Educación superior en tiempos de pandemia. Una aproximación cualitativa a las trayectorias educativas de las y los jóvenes de NdM en el Perú
In recent years, university education has experienced a significant increase in Peru. Sánchez, Favara and Porter (2021b) point out that, according to the Educational Quality Statistics Unit (Escale) of the Ministry of Education (Minedu), the gross attendance rate in higher education went from 38% to 77% among the years 2001 and 2019 (for young people […]
Política de protección social y laboral en el Ecuador
How effective is the social protection system in Ecuador to protect the population against various risks? What is its redistributive impact and how much does it contribute to reducing inequality? What effects does it have on productivity? These are the central questions that guide this analysis, in which some answers are tested based on the […]
Políticas de protección social y laboral en la República Dominicana
Social protection in the Dominican Republic results from a combination of social security programs in contributory and non-contributory modalities, labor regulations regarding job stability and minimum wages for a subset of workers, as well as anti-poverty programs. The contributions to the contributory modality and the costs of formal contracting vary according to the sector and […]
Políticas de protección social y laboral en el Perú. Una espiral de buenas intenciones, malos resultados y peores respuestas
The legislation stipulates that, with some exceptions, every worker and their family members are covered by a social safety net that is financed by contributions from employers and workers. This legislation, to a large extent, is violated; and, to another extent, it has exceptions. As a result, most workers do not enjoy contributory social protection. […]
Does context matter? Examining robbery reporting in a high crime country
Most empirical studies that examine why individuals report property crimes to the police have focused on Global North countries where crime rates are low. This study is situated in the most violent area of the world, Latin America, and examines Peru, which has the highest robbery victimization rate in the Americas. This article examines the […]
The Challenges of Inequality and COVID-19 for Young People in Peru: Evidence from the Listening to Young Lives at Work COVID-19 Phone Survey
This policy brief looks at the impact of COVID-19 on the lives of adolescents and young people in Peru as they transition into adulthood, focusing on how widening inequalities are hitting those from disadvantaged backgrounds hardest.
Mining and urbanization: Ways of generating water insecurity in Andean territories
Mining has historically facilitated urban growth, and water access in towns and cities has become one of the most prevalent and divisive of the unresolved problems surrounding mining. Urban areas in the vicinity of large-scale mining ventures endure chronic water shortages, and these areas often turn to remote water sources to meet their needs even […]
La reforma (im)posible: Enfrentando desafíos del sector educación 2018-2020
Martín Benavides recounts his history as a public server: first as head of SUNEDU (the National Superintendency of University Education) and then as Minister of Education. This is not an academic book, but a narrative, documented with interviews of the time, public documents and the reconstruction of events carried out together with collaborators.
Estrategias de cuidado infantil en familias vulnerables peruanas: Evidencia cualitativa de Niños del Milenio
El análisis de las percepciones de niños y niñas, y de las diversas situaciones que enfrentan familias urbanas y rurales que participan en el estudio cualitativo longitudinal Niños del Milenio (NdM), muestra que el cuidado infantil es una actividad familiar y femenina. Además, la precariedad económica en la que viven estos niños los expone a […]
Los caminos encontrados del financiamiento y la descentralización educativa en el Perú
In the early 2000s, Peru opted to establish a decentralized public management system. The Ley General de Educación of 2003 took up this commitment and established the guidelines for the decentralized management of education. In the 15 years that have followed, although there has been a process of transferring functions to decentralized management bodies, the processes […]