Portocarrero, G. y Chavez, C. (1999). Enseñanza de Sociología en el Perú: un estudio de casos. Lima: CIES. Investigaciones Breves, 16.

This study deals with how Sociology is taught in five universities that offer the degree in the country. We have chosen three universities in Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and Universidad Federico Villarreal; and two in the provinces: Universidad Nacional de San Agustín, in Arequipa, and Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo in Lambayeque. These five cases represent 58% of the 2,089 students enrolled in the specialty in 1999. Sociology majors at Universidad José Faustino Sánchez Carrión de Huacho, Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca, Universidad Nacional del Centro de Huancayo and Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno have not been included in the study. Despite this absence, unavoidable for reasons of time and budget, we believe that the set of selected cases provides a reasonably complete picture of sociologist training in our country. As will be seen in this study, the current controversy surrounding the teaching of sociology involves reasoning about the relationship between the academic and the professional, the theoretical and the applied, the scientific and the technical. Are these perspectives complementary or exclusive? To what extent can they be reconciled or do they necessarily have to confront each other?