Publications of Maximo Torero
GRADE places special emphasis on the dissemination of the results of its research through publications in various formats, aimed at both the academic public and public officials, political and civil society actors, university students, the media, as well as the general citizenship. Research Papers Academic publications prepared on the basis of reports from research projects or reflections of a conceptual nature related to GRADE’s work áreas. Its publication requires an external peer review process. Its publication format is usually only electronic. Research Progress Papers Publications of research work in progress. They are prepared on the basis of reports from research projects or reflections of a conceptual nature related to GRADE’s work areas. Its publication does not require a peer review process; however, they require internal approval and the external institution that requested the investigation. Authors can be both GRADE senior researchers and research assistants. Eventually, GRADE agrees to publish Research Progress by authors not affiliated with the institution, under the endorsement of a senior GRADE researcher. Its publication format is electronic only. Analysis & Proposals Publications with characteristics of a policy brief: aimed at a non-academic audience and with emphasis on its policy implications. It presents the main findings and recommendations of an academic investigation, accompanied by visual resources. Its publication format is physical and electronic. Books Institutionally affiliated books are written or edited by one or more GRADE researchers and go through a blind peer review process. Its publication format is physical and electronic.
Detecting Gender and Racial Discrimination in Hiring Through Monitoring Intermediation Services: The Case of Selected Occupations in Metropolitan Lima, Peru
Inspired by audit studies methodology, the authors monitored a job intermediation service in Peru to detect gender and racial discrimination in hiring. The authors capture individual racial information using the approach of Ñopo, Saavedra, and Torero (2007), enabling a richer exploration of racial differences. Overall, the study finds discriminatory treatment in hiring only when comparing groups […]
Guía para la elaboración de una línea de base de la minería a pequeña escala
Esta guía presenta los criterios de la metodología propuesta y aplicada originalmente en las regiones piloto (La Libertad, Pasco y Moquegua).
Public-private research, development, and innovation in Peru
This study examines institutional policies for innovation and research and development in Peru by assessing their effect on the performance of firms.
Asistencia docente y rendimiento escolar: el caso del Programa META
Impacto y efecto del programa de incentivos META implementado por el Ministerio de Educación para incrementar la asistencia diaria y la permanencia en clase de los docentes en algunas zonas rurales del Perú.
Investigación, políticas y desarrollo en el Perú
Este libro recoge las Mimeos presentadas en la conferencia Investigación, políticas y desarrollo, realidad en el marco del 25 aniversario del Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo.
Provision of public services and welfare of the poor: learning from an incomplete electricity privatization process in rural Peru
The results in this paper suggest that management of electricity firms by the private sector leads to a significant improvement in the quality of the provision of electricity.
Ethnicity and Earnings in a Mixed-Race Labor Market
The study examines the relationship between earnings and racial differences in a context in which various races have coexisted and mixed during several centuries, as is true in many parts of the postcolonial world and specifically urban Peru. Coarse indicators of racial differences do not suffice in capturing this relationship; therefore, the authors introduce a score-based […]
Más alla de los promedios: afro descendientes en América Latina: pobreza, discriminación social e identidad el caso de la población afrodescendiente en Perú
Se busca responder preguntas cruciales en torno a 3 temas: las percepciones de esta población sobre la discriminación y exclusión social; las características de su cultura y su identidad étnica; y su situación de pobreza.