Publications of El impacto del COVID-19 sobre la salud mental de jóvenes en el Perú
El impacto del COVID-19 sobre la salud mental de jóvenes en el Perú
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Estrategias comunitarias contra el hambre durante la pandemia: experiencias y propuestas desde los casos de Perú, Uruguay y Chile
The objective of this paper is to analyze the resurgence of community initiatives in response to hunger during the pandemic in the Latin American region. It looks in particular at how they are emerging or growing, what their needs are and what role governments have played in response to them, focusing on the cases of […]
Educational Pathways: Young Peruvians in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Young people have suffered most from the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America. The the pandemic constituted a highly complex scenario in which emergency remote and virtual education emerged as a useful, though not perfect, tool. This paper presents findings from the second instalment of a telephone follow-up study conducted […]
Propuestas de reformas para la integración laboral de la población migrante venezolana en el Perú
El mayor nivel de desempleo y precariedad laboral que experimentan los migrantes venezolanos, en comparación con la población local, se debe a distintas barreras que enfrentan para participar en el mercado de trabajo. Facilitar la regularización migratoria, retirar limitaciones para que micro y pequeñas empresas contraten extranjeros, expandir los servicios públicos de empleo para que […]
A drop of love? Rainfall shocks and spousal abuse: Evidence from rural Peru
We investigate whether exposure to rainfall shocks affects the experience of physical intimate partner violence (P-IPV) among women in rural areas of the Peruvian Andes. Using data from the Demographic and Health Surveys over 2005–2014, we track changes in the probability that a woman experiences recent instances of P-IPV after being exposed to a rainfall […]
Mejorando la empleabilidad de mujeres urbanas vulnerables en tiempos de pandemia en el Perú: evaluación experimental del componente de capacitación virtual en un programa de empleo temporal
Este documento evalúa el impacto de un programa de capacitaciones otorgado de manera aleatoria a beneficiarios del programa de empleo temporal Trabaja Perú (TP). Este experimento ofrece la oportunidad de examinar el impacto de la intervención dirigida hacia mujeres vulnerables en un contexto particular de alto desempleo como el generado por el COVID-19. El estudio […]
El impacto de JUNTOS en las habilidades cognitivas fundamentales: ¿importa la edad de incorporación del niño o niña al programa?
Utilizando datos longitudinales de pares de hermanos de Niños del Milenio (NdM), se explora la importancia de la edad de exposición inicial al programa JUNTOS en el desarrollo de un conjunto de habilidades cognitivas fundamentales. Los hermanos menores beneficiados por JUNTOS desde una edad temprana alcanzan mejoras significativas en la habilidad de control inhibitorio –es […]
Reforming education in the context of weak states: the political economy of education reforms in Peru 1995-2020
In this paper, we explore the political economy of education reforms in Peru through an analysis of the recent history of education policies in the country. Starting in 1995, arguably the inception point for quality-oriented reforms, we follow policy developments in three selected areas – curriculum, teachers and assessment – up to 2020, the year […]
Employment and wage effects of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes and front-of-package warning label regulations on the food and beverage industry: Evidence from Peru
Peru increased its sugar-sweetened beverage tax by 8 percentage points (from 17% to 25%) in 2018 and in 2019 imposed front-of-package warning labels on processed and ultra-processed foods and beverages high in sugar, saturated fats, and sodium or containing trans fats. We assess the pre-COVID-19 impacts of these two policies on aggregate formal employment and […]
Medidas de protección social del gobierno peruano en época de la Covid-19
In the current context, where the pandemic still persists, but whose health impacts are reduced by the increasing application of vaccines, it is important to analyze what the State has done to protect the population, especially children and adolescents, from poverty. This analysis makes it possible to assess the effectiveness and relevance of the State’s […]