Publications of Miguel Jaramillo
Guide to microfinance in Latin America
The Guide concludes with lessons that may be relevant for other contexts, as well as highlighting key publications and organisations related to microfinance in the region.
Does participatory budgeting have an effect on the quality of public services? The case of Peru’s water and sanitation sector
Since 2004 the government of Peru has implemented a process of participatory budgeting (PB), which is mandatory for every sub-national government. We analyze the link from PB to coverage and water service quality indicators. We find no statistically significant relationship between PB and our measures of coverage and service continuity, regardless of whether the outcome […]
Latin America’s Institutional and Regulatory Innovations for Microfinance Growth
This Brief provides an overview to the Latin American experience in regulating MFIs, covering the history of microfinance regulation in the region and the positive effects it has had on the sector’s current performance.
Expanding microfinance in Latin America’s rural areas
This brief begins by discussing microfinance’s impacts in rural areas, presenting evidence on rural poverty as well as on microfinance’s positive effects on consumption and investment in education.
El impacto del programa Juntos sobre la nutrición temprana
A&P basado en los hallazgos más destacados del estudio de Miguel Jaramillo y Alan Sánchez, publicado en el DI 61 de GRADE y en la Revista Estudios Económicos 23 del BCR, “Impacto del programa Juntos sobre nutrición temprana”
Latin American Innovations in Microfinance Technology
In Latin America, innovations in microfinance come not only from new technology, but by focusing on the people and processes making use of that technology, achieving important advances in scale and reach.
El impacto de la licencia municipal en el desempeño de las microempresas en el Cercado de Lima
Este estudio busca identificar el impacto de la licencia de funcionamiento municipal en el desempeño de las microempresas de Lima Cercado mediante un diseño de investigación experimental.
Ajustes del mercado laboral ante cambios en el salario mínimo: la experiencia de la década de 2000
Este estudio -que evalúa los efectos del salario mínimo sobre dos importantes variables del mercado laboral: ingresos y empleo en la década del 2000- muestra un piso salarial peruano que ha variado en la misma dirección que la tasa de incumplimiento.
Learning from CCT evaluations
This brief reviews evaluation objectives, key steps to consider in designing and implementing a rigorous CCT evaluation, and describes how evaluations have been used in the region.
Implementing CCTs: Lessons from Latin America
This brief presents four main steps in implementing a successful CCT programme, and in each, draws on the Latin American experience to highlight key issues policymakers should consider when creating an implementation strategy in other contexts.