Publications of Lorena Alcazar
GRADE places special emphasis on the dissemination of the results of its research through publications in various formats, aimed at both the academic public and public officials, political and civil society actors, university students, the media, as well as the general citizenship. Research Papers Academic publications prepared on the basis of reports from research projects or reflections of a conceptual nature related to GRADE’s work áreas. Its publication requires an external peer review process. Its publication format is usually only electronic. Research Progress Papers Publications of research work in progress. They are prepared on the basis of reports from research projects or reflections of a conceptual nature related to GRADE’s work areas. Its publication does not require a peer review process; however, they require internal approval and the external institution that requested the investigation. Authors can be both GRADE senior researchers and research assistants. Eventually, GRADE agrees to publish Research Progress by authors not affiliated with the institution, under the endorsement of a senior GRADE researcher. Its publication format is electronic only. Analysis & Proposals Publications with characteristics of a policy brief: aimed at a non-academic audience and with emphasis on its policy implications. It presents the main findings and recommendations of an academic investigation, accompanied by visual resources. Its publication format is physical and electronic. Books Institutionally affiliated books are written or edited by one or more GRADE researchers and go through a blind peer review process. Its publication format is physical and electronic.
El gasto público en infancia y niñez en América Latina y el Caribe ¿Cuánto y cuán efectivo?
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Impact evaluation and policy decisions: where are we? A Latin American think tank perspective
This paper by Jaramillo and Alcázar addresses questions that go to the heart of impact evaluation research: how much has the field achieved towards its goal of informing public policies, and which factors may have been furthering or hindering this goal? Looking primarily at its own experience, a Peruvian think tank, the Group for the […]
Impacts of the Peruvian Conditional Cash Transfer Programme on women’s empowerment: a quantitative and qualitative approach
The authors present the early findings from an ongoing evaluation that seeks to identify the impact of Peru’s Juntos programme on women’s empowerment. The study focuses on three empowerment dimensions: decision-making on household resources; freedom of movement; and gender roles and ideology (including perceptions of rights, rejection of male domination, and domestic violence).
Efecto de un suplemento nutricional a base de lípidos en los niveles de hemoglobina e indicadores antropométricos en niños de cinco distritos de Huánuco, Perú
This study aims to determine the effect of consumption of a lipid-based nutrient supplement (LNS) on hemoglobin levels, anemia and anthropometric indicators in children aged six to eleven months old in five districts in the province of Ambo in the region of Huanuco, Peru
Impactos del programa Juntos sobre el empoderamiento de la mujer
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Fe y Alegria schools in Peru: analysis of the institutional management and pedagogy model and lessons for public education
Fe y Alegría constitutes an example of a privately managed education system funded on a shared basis. In Peru, schools enjoy high levels of autonomy to set their guidelines and make decisions. Two studies show that Fe y Alegría schools have better internal efficiency and performance indicators than comparable public schools. By using interviews with […]
Inclusión social: diálogos entre la investigación y las políticas públicas
Esta publicación recoge el espíritu del seminario internacional “Cambios Institucionales para un Estado más Inclusivo” (julio de 2012), y apunta a lo más relevante y valioso de cada exposición, intervención y comentario.
Impacto económico de la desnutrición crónica, aguda y global en el Perú
Se estimó el impacto económico de la desnutrición infantil en dos horizontes temporales (incidental retrospectiva y prospectiva) para 2011, considerando los costos asociados a la desnutrición en salud, educación y productividad para la economía peruana.
¿Tiene el presupuesto participativo algún impacto en la calidad de los servicios públicos? El caso del sector del agua y saneamiento
El efecto de la participación ciudadana en las decisiones presupuestarias sobre la calidad del servicio público a través del análisis del vínculo entre el PP e indicadores de cobertura y calidad del servicio de agua y saneamiento en el Perú
¿Tiene el presupuesto participativo algún efecto en la calidad de los servicios públicos? El caso del sector del agua y saneamiento en el Perú
Se encuentra que no hay indicios que sugieran una relación robusta entre el presupuesto participativo (PP) y la cobertura del agua y calidad del servicio, debido a debilidades en el proceso del PP y rol de los involucrados