentamientos humanos.
Otro urbanismo para Lima: más allá del mejoramiento de barrios
Conjunto de artículos que analizan, desde varios puntos de vista y disciplinas, los distintos aspectos involucrados en el desarrollo del área de proyectos urbano integrales del programa metropolitano Barrio Mío. Su principal aporte es mostrar y analizar el enfoque y la metodología concreta y completa con la que se abordó —y se podría abordar— el urbanismo en […]
Social media instruments and the promotion of financial inclusion in peruvian rural areas
This study seeks to evaluate the use of short soap operas as a mechanism to promote the use of formal savings accounts among poor rural women that have been secularly excluded from healthy interactions with the formal financial sector. The authors developed a short soap opera (telenovela), named Josefa, which transmitted pro-savings messages using characters […]
Collective land rights: an essential asset for Pastoral communities in order to sustain their livelihoods and the environment in the Andean Altiplano
Considering communal or condominium land tenure regimes enable sustainable pastoral production systems, public policy should be re-oriented to support pastoralist families’ collective land right access.
Promoting prenatal health care in poor rural areas through conditional cash transfers: evidence from JUNTOS in Peru
The authors assess the effects of JUNTOS, a conditional cash transfer program targeted to poor rural households in Peru, on the utilization of prenatal health care by women exposed to the program during their most recent pregnancy. They implement a difference-in-differences estimation technique to uncover the effects of JUNTOS on the utilization of prenatal health […]
Instituciones, normas sociales y comportamiento
Are institutions having the effect that we intended? In recent years, the economics literature has revealed the role that incentives and non-material motivations play in affecting the behavior of economic agents. While some actions are performed due to their intrinsic value, some are carried out because of the information they convey about the actor, and […]