Publications of Otro urbanismo para Lima: más allá del mejoramiento de barrios
Otro urbanismo para Lima: más allá del mejoramiento de barrios
Conjunto de artículos que analizan, desde varios puntos de vista y disciplinas, los distintos aspectos involucrados en el desarrollo del área de proyectos urbano integrales del programa metropolitano Barrio Mío. Su principal aporte es mostrar y analizar el enfoque y la metodología concreta y completa con la que se abordó —y se podría abordar— el urbanismo en […]
Social media instruments and the promotion of financial inclusion in peruvian rural areas
This study seeks to evaluate the use of short soap operas as a mechanism to promote the use of formal savings accounts among poor rural women that have been secularly excluded from healthy interactions with the formal financial sector. The authors developed a short soap opera (telenovela), named Josefa, which transmitted pro-savings messages using characters […]
Collective land rights: an essential asset for Pastoral communities in order to sustain their livelihoods and the environment in the Andean Altiplano
Considering communal or condominium land tenure regimes enable sustainable pastoral production systems, public policy should be re-oriented to support pastoralist families’ collective land right access.
Promoting prenatal health care in poor rural areas through conditional cash transfers: evidence from JUNTOS in Peru
The authors assess the effects of JUNTOS, a conditional cash transfer program targeted to poor rural households in Peru, on the utilization of prenatal health care by women exposed to the program during their most recent pregnancy. They implement a difference-in-differences estimation technique to uncover the effects of JUNTOS on the utilization of prenatal health […]
Instituciones, normas sociales y comportamiento
Are institutions having the effect that we intended? In recent years, the economics literature has revealed the role that incentives and non-material motivations play in affecting the behavior of economic agents. While some actions are performed due to their intrinsic value, some are carried out because of the information they convey about the actor, and […]
Cambio global, alta montaña y adaptación: una aproximación social y geográfica
The present study documents main advances in three areas: institutional, scientific knowledge production, and adaptation projects for confronting climate change in Peru. The analysis of a case study in the Cordillera Blanca brings to light the problems and constraints that can be faced by adaptation projects implemented under a sectorial viewpoint lacking sufficient scientific and […]
Minería, Estado y comunidades: cambios institucionales en el último ciclo de expansión extractiva en el Perú. Un balance de investigación
The most recent cycle of mining expansion in Peru has been characterized by dramatic growth in the mining sector and the proliferation of conflicts between groups seeking control of the extraction of natural resources and of mining income. What were the main institutional and political transformations that emerged during the last mining cycle? Can those […]
La carrera docente en el Perú
This chapter examines recent advances and the remaining challenges in the teaching career in Peru. We explore the conditions of those studying to become teachers: their initial training, job access, and working conditions as teachers. To do this, we review both the national literature as well as part of the Latin American literature, and explore […]
Magnitudes, determinantes y consecuencias de la violencia infantil en los hogares: balance de investigación y de las intervenciones existentes
This is an assessment of the research related to violence against children, as well as the most important policies and programs intended to prevent or reduce it. The document begins by presenting the main definitions on the subject, then analyzes the most frequently recurring risk factors. The consequences of childhood violence on health, education, and […]
Algunas reflexiones sobre los programas alimentarios y nutricionales: cambios y retos durante la última década
This article analyzes the state of nutritional and food social programs in Peru in light of what has been learned and observed over the past decade, and identifies the main challenges they still face. It follows from the study “Why do food and nutritional programs not work?” (Alcazar 2007), reviewing how these programs have changed […]