Publications of One Hundred Years of American Primary School Mathematics: A Content Analysis and Cognitive Assessment of Textbooks from 1900 to 2000
Psychosocial Status and Cognitive Achievement in Peru
This paper presents the results of a quantitative analysis that measured the relationship between psychosocial status at the age of 8, and the development of cognitive skills four years later.
Early nutrition and later cognitive achievement in developing countries
This study uses longitudinal data from 8,000 children in four developing countries (Young Lives Survey) to explore the linkages between nutritional status and later cognitive achievement on preschool children.
Evolution of Gender Gaps in Latin America at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: An Addendum to “New Century, Old Disparities”
The paper complements the findings of Atal, Ñopo and Winder (2009) on gender and ethnic wage gaps for 18 Latin American countries circa 2005 by analyzing gender wage gaps for the same countries between circa 1992 and circa 2007. During this span the overall gender earnings gaps dropped about 7 percentage points, while the unexplained […]
Evolution of Gender Wage Gaps in Latin America at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: An Addendum to “New Century, Old Disparities”
The authors complements the findings of Atal, Ñopo and Winder (2010) on gender and ethnic wage gaps for 18 Latin American countries circa 2005 by analyzing gender wage gaps for the same countries between circa 1992 and circa 2007. During this span the overall gender earnings gaps dropped about 7 percentage points, while the unexplained […]
The Persistent Gender Earnings Gap in Colombia, 1994-2006
The authors surveys gender wage gaps in Colombia from 1994 to 2006, using matchingcomparisons to examine the extent to which individuals with similar human capitalcharacteristics earn different wages. Three sub-periods are considered: 1994-1998; 2000-2001; and 2002- 2006. The gaps dropped from the first to the second period but remained almost unchanged between the second and […]
Gender Earnings Gaps in the Caribbean: Evidence from Barbados and Jamaica
The authors analyzes gender earnings gaps in Barbados and Jamaica, using a matching comparisons approach. In both countries, as in most of the Caribbean region, females’ educational achievement is higher than that of males. Nonetheless, males’ earnings surpass those of their female peers. Depending on the set of control characteristics, males’ earnings surpass those of […]
La era de la productividad: Cómo transformar las economías desde sus cimientos
“La era de la productividad” describe de qué manera la baja productividad de América Latina y el Caribe impide que la región se ponga a la par de los países del mundo desarrollado. Los autores indagan más allá de las explicaciones macroeconómicas tradicionales y profundizan hasta llegar al nivel de las industrias y las empresas […]
Discrimination in Latin America : An Economic Perspective
The chapters presented in that volume adopt a variety of these methodological tools in order to explore the extent to which discrimination against women and demographic minorities is pervasive in Latin America. In chapter two, Castillo, Petrie, and Torero present a series of experiments to understand the nature of discrimination in urban Lima, Peru. They […]