Publications of Land Use Planning for Extractive Industries
Land Use Planning for Extractive Industries
This brief presents land use planning as a tool to mitigate these risks.
Ecuador’s Yasuní-ITT: Rethinking the Conservation vs. Extraction Dilemma
Ecuador’s innovative proposal for not developing its Yasuní-Ishpingo Tambococha Tiputini (Yasuní-ITT) oil fields presents an alternative strategy for resolving the conservation versus extractive industry development dilemma.
From Expropriation to Social Licence: Accessing Land for Extractive Industries
This brief describes the key factors that have enabled this transformation, and provides examples to illustrate the main social licence strategies in use in Latin America.
Maximising Investment and Rent Capture Through Extractive Industries Investment Policies: the Latin American Experience
This Guide presents a concise introduction to the different Latin American policy models applied to promote development in the oil, mining and gas sectors, while at the same time, laying the foundation for sustainable economic development.
Learning from CCT evaluations
This brief reviews evaluation objectives, key steps to consider in designing and implementing a rigorous CCT evaluation, and describes how evaluations have been used in the region.
Implementing CCTs: Lessons from Latin America
This brief presents four main steps in implementing a successful CCT programme, and in each, draws on the Latin American experience to highlight key issues policymakers should consider when creating an implementation strategy in other contexts.
Improving Health and Education Through CCTs
This brief describes how Latin American countries have used CCTs to improve health and education, the results achieved, and lessons learned for improving health and education in other settings.
Efectos de las horas de trabajo infantil en el desarrollo de habilidades verbales y matemáticas
Aporte al debate en el Perú sobre la prevención y erradicación del trabajo infantil.
El gobierno de la educación en Inglaterra y Perú: una mirada comparada desde la economía política
Este trabajo explora los cambios que han redefinido las escalas en las que se gobiernan los servicios educativos, y los actores responsables, en dos casos particulares: Inglaterra y el Perú.
Equidad en la Diferencia: Políticas para la Movilidad Social de Grupos de Identidad. Misión de Movilidad Social y Equidad
Este documento de política se propone (i) documentar la evidencia existente sobre las desigualdades definidas por la pertenencia a un grupo étnico, la identidad sexual o una situación de discapacidad en Colombia, (ii) analizar las mejores prácticas internacionales y nacionales para reducir dichas inequidades y (iii), a partir de (i) y (ii), derivar recomendaciones de […]