Publications of Electrification and Educational Outcomes in Rural Peru
Electrification and Educational Outcomes in Rural Peru
The authors study the effects of electrification on educational outcomes in Peru by taking advantage of a program that rapidly increased electricity coverage in rural areas. Using household survey panel data from 2007-2010, we document that: i) girls living in treated districts are more likely to be enrolled in school, and this effect is larger […]
Impactos del programa Juntos sobre el empoderamiento de la mujer
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Las múltiples formas y efectos de la participación del sector privado en la educación
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Urgency and possibility: first initiative of comparative data on child development in Latin America
For many children, the circumstances of their birth and earliest years have lifelong consequences. Where and to whom a child is born can predict her economic and social outcomes later in life. Children born to parents who invest emotional and economic resources in their development tend to become healthy and productive adults, passing on the […]
El proceso de certificación del pisco peruano: una propuesta de medición de sus principales efectos
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Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru
With millions of women around the developing world thrown into self-employment but with low productivity, increasing the profitability of their businesses is highly relevant for poverty reduction and gender equity. This study evaluates the impacts of a BDS program serving female microentrepreneurs in Lima using an experimental design, that included two treatment groups: One received […]
Inequality in school resources and academic achievement: Evidence from Peru
This paper goes further in the discussion on the determinants of school attainment in developing countries. To properly estimate the effects of school resources on academic achievement, we need to take into account the large geographical inequalities in the distribution of school resources and the supply constraints faced by students living in poor areas. We […]
Extractive industries and local development in the Peruvian Highlands
During the last 20 years, the mining sector in Peru has been experiencing sustained growth. Using census, administrative, nationally and regionally representative data we compare districts in the Peruvian Highlands with a recent mining development with suitable counterfactuals. We find that the new mining activities attract migration inflows, and have some positive effects over educational […]
Productividad y tratados de libre comercio a nivel de empresas en Perú
We study the empirical relationship between free trade agreement and productivity in Peru by using a pseudo experimental model. Two productivity indicators, which are measured at the firm level are considered: labor productivity and total factor productivity. We find that firms involved in international free trade either as exporters and / or importers have systematically […]
La incidencia del gasto social y los impuestos en el Perú
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