Publications of Mejor inversión pública para evitar más desastres: brechas y prioridades de infraestructura en los barrios vulnerables de Lima
Mejor inversión pública para evitar más desastres: brechas y prioridades de infraestructura en los barrios vulnerables de Lima
Documento de política que brinda aportes para el diseño e implementación de planes de infraestructura con enfoque territorial a través del análisis de las brechas y prioridades de infraestructura y calidad de la inversión pública de tres barrios urbanos vulnerables de Lima.
Can Teacher Training Programs Influence Gender Norms? Mixed-Methods Experimental Evidence from Northern Uganda
This mixed-methods cluster-randomized controlled trial examines the impact of a teacher-training program that aimed to promote positive gender socialization in the conflict-affected region of Karamoja, Uganda. The theory of change suggests that the education system and teachers can play critical roles in promoting positive gender roles and gender equality, which has important implications for peacebuilding. […]
Derechos colectivos sobre la tierra: Un activo esencial para la sostenibilidad de las comunidades pastoriles y el medio ambiente en el Altiplano Andino
Los regímenes de tenencias de tierra comunales o de condominio hacen posible la reproducción de modelos de producción pastoril sostenibles; por ello, las políticas públicas deben ser reorientadas para permitir a las familias pastoras el acceso a derechos colectivos sobre la tierra.
La trayectoria reciente y situación actual de la educación privada en el Perú
Como mostraremos a lo largo del documento, el sector privado de la educación es hoy en día en extremo diverso. En él coexisten instituciones educativas de alta calidad con otras de calidad dudosa, muchas de las cuales operan en situación de informalidad. Del mismo modo, los resultados alcanzados por el sector privado de la educación […]
Supporting the early childhood workforce at scale: The Cuna Más home visiting program in Peru
Early childhood development (ECD) policies and programs targeting young children and families, such as home visiting interventions, can positively impact a child’s development and lead to long-term health, education, and social benefits. These programs employ numerous professionals, paraprofessionals, and volunteers. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that it is essential for this early childhood workforce […]
El derecho a la alimentación en grupos en condición de vulnerabilidad
This study analyzes national policies to guarantee the right to food of vulnerable groups in Peru. This is based on the Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security (hereinafter “Voluntary Guidelines”), and Inter-American standards on economic, social and cultural rights. The research […]
El programa “Qali Warma” desde un enfoque de derechos humanos
This research seeks to approach the institutional design of the Qali Warma program under a human rights-based approach, identifying its constituent elements in order to be able to project them in future public food policies. In addition, the gaps or pending tasks for the full assumption of the approach will be pointed out. To this […]
Social protection systems and domestic violence in poor urban contexts: the case of San Juan de Lurigancho
In Peru approximately four out of ten women has suffered from any kind of violence from their partners. In spite of the development of a social protection system in the country, according to the DHS, only 25% of women sought help. This problem of lack of access to the social protection system might be related […]
The structural relationship between early nutrition, cognitive skills and non-cognitive skills in four developing countries
The author provides evidence about how skills are acquired during childhood. Early height is found to have an effect on cognitive and non-cognitive skills. The effect of early height on cognitive skills more than doubles that for non-cognitive skills. The impact of early height on non-cognitive skills is indirect.
Does participatory budgeting have an effect on the quality of public services? The case of Perú´s water and sanitation sector
This chapter presents a discussion of the effects of participatory budgeting (PB) on coverage and quality of public services in Peru. Using econometric techniques, the authors analyze the link from PB to coverage and water service quality indicators, showing that there is no evidence of a positive relationship. In effect, they do not find a […]