Publications of Violence in pandemic times: the dynamic relationship between COVID-19 and intimate partner violence
Violence in pandemic times: the dynamic relationship between COVID-19 and intimate partner violence
Intimate partner violence (IPV) increased during the COVID-19 lockdown, but few studies use national data and explore underlying mechanisms. To address this gap, we study the changes in IPV during the first ten months of the pandemic in Peru. We study the number of calls received by the national helpline for domestic violence victims, Línea […]
Late-childhood foundational cognitive skills predict educational outcomes through adolescence and into young adulthood: evidence from Ethiopia and Peru
We estimate associations between foundational cognitive skills (inhibitory control, working memory, long-term memory, and implicit learning) measured at age 12 and educational outcomes measured at ages 15 and 19–20 in Ethiopia and Peru, using the Young Lives data. The estimates adjust for rich sets of controls and include measurements of children’s baseline abilities. For a […]
Streaking to success: the effects of highlighting streaks on student effort and achievement
We examine whether highlighting streaks encourages 4th to 6th grade students in Peru to increase their use of an online math platform and improve learning. Sixty thousand students were randomly assigned to receive messages that i) highlighted streaks, ii) provided personalized reminders with positive reinforcement, or iii) provided generic reminders, while others were assigned to […]
Beyond the surface: intimate partner violence typology and recent depression
Depression and intimate partner violence (IPV) are highly related. However, it is unclear what drives this relationship: the form of violence (psychological, physical, or sexual) or its severity. In this study, we first identify patterns of combined forms and severity of violence and then estimate the effects of IPV on depression. We use the DHS […]
Data matching: construction of COVID-19 – related variables for Young Lives Peru
This Technical Note outlines the COVID-19 matched dataset from the Young Lives cohorts in Peru created by the Young Lives team. The matched dataset combines COVID-19 administrative data with the extensive longitudinal data set from the Young Lives study in Peru. The authors document the steps taken to create a set of variables that measure […]
Unveiling barriers to women’s access to decent work in Peru.
Peru suffers from a serious gender inequality problem in the labor market that cannot be understood by considering employment rates alone. Rather, it is also necessary to analyze the conditions under which women participate in the labor market. This study seeks to identify economic, legal, and socio-cultural barriers that women face in accessing decent employment. […]
The association between state regulation and the increase in research productivity in Peruvian universities
In the eight years following the 2014 university system reform in Peru, there has been sustained growth in the scientific production of the Peruvian universities, evident by an increased number of publications in indexed journals compared to the pre-reform period. Using administrative data, the article investigates if the growth of scientific production is associated with […]
The role of active discussion in learning about uncertain technologies
The decision to adopt one technology versus another depends on how uncertain the decision maker views each technology. Attitudes towards risk (known probabilities) and ambiguity (unknown probabilities) have been shown to partially explain the observed sub-optimal level of adoption of agricultural technologies in developing countries. While social learning can help resolve associated information frictions and […]
Global exports draining local water resources: land concentration, food exports and water grabbing in the Ica Valley (Peru)
The agro-export boom is threatening the sustainability of water resources in many regions around the world. This is the case of the Ica valley in Peru, where in the last decades traditional agriculture has been replaced by big agricultural businesses to meet the growing international food demand. This has led to increasing land concentration by […]
La agricultura familiar en el Perú: retos y posibilidades para su transformación en el contexto de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS)
The main objective of the research is to identify and quantify structural factors that affect the performance of family farming in Peru and limit its transformation, so that farming families can achieve adequate and sustainable incomes over time. The specific objectives include estimating the causal relationships between structural factors and production and family income variables […]