Publications of Understanding teenage fertility, cohabitation, and marriage: the case of Peru
Understanding teenage fertility, cohabitation, and marriage: the case of Peru
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Los efectos de la violencia doméstica sobre la salud infantil de los niños y las niñas menores de cinco años en el Perú
This study aims to measure the effect of different variables related with domestic violence (violence against children, witnessing violence toward the mother, and violence against women) on child’s health (malnutrition and morbidity). Using the 2013 Demographic and Health Survey from Peru that gathered for the first time information on violence against children at individual level, […]
¿Cómo perciben los niños, niñas y adolescentes el rol del Estado? Reflexiones a partir de los servicios de educación y salud
This paper uses qualitative data from the Young Lives longitudinal study in the years 2007, 2008, and 2011. The aim is to study the perceptions of children and adolescents in rural and urban contexts from educational and health services in order to understand how they perceive the role of the Peruvian government. Moreover, due to […]
Los efectos de la migración interna entre el 2007 y el 2014 en el Perú: un análisis a nivel provincial
El propósito del presente estudio es estimar el impacto de los flujos migratorios en el Perú, sobre las zonas de origen y las zonas de destino de los migrantes. Se analiza el efecto sobre cuatro indicadores: el perfil etáreo de la población, la recepción de remesas, el nivel educativo promedio y, finalmente el valor del […]
El efecto de los procesos escolares en el rendimiento en Matemática y las brechas de rendimiento debido a diferencias socioeconómicas de los estudiantes peruanos
International, regional and national evaluations have shown that Peruvian students have serious learning deficiencies in math. Thus, in order to improve Peruvian education, it is key to identify variables of school processes that could ameliorate the educational results in terms of educational quality and educational equity. Using 2012 PISA datasets, we estimate a HLM with […]
Evaluación de impacto de la jornada escolar completa
Los bajos niveles de aprendizaje de los adolescentes en el Perú demandan la identificación de políticas educativas que logren, efectivamente, mejorar estos niveles y cerrar brechas. Este reporte presenta la evaluación de impacto de una ambiciosa política educativa, la Jornada Escolar Completa (JEC), que se empezó a implementar en el año escolar del 2015 en […]
Aporte de los gobiernos regionales en la gestión de una educación de calidad
La Asamblea Nacional de Gobiernos Regionales (ANGRl, presenta seis experiencias que corresponden a las Regiones de Amazonas, Moquegua, Piura, San Martín, Puno y Arequipa; las mismas que han avanzado en el desarrollo de sus modelos de gestión del servicio educativo, cada una con sus particularidades, respondiendo a escenarios y condiciones distintas, que tienen como elemento […]
Maternal depression symptomatology and child well-being outcomes: limited evidence for a causal relationship
The paper explores whether or not there is evidence for a causal link between maternal depression symptomatology and child well-being. Considering three rounds of data from the Peruvian Young Lives (PYL) longitudinal study sample, the paper explores this relationship by using the SRQ-20 instrument, which is typically used as a screening tool for common mental […]
Broken gears: the value added of higher education on teachers’ academic achievement
Good teachers are essential for high-quality educational systems. However, little is known about teachers’ skill formation during college. By combining two standardized tests for Colombian students, one taken at the end of senior year in high school and the other when students are near graduation from college, we test the extent to which students majoring […]
The “Blind” State: government quest for formalization and conflict with small-scale miners in the Peruvian Amazon
The Peruvian government is attempting to implement a formalization plan to deal with the chaotic expansion of small-scale mining activities in the Amazon. However, this plan has been contested, delayed and halted by local miners. Why exactly has it been so hard for the government to enforce a formalization plan in Madre de Dios? This […]