Alcázar, L., Fort, R., Fernández, I. y Távara, F. (2023). Estrategias comunitarias contra el hambre durante la pandemia: experiencias y propuestas desde los casos de Perú, Uruguay y Chile. Lima: GRADE, 2023. Avances de Investigación, 42.

The objective of this paper is to analyze the resurgence of community initiatives in response to hunger during the pandemic in the Latin American region. It looks in particular at how they are emerging or growing, what their needs are and what role governments have played in response to them, focusing on the cases of Peru, Uruguay and Chile. Based on this analysis, the study seeks to provide policy recommendations to strengthen the role of these strategies in times of food crisis.

The paper is divided as follows: after this introduction, section 1 describes the phenomenon of the emergence -or resurgence- of cooking pots in the Latin American region and presents the rationale for the case studies in which it delves. Section 2 makes a comparative analysis of the three selected cases, identifying cross-cutting patterns and differences. Finally, Section 3 presents the policy recommendations arising from the analysis.