Publications of El modelo de la caja municipal en Perú
El modelo de la caja municipal en Perú
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Expansión de las microfinanzas en zonas rurales de América Latina
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Innovaciones institucionales y normativas para el desarrollo de las microfinanzas en América Latina
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Innovaciones tecnológicas en las microfinanzas en América Latina
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Guía sobre microfinanzas en América Latina
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Industrias extractivas y manejo de conflictos
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Efectos del programa de transferencias condicionadas JUNTOS en el peso al nacer de los niños.
This paper assesses the effect of the Conditional Cash Transfer Program, JUNTOS, on neonatal health of children who were exposed to the Program while in utero. The paper also explores whether JUNTOS has improved the prenatal health care of pregnant women. Different estimation techniques are implemented, including difference-in-differences, maternal fixed effects, and instrumental variables approaches. […]
Fe y Alegria schools in Peru: analysis of the institutional management and pedagogy model and lessons for public education
Fe y Alegría constitutes an example of a privately managed education system funded on a shared basis. In Peru, schools enjoy high levels of autonomy to set their guidelines and make decisions. Two studies show that Fe y Alegría schools have better internal efficiency and performance indicators than comparable public schools. By using interviews with […]
Broken Gears: The Value Added of Higher Education on Teachers’ Academic Achievement
A growing literature establishes that good teachers are essential for high quality educational systems. However, little is known about teachers’ skills formation during their college years. In this paper we use a novel panel data set combining two standardized tests for Colombian students: one that is taken at the end of senior year in high […]
The changing governance of education: a comparative political economy perspective on hybridity
This paper explores the changing governance of education in two distinct contexts: England and Peru. While there are major differences between these two cases, the paper argues that a common agenda can be identified where an increasing degree of organizational hybridity is patent—where the traditionally distinct goals and rationales of public and private sectors are […]