Publications of Assessing Latin America’s Progress Toward Achieving Universal Health Coverage
Assessing Latin America’s Progress Toward Achieving Universal Health Coverage
Two commonly used metrics for assessing progress toward universal health coverage involve assessing citizens’ rights to health care and counting the number of people who are in a financial protection scheme that safeguards them from high health care payments. On these metrics most countries in Latin America have already “reached” universal health coverage. Neither metric […]
Transformación institucional y movilidad en la universidad peruana: el caso de las universidades gerenciales en sectores emergentes
In the last 20 years, the greatest change in higher education institutions in Peru has been the emergence of the private university as a protagonist in the sector. Within the latter, the majority are low-cost business universities, for-profit universities whose promoters are the so-called new entrepreneurs of education (sometimes owners of other pre-schools, schools, technical […]
Ausentismo docente en Perú: Factores asociados y su efecto en el rendimiento
The objective of this study is twofold. First, to describe how teachers’ and schools’ characteristics are associated with teacher absenteeism. Second, to explore the relationship between teacher absenteeism and student achievement (mathematics and language), after holding constant student, school and contextual variables. The study uses the Young Lives’ School Survey database which has information for […]
Redefiniendo territorios hidrosociales: control hídrico en el valle de Ica, Perú (1993-2013)
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Impact evaluation and policy decisions: where are we? A Latin American think tank perspective
This paper by Jaramillo and Alcázar addresses questions that go to the heart of impact evaluation research: how much has the field achieved towards its goal of informing public policies, and which factors may have been furthering or hindering this goal? Looking primarily at its own experience, a Peruvian think tank, the Group for the […]
Explaining spatial diversity in Latin American rural development: structures, institutions, and coalitions
This article summarizes the results of a research program conducted in 11 Latin America countries, addressing two questions: (1) what factors determine territorial development dynamics that lead to economic growth, poverty reduction, and improved income distribution? (2) What can be done to stimulate this kind of territorial dynamics? We highlight five “bundles of factors” that […]
Linkage to dynamic markets and rural territorial development in Latin America
Linkage to dynamic markets is a key factor in understanding why different rural territories in Latin America perform differently. This paper combines two conceptual frameworks (from the new economic geography and economic sociology) for an in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that operate in this linkage and to identify key factors that allow for inclusive economic […]
Conceptualizing spatial diversity in Latin American rural development: structures, institutions, and coalitions
This article is the introduction to a volume containing findings from a program conducted over five years in 11 Latin America countries, to answer three questions: (1) Are there rural territories that have experienced simultaneous economic growth, poverty reduction, and improved distribution of income?; (2) What factors determine these territorial dynamics?, and; (3) What can […]
The Reliability and Validity of Achievement Tests in the Second Young Lives School Survey in Ethiopia
This technical note gives details of the reliability and validity of the assessments used in the second school survey carried out by Young Lives in Ethiopia for the purpose of the construction of test scores on a common scale within each language for maths and reading comprehension. This document give details of the three-parameter model […]
Nivel socioeconómico, tipo de escuela y resultados educativos en el Perú: el caso de PISA 2012
El objetivo del trabajo es analizar el logro educativo de los estudiantes en las habilidades evaluadas mediante las evaluaciones PISA 2012, con énfasis en el nivel socioeconómico, la titularidad de la escuela (público o privado) y el sexo del estudiante, empleando un modelo multinivel jerarquizado que tiene en cuenta los efectos fijos y aleatorios a […]