Cueto, S., Rojas, V., Dammert, M. y Felipe, C. (2018). Cobertura, oportunidades y percepciones sobre la educación inclusiva en el Perú. Documento de Investigación, 87. Lima: GRADE.

The national literature shows that the educational coverage of the population with disabilities is lower than that of the general population, and that educational opportunities are less than those of their peers. Thus, the right to education of this group is still limited.

This study contributes to enrich the information on the strengths and challenges of implementing inclusive education in Peru. Through a mixed design, the First National Specialized Survey on Disability (ENEDIS) was analyzed and interviews were conducted with different key actors in two regions of Peru.

It was found that only 52% of people from 3 to 18 years of age with disabilities have access to the educational system. The interviewees perceive that there are multiple barriers that hinder access to inclusive education -related to infrastructure, materials and others-, but the main one seems to be the human factor, especially related to the skills of regular basic education teachers.