Publications of Understanding the Role of the Couple in Key Decisions and Actions of the Female Entrepreneur in Peru
Understanding the Role of the Couple in Key Decisions and Actions of the Female Entrepreneur in Peru
For this study, the author analyzed two variants of the question about the extent to which women evidence agency: women’s participation in making key business decisions and men’s participation in carrying out household chores in urban Peru. The objective of the analysis was to understand in a better way the relationship between women entrepreneurs and their […]
Urbanization Patterns, Social Interactions and Female Voting in Rural Paraguay
Researchers use a field experiment to evaluate the impact of two informational get-out-the-vote (GOTV) campaigns to boost female electoral participation in Paraguay. They find that public rallies have no effect either on registration or on voter turnout in the 2013 presidential elections. However, households that received door-to-door (D2D) treatment are 4.6 percentage points more likely to vote. […]
Maternal group participation and child nutritional status in Peru
Using data from the Peruvian sample of the Young Lives study, this paper investigates the association between maternal group participation and child nutritional status at the ages of 1 and 5 years. This study finds that the relationship between child nutrition and maternal group participation depends on the level of maternal education. In fact, maternal […]
Do Dreams Come True? Aspirations and Educational Attainments of Ethiopian Boys and Girls
Authors use unique individual-level panel data from Ethiopia to investigate the role of aspirations for human-capital investments. More specifically, they investigate how parental and children’s aspirations form and document the relation between early aspirations and educational attainment at the age of 15 and 19. Researchers find that aspirations are predictive of the number of year of schooling completed upon controlling […]
Los efectos desprotectores de la protección del empleo: el impacto de la reforma del contrato laboral del 2001
Cuatro de cada cinco relaciones laborales en el sector formal de la economía peruana están amparadas en contratos temporales. Esta proporción es groseramente superior a la de cualquier país de la OECD y también bastante mayor a la de cualquiera de los países de nuestra región latinoamericana. El objeto de este estudio es elucidar el rol […]
Inversión sin planificación. La calidad de la inversión pública en los barrios vulnerables de Lima
La mitad de la población urbana del Perú vive en barrios urbanos vulnerables (BUV) ocupados informalmente, expuestos a múltiples riesgos, y deficitarios en servicios básicos e infraestructura. Este libro busca medir la calidad de la inversión pública en BUV mediante tres ejercicios analíticos. En primer lugar, caracteriza los tipos de espacios urbanos en el país […]
Does Visual Acuity Have an Effect on Children’s Educational Achievement?
Inequity is an important issue for many international initiatives, including the current Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One aspect of inequity that has received little attention is the impact of disability on education. This working paper explores whether mild or moderate levels of visual impairment are associated with educational performance for 7 and 8-year-old children in […]
Problemas vinculados al cambio y variabilidad climáticos y modelos ejemplares de adaptación por regiones en el Perú
El presente informe describe seis problemas vinculados al cambio y variabilidad climática, así como ejemplos de proyectos ejemplares de adaptación y educación referidos a dichos problemas. En particular, se presentan los problemas vinculados a: (1) desglaciación, (2) escasez hídrica, (3) “heladas”, (4) deforestación, (5) inundaciones y (6) contaminación hídrica. El objetivo de la investigación en […]
Effects of lipid-based nutrient supplements v. micronutrient powders on nutritional and developmental outcomes among Peruvian infants
The objective of this article is to determine the effects of lipid-based nutrient supplements (LNS) on children’s Hb, linear growth and development, compared with supplementation with micronutrient powder (MNP). Regarding its design, the study was a two-arm parallel-group randomized controlled trial, where participants received either LNS or MNP for daily consumption during 6 months. Supplements […]
How do Latin American migrants in the U.S. stand on schooling premium? What does it reveal about education quality in their home countries?
Indicators for quality of schooling are not only relatively new in the world but also unavailable for a sizable share of the world’s population. In their absence, some proxy measures have been devised. One simple but powerful idea has been to use the schooling premium for migrant workers in the U.S. (Bratsberg and Terrell 2002). […]