Innovación en el sector público
Innovation processes in the public sector are essential to generate new and improved services or goods, but also to reform and make the delivery process of existing ones more efficient. To this end, the government must be clear about the delivery model for these public services or goods, as well as the distribution of competencies […]
Políticas públicas e interculturalidad en el Perú: ¿cómo avanzar en la agenda de la identificación étnica desde el Estado?
Valdivia’s essay offers some reflections on the progress and challenges of interculturality in Peru based on the use of the ethnic variable in the formulation of public policie
La protección social en el Perú: estado actual y cómo marchar hacia el acceso universal
En este ensayo se busca resumir el estado de la cuestión sobre la protección social en el Perú, y sugerir algunos campos de acción concretos para avanzar en el diseño de un sistema que cubra a todos los ciudadanos.
Políticas de gobierno en territorios con extracción minera: cuestionamientos y oportunidades
The latest extractive boom, which to a large extent has been the driving force behind the country’s economic growth, has brought with it serious governance complications that are manifested in recurring socio-environmental problems. The rejection of the central government’s mining policies in extractive territories is significant and exacerbates the disaffection of local populations with respect […]
Reorganizar el Perú: ciudades intermedias y desarrollo
This essay addresses the discussion of “Lima centralism” and the enormous imbalance of resources and opportunities between the capital and the rest of the country’s cities. The lack of territorial planning and specific policies that promote the potential of each region generates inequalities and inefficiencies in the current growth model and, therefore, it is essential […]
Avances y desafíos en la prevención de la violencia contra los niños, niñas y adolescentes en el hogar: una deuda al Bicentenario
This essay focuses on the analysis of violence against children and adolescents in the home, where they spend most of their time and which is not always a safe environment. The authors highlight the limited progress of policies against violence against children and adolescents in the home. They explain that this is mainly due to […]
Una mirada crítica a las políticas públicas en materia de violencia de género contra las mujeres
This essay critically analyzes public policies focused on intimate partner and intimate partner violence against women. The central argument is that the policies have privileged a top-down approach and in doing so have homogenized the target groups, relied on general statistics to describe them, and neglected the subnational context in charge of implementing such policies.
Trayectorias educativas a lo largo del ciclo de vida: el rol de la pobreza, el área de residencia y las brechas de género
The paper documents the evolution of educational gaps throughout the life cycle, analyzes the links between poverty and gender gaps, and attempts to identify the factors that mediate this relationship in order to propose policy recommendations for children, adolescents and youth.
Los caminos de la exclusión: las transiciones hacia la vida adulta entre jóvenes urbanos vulnerables
This essay details the transitions to adulthood experienced by vulnerable urban youth. This is the most important transition towards productivity improvements, as young people should begin to apply the learning gained from their human capital investments in the labor market. However, one phenomenon limiting this realization is the high proportion of young ninis: neither studying […]
Reformas institucionales en educación. El caso de los avances en la reforma de la universidad peruana (2018-2020)
This essay discusses the progress of university education reform. It is impossible to think about improving productivity in Peru without quality higher education. Benavides’ work, based on his experience at SUNEDU and MINEDU, is a fundamental piece in understanding how these reforms can reverse the stagnation of productivity.