Chávez I., C. (2021). Masificación educativa y diversificación institucional. Discursos y diseños organizacionales en universidades privadas de bajo costo en el Perú (Tesis doctoral), PUCP, Lima, Perú.

This research addresses the phenomenon of the low-cost private university (UPBC) in Peru, analyzing the institutional discourses of two case studies, as well as the educational narratives of its students. Two research questions are posed, the first of a descriptive nature that seeks to know how their educational actors are and from what paradigms they construct their institutional discourses. The second, of an interpretative nature, seeks to understand the impact of these discourses on the construction of new organizational structures. The working hypothesis is that UPBCs have created a new educational discourse of credentialist education for the new social sectors that come to it, linking it with the expectations of social mobility of economically emerging sectors and with new educational capitals with respect to their generational family backgrounds. For this purpose, profiles of universities are established by levels of institutionalization, costs and regime, choosing two cases in which interviews were applied to authorities, managers, teachers and students. Likewise, an analysis of secondary information was carried out to learn about the characteristics of both the institutions and their students. This evidence was analyzed from an institutional approach, analyzing how the legitimacy of these narratives is constructed, their points of reference in the construction of their organizational identity as well as their connection with the expectations and narratives of the students themselves, finding that although both sides have points of convergence linked to the concern for social mobility provided by higher education, there are other dimensions such as the vocational dimension that the official discourse does not necessarily embrace.