Early childhood development: wealth, the nurturing environment and inequality first results from the PRIDI database
Year | : | 2016 |
Author/s | : | Aime Verdisco, Santiago Cueto, Jennelle Thompson |
Area/s | : | Education and learning |
Verdisco, Aime; Santiago Cueto y Jennelle Thompson (2016). Early childhood development: wealth, the nurturing environment and inequality first results from the PRIDI database. IDB Working Paper Series Nº IDB-WP-716. Washington, DC: BID.
This paper presents findings from the Regional Project on Child Development Indicators, PRIDI for its acronym in Spanish. PRIDI created a new tool, the Engle Scale, for evaluating development in children aged 24 to 59 months in four domains: cognition, language and communication, socio-emotional and motor skills. It also captures and identifies factors associated with child development. The Engle Scale was applied in nationally representative samples in four Latin American countries: Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru. The results presented here are descriptive, but they offer new insight regarding the complexity of child development in Latin America.