Las políticas y programas que no se diseñan explícitamente para promover equidad aumentan la inequidad. Una hipótesis para el Perú
About the book: This volume brings together 23 essays that address from different perspectives and in different textual registers (from the free essay to a format close to the academic article) central problems of contemporary Peruvian education with a common purpose: to suggest ways to introduce substantive modifications that allow, for on the one hand, […]
Masificación educativa y diversificación institucional. Discursos y diseños organizacionales en universidades privadas de bajo costo en el Perú
This research addresses the phenomenon of the low-cost private university (UPBC) in Peru, analyzing the institutional discourses of two case studies, as well as the educational narratives of its students. Two research questions are posed, the first of a descriptive nature that seeks to know how their educational actors are and from what paradigms they […]
Cohort Profile Update: The Young Lives study
• Young Lives is a longitudinal study tracking two cohorts of children in four low-and-middle-income countries [Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam]. • The survey started in 2002 and three rounds were completed by 2009. Two further rounds took place in 2013 (round 4) and 2016 (round 5). Most recently the round planned for 2020 was […]
Políticas de protección social y laboral en el Perú. Una espiral de buenas intenciones, malos resultados y peores respuestas
The legislation stipulates that, with some exceptions, all workers and their family members are covered by a social safety net that is financed by contributions from employers and workers. This legislation, to a large extent, is violated and to another extent has exceptions. As a result, most workers do not enjoy contributory social protection. The […]
El derecho a estudiar: Inclusión de niñas, niños y adolescentes migrantes venezolanos al sistema educativo peruano
Perú es, después de Colombia, el país a donde más familias venezolanas han emigrado en búsqueda de nuevas oportunidades. Al ingresar al país, las niñas, niños y adolescentes venezolanos y sus familias se enfrentan a situaciones de vulnerabilidad social debido a su condición de personas migrantes. Si bien el Estado peruano ha hecho importantes esfuerzos […]
The Evolution of Young People’s Mental Health during COVID-19: Evidence from four Low-and-Middle-Income-Countries
Aunque COVID-19 presenta menos riesgo de morbilidad o mortalidad grave para los jóvenes, la crisis económica resultante ha afectado sus medios de subsistencia. Hay relativamente poca evidencia sobre la salud mental de los jóvenes en los países de ingresos bajos y medios (LMIC) a medida que avanza la pandemia. Dos encuestas telefónicas consecutivas (agosto/octubre y […]
The slow development process of educational policies in Peru
This book synthesizes and analyzes the complex map of educational reforms in Latin America in the first two decades of the 21st century. The book offers insights into the agendas, processes and political economy of educational reforms in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. The chapters present systematic, critical and reflective accounts of an intense […]
Aprendiendo matemática de manera divertida desde el hogar: factores asociados al uso de la plataforma online Conecta Ideas
El objetivo de la investigación consiste en analizar los factores asociados al uso en el hogar de la plataforma online “Conecta Ideas” por parte de estudiantes de 4to de primaria de instituciones públicas de Lima Metropolitana en el año 2019. El estudio se basa en un Modelo de Aceptación de Tecnología (TAM), el cual predice […]
¿Qué diferencia hacen las escuelas? Un estudio de métodos mixtos en colegios secundarios del Perú
The study on which this policy document is based analyzes which factors are associated with good results of students in public secondary educational institutions (IE), despite their adverse socioeconomic condition. For this purpose, a mixed methods design is used that follows a sequential explanatory model, which allows us to explore the effect of different types […]
What difference do schools make? A mixed methods study in secondary schools in Peru
This study contributes to the scarce literature on school effectiveness in secondary education in Peru by addressing the following questions: i) which educational processes within schools are most influential in math and reading comprehension? and in the case of the most effective schools, ii) what is the importance that principals, teachers, and students place on […]