Publications of Shallow pedagogies as epistemic injustice: how uncritical forms of learning hinder education’s contribution to just and sustainable development
Shallow pedagogies as epistemic injustice: how uncritical forms of learning hinder education’s contribution to just and sustainable development
This paper draws on findings from the JustEd study to discuss the shallow pedagogies that have emerged in Peru in the context of learner-centred and outcomes-based reforms that have been poorly implemented in a context with many limitations in terms of policy orientations, resources, and teacher training and support. These pedagogies promote little to no […]
Redes sociales y ciberviolencia en las relaciones sexoafectivas entre adolescentes
The study on which this paper is based examines the role of social networks in the experiences of cyber-violence in sex-affective relationships among adolescents in an educational institution in San Juan de Lurigancho (Lima, Peru). The findings suggest that certain characteristics of these platforms favor the continuity of gender-based violence in digital environments. Adolescent discourses […]
Pantallazo a la violencia de género: Redes sociales y ciberviolencia en relaciones sexo-afectivas entre adolescentes
This document presents the main findings and policy recommendations of the study “Screenshot to gender-based violence: Social networks and cyber-violence in sex-affective relationships among adolescents”. The research was the winner of the Research Contest “Prevention of Gender Violence in Peru”, co-organized by the Consortium for Economic and Social Research (CIES) and the Gender Studies Research Group of […]
El trabajo de sesiones de aprendizaje en aulas rurales multigrado: la experiencia del proyecto CREER
In our country’s multigrade classrooms, teaching and learning are woven differently than in conventional classrooms, which implies adapting educational practices to effectively meet the diverse needs and learning levels of students. In this article, Jessica Tapia, CREER’s pedagogical coordinator, discusses the project’s pedagogical proposal and shares reflections on the lessons learned in its implementation.
Edutainment and dwelling-telated assets in poor rural areas of Peru
We exploit a field experiment by (Chong, A., and M. Valdivia. 2023. “Edutainment, Savings, and Generational Differences in Rural Areas of Peru.” In Working Paper. Department of Economics, Georgia State University) and test whether poor women from rural areas in developing countries that are able to save seek dwelling-related assets and find causal evidence that this […]
Evaluating the efficacy of social innovation programming at advancing rural development in the context of exogenous shocks
In this paper, we design and deploy an experimental approach to evaluate the efficacy of a social innovation initiative implemented in rural communities situated in the highlands of Peru, which confronted the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in the midst of its implementation. Using three rounds of information collected before, during, and after participation, […]
Balance y pespectivas de nuestro trabajo con escuelas rurales multigrado
The authors share perspectives and scopes of the CREER Project. They address the work carried out with rural multigrade schools, highlighting the adaptations of the project in the return to face-to-face teaching, the strategies implemented for the recovery of learning and well-being, and the new collaborations to contribute to teacher training and rural education in […]
Long-term effects of early life rainfall shocks on foundational cognitive skills: Evidence from Peru
Global warming is changing precipitation patterns, particularly harming communities in low-and-middle income countries (LMICs). Whilst the long-term effects of being exposed to rainfall shocks early in life on school-achievement tests are well-established, there is little population-based evidence from LMICs on the mechanisms through which these shocks operate. Executive functions (EFs) are key for children’s learning […]
The long-term effect of a job training programme for youths in Peru
This paper evaluates the long-term impact of Projoven, a job training programme for vulnerable youths in Peru, on formal labour market outcomes. Covering a 10-year period, this evaluation offers one of the longest evaluations of a training programme in developing countries. Exploiting an experimental design and administrative data, we find that Projoven improved formal employment […]
Shocked into side-selling? Production shocks and organic coffee farmers’ marketing decisions
Peru is the world’s leading exporter of organic coffee. Peruvian organic coffee is largely marketed through farmers’ cooperatives which have helped small farmers transition to organic production, earn price premiums over conventional coffee, and access extension services and finance. However, rising temperatures, increasingly volatile rainfall patterns, and the proliferation of pests and diseases make organic […]