Savings Groups Reduce Vulnerability, but Have Mixed Effects on Financial Inclusion
This paper evaluates the impact of the introduction of savings groups on poverty, vulnerability, and financial inclusion outcomes in rural Peru. Using a cluster randomized control trial and relying on both survey and administrative records, researchers investigate the impact of savings groups after more than two years of exposure. The authors find that savings groups […]
Savings Groups Reduce Vulnerability, but have Mixed Effects on Financial Inclusion
This paper evaluates the impact of the introduction of savings groups on poverty, vulnerability, and financial inclusion outcomes in rural Peru. Using a cluster randomized control trial and relying on both survey and administrative records, researchers investigate the impact of savings groups over a two year period. The authors find that savings groups channel expensive […]
Hacia una nueva política de vivienda en el Perú: problemas y posibilidades
En las siguientes páginas se describe el problema general de la producción de vivienda en el Perú, y se plantean, de manera muy concreta y sucinta, varias posibles medidas de política que pueden ayudar a incrementar substantivamente la producción de vivienda—especialmente vivienda de interés social (VIS)—en el corto y mediano plazo.
The value of redistribution: Natural resources and the formation of human capital under weak institutions
Researchers exploit time and spatial variation generated by the commodities boom to measure the effect of natural resources on human capital formation in Peru, a country with low governance indicators. Combining testscores from over two million students and district-level administrative data of mining taxes redistributed to localgovernments, they find sizable effects on student learning from […]
The dynamics of the Peruvian labor market: job creation and destruction and destruction of jobs and worker flows
Peruvian labor analysis has focused mainly on its static dimension. Thus, the focus has been on indicators such as the number of jobs generated; unemployment, occupation or participation rates; job allocation by sector or formality, of unemployment, occupation or participation; the allocation of work according to sectors or formality condition. These indicators provide a view […]
Survey attrition after 15 years of tracking children in four developing countries: The Young Lives study
Young Lives (YL) is a multicountry, birth cohort study that, over a period of 15 years, followed nearly 8,000 individuals born in 2001–2002 and 4,000 individuals born in 1994–1995 in Ethiopia, India (states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana), Peru, and Vietnam. This study aims to document attrition in the YL samples, to identify the correlates […]
The coronavirus pandemic and its challenges to women’s work in Latin America
The coronavirus pandemic has spread throughout the world and Latin America has not been exempt from its health, economic and social impacts. The economic shutdown, as a result of a combination of stringent measures (self-quarantines, mandatory lockdowns, limited capacity in shops, factories and offices, border closures, etc.), is having a profound economic and social impact. […]
Acceso a dispositivos y habilidades digitales de dos cohortes en el Perú
The technical note on which this policy brief is based details the construction of two indicators: basic computer skills and basic internet skills. This document also explores the determinants of access and digital skills in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam. However, this publication focuses on the findings for Peru.
El coronavirus y los retos para el trabajo de las mujeres en América Latina
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a sudden economic shutdown. How has this situation affected the work of women in Latin America? The answer to this question demands a policy focus on the differentiated impacts between women and men. With this, it is necessary to avoid generalized formulas that eventually deepen gender gaps. This document explores […]
Entendiendo la paradoja de la maternidad adolescente en Lima Metropolitana: Un análisis de los efectos de vecindario en el 2013
During the last 35 years, teenage childbearing rate in Metropolitan Lima has not decreased, despite the fact that the capital city has greater access to public services and better economic opportunities than other regions of Peru. In this paper, this apparent paradox is analyzed based on an exploratory analysis of neighborhood effects for 2013. Specifically, through […]